The Master of Elves

Chapter 437 Dragon Dance Evolution! Break out, fanged land shark!

"The last second! The last second! The round land shark stood up, Lotto! The round land shark fell in the rain and mud, and stood up! It roared up to the sky, and what responded to the round land shark was the miracle of evolution. Light! Lotto!!"

"Evolve! Evolve in the midst of a desperate battle!"

"Friends in the audience at the scene, friends in front of the screen, listen - the rumbling thunder above the large open-air battlefield in the fourth division is the strongest response to the full bloom of life of the round land shark in our real elf world, Lotto!! "

The commentator of the Rotom drone was shouting hysterically in the venue with the most passionate voice at this moment!

Yang Yiling held her hand tightly at this moment.

Her expression was extremely complicated.

The round land shark evolves in the battle and on the verge of despair...

As an excellent trainer, she certainly hopes to see the scene where elves can fight and evolve in the battle between elves.

However, as the opponent of Yang Kaibai and Yuanlu Shark, she really didn't want to see such a miracle happen to Yuanlu Shark.


Yang Yiling could only sigh at this time.

From the moment she became a trainer, her good trainer character has always accompanied her growth.

The battle evolution that appears in Elf battles and waiting for the evolution of the opponent's Elf to be completed are the most basic qualities that a trainer should possess.

The moment Yang Yiling sighed, her slightly blinked eyes suddenly widened, and the next moment, the only expression on her face was one of shock!

"Roundland Shark, it...what is it doing?!"

After Yang Yiling struggled to say the three words "Yuanlu Shark", the tone of the words immediately rose to a shrill sound like a scream.

" danced in the field...could it, could it, could it..."

Yang Yiling's breathing suddenly became rapid, and she even felt like she was about to be out of breath and suffocated. An extremely terrifying thought completely occupied her mind at this moment!

"Dragon, Dance of Dragons?!"

In the elf battle arena, all the eyes of the audience were focused on the round land shark. However, what no one noticed was that in Yang Kaibai's preparation lounge, a heterochromatic fire chick sneaked out of his backpack. The window got out. If it hadn't been without hands, it wouldn't have been able to open the door...

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, go outside the venue to get some air, quietly summon some electrical power, and give the Round Land Shark some happiness. The main thing is not to be discovered... If this is in Thunder Lake, Gu Gu Gu..."

At this time, except for the surveillance cameras in the aisles of the venue, almost no one would notice that such a different-colored fire chick slipped out.

The Lightning Chicken walked struttingly.

Keep your head high.

It's a lightning chicken that's going to do big things, so there's no need to be sneaky!

Walking out of a world feels like a lifetime ago!

"The Round Shark, what are you doing, Lotto?! It started to perform a very mysterious dance at its feet in the Elf Battle Arena. Could it be that... the Round Shark is trying to use the move Dragon Dance? Lotto ?!”

The Rotom drone commentator was stunned.

"Round Shark? Dragon Dance? Rotom, what are you doing here? Among the dragon elves, Round Shark, Fang Shark, and Biting Shark cannot use Dragon Dance! This is common sense!"

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong. Look at the Round Land Shark in the Light of Evolution. Its evolution... doesn't seem that simple!"

"The venue seems to be dusty..."

"But the Round Land Shark really looks like it's performing the Dragon Dance in an Elf Battle Arena!!!"


In the sky above the large open-air Elf Battle Arena, a shocking thunder instantly struck in the direction of the Elf Battle Arena!

At this moment, the weak electrical power existing in the entire venue filled up instantly, became active instantly, and exploded instantly!


Familiar feeling...

The eyes of the Round Land Shark in the light state of evolution flashed again.

Needless to say.

This must be the result of Little Shark’s good dance partner Lightning Chicken!


Burst, burst, burst!

Stronger life force!

The faces of his Bloodwing Flying Dragon father and Biting Land Shark's mother flashed in Yuanlu Shark's mind. Their loving gazes gave the little Shark the power of fatherly and maternal love!

Human trainer Yang Kaibai...

It was he who chose himself as an elf egg in Dragon Valley.

Ever since the elf egg hadn't even broken out of its shell...

Little Shark has already felt the warmth of human trainer Yang Kaibai's palms and the beating of his heart!

Kodak, Gyarados, Gengar...

It was these elven companions who took care of Little Shark from the Dragon Valley, even if he made a mistake later at Thunder Lake because of Little Shark...

I still forgive Xiaoshasha.

Green Gopher, by Kira…

That's the elf picked up by Little Shark!

The new elf companion Kirulian...


