The Master of Elves

Chapter 401 The most solid backing!

Holiday dates for students in Elf University are not fixed.

After Yang Kaixin completed his final exams at Kyoto Spirit University, he returned to Jianghai and returned home.

There is no way that the word "failing" appears in her dictionary. In her opinion, there are only full marks and unsatisfactory marks.

Although all grades above 90 are 4.0, for her, a perfect 4.0 is the perfect score.

But she never expected...

Yang Kaibai actually failed the class in the first semester of his freshman year at Elf University.

The kind that even the teacher can't get.

What the hell did Yang Kaibai do this semester? !

At the beginning of September, the ghost event of Jianghai Elf University was held, and the ghost stone evolved.

In late September, exchange students from the Sakura area who were living a good life were beaten up at the Demon City Elf University, leaving them unable to stay for a day.

At the end of September, I went to Changshan Forest in Changshan to participate in the test of Uxie, the God of Wisdom. By the way, Changshan Forest has now become a native secret.

In early October, go to the secret realm of Lei Ming Ci Mountain and the big event of Lei Ming Lake.

Yang Kaibai had been disconnected from the outside world for two and a half months. By the time he left the secret realm of the Underground Abyss of Thunder Lake, it was already mid-December.

In early January, I came to Huacheng to participate in the Huacheng Winter Daily Youth Cup Gorgeous Contest and won the championship.

Even while relaxing in the secret realm of the Evergreen Forest in the Flower City, I picked up an ancient object that traveled through time and space - Majiana's lost soul heart.


The legendary White Demon King Yang Kaibai is like an ordinary child who has returned home with his elven companions.

Although I have to go back to school to make up for the exam in two days, but...

Home is home.

"Dad! Mom! Sister! I'm back!"

Yang Kaibai studied hard at school all afternoon.

If Yang Kaibai is the only person in the dormitory, there is a high probability that he will not be able to study, but...

There is Chirulian!

And it’s Kirulian with different colors and blue-grey hair!

Chirulian watched from the sidelines, watched, watched...

I can't say that I learned it in the blink of an eye. I can only say that I learned it faster than Yang Kaibai.

Learn advanced mathematics with Kirulian...

"Qilu! Qilu!"

"Come on, trainer, don't give up!"

Yang Kaibai found that advanced mathematics became popular again.

Hey, this feels really great!

Today is Thursday. Under normal circumstances, Xu Jingru should still be in Kyoto at this time, but after receiving a call from her son Yang Kaibai, she did not hesitate at all. After arranging the follow-up work at hand, she immediately took a flight from Kyoto. Returned to Jianghai.

Yang Kaibai said that there was something very important that he wanted to talk to his parents about. No matter what it was, since his son said it was important, Yang Xiaonan and Xu Jingru naturally believed him unconditionally.

Yang Kaixin and Yang Kaibai have grown up now.

In Kyoto Elf University, as the older sister, Yang Kaixin, she has always been stable, which makes Yang's parents and Yang's mother worry a lot.

Among trainers of the same age, Yang Kaixin's outstanding trainer talent, with the strong support of Yang's father and Yang's mother, is not as strong as the three trainers of the same generation, Qin Yu, Qin Feng and Qin Qingyun. let.

Such talent has already made Yang’s father and Yang’s mother very satisfied.

But when it comes to Yang Kaibai...

Yang's father and Yang's mother's mood was very complicated.

During the Winter Changqing Cup Gorgeous Contest, Xu Jingru was in the judges' seat, accompanied by Gardevoir, and witnessed with her own eyes the strength displayed by her son Yang Kaibai on the stage of the competition.

Although the gorgeous competition is different from the elf battle, Xu Jingru can still accurately judge that the strength of Kodak, Gyarados and Gengar definitely possess the strength of two-star elite elves.

If it weren't for the cultivation of the Round Land Shark, everything was within the normal and acceptable range, and it wasn't as outrageous as the Duckling, Gyarados and Gengar, Yang's parents would really doubt Yang Kaibai's "ingredients"...

As for the strange-looking Larulus, who is now Chilulian, even Xu Jingru would lament what kind of luck her son had...

There are very few wild Larulas, and those with different colors are even rarer.

From the beginning of the new trainer period, Yang's parents and Yang's mother had already begun to prepare a rare and precious beginner elf for Yang Kaibai. As long as Yang Kaibai wanted to obtain the elf, Yang's parents and Yang's mother could basically satisfy it.

But I never expected...

Yang Kaibai started from Kodakya and got to where he is now step by step.

Excluding this one colored fire chick, there is only the last spot left in the team of six fully equipped elves.

There is even a young Yukira in the secret world of the underground abyss.