And the most powerful dance partner, the Lightning Chicken! !

last of the last……

The thunderstorm of Sister Kuailong and Little Pomegranate...

Without her efforts, she tried her best to leave such a stormy stage for Little Shark!

In the light of evolution, scenes from the past flashed through Yuanlu Shark's eyes.

Every warm and loving memory forms the source of strength for Yuanlu Shark.

Love and be loved!

Little Shark, wants to break through the shackles of his own elf race!

For everyone! !


The dance steps of Yuanlu Shark's feet actually brought up the muddy ground around him at this moment!

Although it cannot directly trigger a sandstorm, the Round Shark can still use Quicksand Hell on itself!

The "sand whirlpool" formed by the Quicksand Hell in the Elf Battle Arena allows the Round Land Shark to obtain an extremely precious sandstorm-like space!

Thunder! sandstorm!

Explode, Dance of Dragons! !


A roar from life, an extremely powerful and incredible dragon attribute power, from the feet of Yuanlu Shark, from the mysterious pattern danced by Yuanlu Shark's dragon dance, a winding wind rose up. The phantom of the Dragon God!

In the Dragon Dance move, the purple dragon attribute power and the dazzling light of evolution merge with each other, surrounding the body of the round land shark, leading the round land shark's life level bit by bit, towards higher and faster , a stronger fang land shark form bursts out!

Baby Shark's originally short and stout feet began to grow, and the claws that had not grown out began to gradually become sharper and harder. After the baby shark evolved and grew, jagged white bone spurs appeared on its knees.

The originally small, round-headed body of the small shark gradually became slender, and a neck finally grew under the head of the small shark!

The short little hands are now spread out to both sides, like wings of light. While extending, they grow fin-like structures like wings. This is a sign that the sharp-toothed land shark has begun to acquire the ability to "fly". When it evolves again and evolves into the biting land shark, the fin-like structures on the left and right can truly grow into wings that can "jet fly".

On the back and tail of Baby Shark, dorsal fins and tail fins that are almost the same as those of sharks have grown. The improvement of life level and the powerful vitality have caused all the broken teeth of Baby Shark... to be reborn at this moment! !

At this moment, the light of evolution has dissipated, and what remains in the elves battle field...

There is also the sandstorm space formed by the quicksand hell move, and the power of thunder falling from the sky! !


The eyes of the evolved fang land shark seemed to be filled with the power of thunder and sandstorm. At this moment, the little shark... resolutely walked out of the thunder and sandstorm! !

What kind of fang-toothed land shark is this? !

The power of sandstorm, the power of electricity, the power of dance of dragons!

Thunder Sandstorm Dragon Dance, three forces form a stable triangle, thunder and sandstorm, they surround the Fangtooth Land Shark, giving the Fangtooth Land Shark the powerful energy support of the Dragon Dance move!

The Fanged Land Shark is like a dragon spirit that emerged from desert purgatory. At this moment, it is the only one in the world!

The only fanged land shark that can successfully use the Dragon Dance move! !

"Loto! The speed and strength are being tested! The speed and strength of the Sharp-Tooth Land Shark have been increased to close to the strength of a two-star elite! Dance of the Dragon! It's the Dance of the Dragon! The Sharp-Tooth Land Shark really used the Dragon Dance successfully! !”

"Thunder! Sandstorm! Dragon Dance! When these three forces are balanced, they are three-phase power, Lotto! The electrical power and sandstorm power in the venue jointly stabilize the power of Dragon Dance! Yang Kaibai The contestants and the Sharp-toothed Land Shark...together found an incredible path for the Rounded Land Shark, the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark, and the Biting Land Shark to succeed in the Dance of the Dragons!"

"The impossible becomes possible, it's a miracle, a miracle, Lotto!!"

crazy! crazy! crazy!

The Rotom drone narrator finds himself going crazy!

This is simply something that does not exist in its knowledge reserve!

Today, it actually witnessed history! Witnessed a...

A real miracle! !

"This is impossible, this is impossible... How can the Liebite Land Shark group be able to perform the Dance of the Dragon... The Liebite Land Shark who masters the Dragon Dance move is a nightmare for almost all other dragon elves!!"

Yang Yiling's whole body was trembling, her whole body was shaking!

In the battlefield of the Elf Battle, the fang land shark with the three-phase power of "Thunder", "Sandstorm" and "Dragon Dance" lingering on its body is like the dragon king emerging from the sandstorm, and its eyes are awe-inspiring to the people!

"This is impossible!!"

In the large elf battle arena of the first competition area, Qin Zhaochi stood up suddenly in his preparation room!