By the way, Jiang Mo, the island owner of Jianghai Dragon Islands, also mentioned before that there is a fast dragon named "Little Pomegranate" there...

If you include the sword dance master Flying Mantis in the Huacheng Elf Welfare Home...

Could such luck as a trainer come from sacrificing the talent for learning advanced mathematics?

It's just that it's really a pity for the sword dance master Flying Mantis.

The lifespan of insect elves is short, and coupled with the impact of the disability of one arm, the possibility of evolving into a giant pincer mantis is basically cut off.

Unable to evolve into the Giant Pincer Praying Mantis, the life of the Sword Dance Master Flying Mantis will quickly wither after another one or two springs and autumns, reaching its final destination.

In the real world of elves...

There is no way to change this outcome.

There is sleet in the sky outside, and the gravel road in the yard is wet. On the windows of the warm room, you can see the hazy fog. The light in the restaurant shines through the foggy windows, giving off a yellowish warm light. It makes this villa look a little more cozy.

The family was sitting happily in the restaurant. Gardevoir in an apron was holding a spoon in the kitchen, and sisters Kirulian with green hair and blue-grey hair were helping.

Gengar also wanted to help, but its size was too big.

It’s so uncomfortable, ghost!

"Sister, you tamed a fire fox?!"

When Yang Kaibai saw the orange elf fire fox slowly jumping down step by step from upstairs, his eyes couldn't help but brighten.

Fire Fox is petite and cute. Just like its name, it is a fire-type fox Pokémon. It has a pair of big ears like a fennec fox. The outside is yellow. The hair in the ears is the same as the comb of the Lightning Chicken, which is orange-red. of.


When the fire fox came to Yang Kaixin, Yang Kaibai noticed at a close distance that there were some orange hairs on the fire fox's feet, as if he was wearing orange stockings.

"Yes, yes, this is my fourth elf partner. I conquered it at the fire gym in Yuhuo City! Come on, Fire Fox, eat the branches!"

"Yuhuo City..." Yang Kaibai murmured, and suddenly thought of something. Just as he was about to speak, Yang Ma answered from the side:

"Son, do you still remember Zheng Xiaoyan, the contestant with the Demonic Fire Red Fox in the Gorgeous Competition? She is the daughter of the fire gym leader in Yuhuo City."

Yang Kaibai quickly said: "Mom, I was just about to say it, of course I remember it."

The Fire Fox is Serena's elf partner in the anime. After evolving into the Demon Fire Red Fox, she performed very well in the gorgeous contest.

Yang Kaibai was still very impressed by the series of elven races such as Demon Fire Red Fox.

Fire foxes sometimes carry small branches with them and eat them as snacks, making them crunchy.

After this one picked up a branch from Yang Kaixin, it walked step by step towards the direction of the Lightning Chicken.

The fire attribute power of the Lightning Chicken...

Give the fire fox a sense of intimacy.


The Lightning Chicken looked confused as the fire fox in front of him placed the branch in its mouth in front of it. The fire fox in front of it seemed to be inviting it to eat the branch...

Brother Chicken eats branches, branches 666.

"Hey, Yang Kaibai, when did you tame this strange-colored fire chick?" Yang Kaixin suddenly reacted.

Yang Kaibai looked at the curious Fire Fox in front of the Lightning Chicken, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "We haven't reached that point yet... We are considered friends, but we haven't reached the stage of subduing him yet."

Yang Kaixin didn't know the true identity of the Lightning Chicken. In her eyes, the Lightning Chicken was just a fire chicken, and it was an elf with different colors.

"No wonder when I watched the grand finals of the gorgeous contest that day, the heterochromatic fire chicken didn't play..." Yang Kaixin said thoughtfully.

The Lightning Chicken hasn't fully understood what's going on with the fire fox in front of him, so he lets a chicken eat branches...

Is this the fucking river?

It’s true that I can’t fix the Lightning Chicken.

"Gu, Gu Gu."

The Lightning Chicken shook his head and said that he would not eat branches...

The fire fox looked a little disappointed. It didn't expect that the "fire chicken" in front of it, who had the power of the fire attribute, didn't like to eat tree branches.

Lightning Chicken's eyes drifted towards Yang Kaibai.

What about teammates?

What about teammates?


Yang Kaibai, save your chicken brother!

However, the only person who responded to Lightning Chicken was Yang Kaibai’s “Little Bear Spreading His Hands”.

This fire fox didn't do anything too extreme, sharing a branch with the lightning chicken...

It’s completely normal!

"Cuckoo, cuckoo."

Even if the Lightning Chicken wanted to bully, he would still bully those powerful elves, and bully a new-level fire fox...

Is my legendary Elf Lightning Chicken shameless?


When the Fire Fox heard the Lightning Chicken accept its branch, his disappointed expression suddenly became sunny.

Lightning Chicken:?

Isn’t this the dream monster’s method?

How come this fire fox can do it!


The Lightning Chicken felt that it was a mistake to become a heterochromatic fire chicken!

The dignified patron saint of the Thunderous Cishan Secret Realm wants to play a game with a newcomer-level fire fox at this time?

Might as well dance!

The fire fox looked at the "fire chicken" dancing in the living room with a confused face...

His eyes became brighter in an instant.

Okay, so disgusting!

Lightning Chicken only wants to say one word now.

Grass (a plant)!

"Plain water, you called my mother back today. There is something very important to say...what kind of thing is it?"

At the dinner table, Yang Kaixin started curiously.

Father Yang and Mother Yang looked at each other and were mentally prepared.

"Did you encounter something more difficult? For example, the secret incident?" Yang's mother's tone was still very gentle and cordial, and she continued slowly, "Son, if there is anything important, tell me slowly, your dad and I will , and your sister Kai’er will listen carefully.”

"Yes, be honest, be happy. In the real elf world, your mother and I are your strong backers!" Father Yang said in a deep voice.

At this time, Yang Kaibai looked at his sister Yang Kaixin, his mother and father, and was deeply moved. He felt the power from "home", which was warm and powerful.

No matter how heavy the wind and snow are outside, the home is still warm and cozy.

Yang Kaibai took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became serious, and his tone of voice became calm and solemn.

"Mom, dad, sister, I may have discovered some messages left by the legendary elves in the secret realm of the Evergreen Forest in Huacheng."

"Sister, don't get excited first, listen to me first."

Yang's father and mother Yang's expressions have always been steady, but her sister Yang Kaixin is different. She has seen relatively little of the world, and when she heard Yang Kaibai talk about "legendary elves", her expression became a little gloomy.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Yang Kaixin quickly covered his mouth and nodded vigorously.

The changes in her eyes and pupils had already betrayed her extremely shocked heart.

Huacheng Evergreen Forest Secret Realm...

Isn't that a very common "secret spot in Novice Village" suitable for some newbies to travel to?

The legendary elf...

How can it be! !

"Dad, Mom, have you ever heard of the elf that can travel through time and space? Its name is Celebi! Or, there is another similar pronunciation, Celebi!"

When Yang Kaibai said the name "Celebi", Father Yang and Mother Yang didn't have any big reaction at first, but when they heard Yang Kaibai added "Celebi" after it, the two of them looked at it almost at the same time. each other!

Yang Kaibai's heart shook violently.


Look at the reaction of parents, look at their eyes...

They must know something!

At the dining table, Yang Kaixin was probably the only one who looked confused.

The legendary elf, Celebi... Celebi?

It can... travel through time and space?

Real, really fake?

"Jingru, it seems that a prophecy mentioned by Aknom, the God of Will twenty years ago... may have come true!"

"Xiao Nan, it was twenty-one years ago now..."

Yang Kaibai heard his parents talking about "Aknome, the God of Will twenty years ago"...

It was his turn to be a little shocked.

The incident of Acrom, the God of Will...

Wasn't that the year when my parents went to the United States to participate in the 24th World Glam Competition?

Is it also related to Celebi? !

"Dad, Mom, can I ask, twenty years ago...Akonom, did it...say anything at that time?"

Yang Kaibai asked cautiously.

Yang Kaixin found that he seemed to be nothing but shocked...

This legendary peak game has a little cabbage mixed into it.

Father Yang's eyes gradually deepened, and in his expression, he began to recall the past: "Akonom once told me that Emrido, the God of Emotions, will accidentally awaken in the future due to a time-travel incident."

Yang's mother added: "There may be some unknown elf that needs the emotional assistance of Emrido, the God of Emotions."

Emotional assistance?

Yang Kaibai suddenly remembered it——

Magearna’s lost soul! !

Yang Kaibai had imagined it before.

Even if Wu Yuhan uses Hanhai Technology Group's life metal and high-tech technology to restore Magearna's lost soul...

That's just the restoration of the appearance.

The most important thing about Magearna's soul is always the soul with emotional power!

The real world of elves...

This is the best of times!

The gods of the lake take care of this world!

"Son, feel free to do what you want to do in this matter! Your mother and I are your strongest backers!" Father Yang said firmly.

"Xiao Nan, when will you, a one-star master trainer, go to the Elf Alliance to upgrade to a star..."

“Let’s wait until spring comes after the New Year!”

Yang's mother's tone was still gentle and steady, which made Yang Kaibai extremely reassured: "If you need help with anything, just tell mom!"

"Your mother and I are very powerful!"

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