"Big loss, big loss. I didn't go to watch the elf battle today..."

Qin Zhaochi covered his chest...

you know……

Would a sharp-toothed land shark that knew how to dance with dragons be very attractive to a trainer of the dragon lineage? !

"I have to tell my dad, my mom, grandpa... No, they must have seen it... Well, they are probably on their way from Kyoto to the Magic City now." Qin Zhaochi still sent a message to his family. After receiving the reply, he knew that his guess was correct.

There are already older generation of fierce bite land shark trainers from Kyoto Yulong Villa who have set out for the Magic City.

The target - naturally Yang Kaibai and his fanged land shark!

"Dragon Dance Fang Lu Shark... In other words, the Dragon Dance has been mastered since the Yuan Lu Shar period. Yang Kaibai, Yang Kaibai, you are so stupid..." Qin Zhaochi opened his mouth, trying to find an adjective to describe Yang Kaibai, and finally I found that I, who never said "trash talk", could only hold back two words.


The whole audience was shocked!

The Rotom drone commentator also reminded at this time: "The round land shark has evolved into the fang land shark! The elf battle continues, Lotto!!"

Even now, Yang Yiling still can't believe what is happening in front of her. However, the fang land shark with the three powers of thunder, sandstorm and dragon dance surrounding its body is a complete fact!


Yang Yiling really wanted to swear.

Forget it if the Round Shark evolves into the Sharptooth Shark.

Are you still in the process of evolving Dragon Dance? !

Big Mouth Baby rested in the field for a long time, and the paralysis effect of the Thunder Fang was relieved to some extent.


How will it face the sharp-toothed land shark that has evolved from Dragon Dance and has skyrocketed in strength? !

Yang Kaibai wanted to sincerely say "thank you" to Yang Yiling in person. This was not a mockery, but a sincere thank you for her stopping during the evolution of Yuanlu Shark's Dragon Dance.

An opponent worthy of gratitude, an opponent worthy of respect!

Seriously beat her in the national competition!

"Little Shark Shark...Fang Tooth Land Shark! Let's go! Thunder Fang!!"


The fang-tooth land shark once again opened its sharp and hard teeth.

The new teeth that gain a lot of life energy during evolution are sharper and harder!

The violent electrical power burst out from the ferocious mouth of the fang land shark, bursting with golden light that seemed to be able to tear the sky apart!

The fang land shark is like a dark blue lightning.

Its speed, with the blessing of Thunder Sand Storm Dragon Dance, has reached a terrifying speed that is enough to crush Big Mouth Baby!

Even though the paralysis effect of Big Mouth Baby has recovered somewhat during the rest, it is already quite difficult to face the thunderous strike of the Sharp-toothed Land Shark!

"Big mouth boy, have fun! Defeat the fanged land shark with all your strength!!"

Yang Yiling shouted loudly!

The light and shadow of the fang land shark and the big mouth baby intersected again in the elf battle field.

The fang land shark stopped at his feet, stopped the car with his claws on the front wall, and let his body support him, staying in place without looking back.

The Thunder Fang of the Sharp-toothed Land Shark, this time, struck accurately on the body of the Big Mouth Rag Doll.

At this moment, the sharp-toothed land shark's speed and strength are completely more powerful than the weak big-mouth baby!


Behind the sharp-toothed land shark, the big-mouth baby fell down!

"The big-mouthed boy has completely lost his ability to fight, Lotto!"

The Rotom Drone commentator confirmed the status of Big Mouth Baby. Its physical strength has been completely drained and there is no possibility of continuing to fight!

at the same time.

The Fang Tooth Land Shark, who had escaped from the sandstorm environment, completed this full-force thunder strike, and no longer had the energy to maintain the balance between the three parts of Thunder, Sandstorm, Dragon Dance.

The energy of thunder, sandstorm, and dragon dance surrounding Little Shark Shark dissipated almost simultaneously, and an uncontrollable feeling of weakness began to erode Little Shark Shark's will and physical strength like a tide, and eventually permeated the whole body.

His vision dimmed momentarily.

The fang-toothed land shark, supported by its arms, maintained its final stance, like a sculpture, staying in place.

Lost combat effectiveness!

The front of the fanged land shark is facing the direction of Yang Yiling!

At this moment, Yang Yiling looked at the sharp-toothed land shark who was holding up her body with her arms and losing the ability to fight in the rain...

"This is Yang Kaibai's round land shark, is this Yang Kaibai's fang land shark... It is my honor, Yang Yiling, to have such an opponent... fang land shark!"

Yang Yiling looked at the scene when the fang land shark lost its combat effectiveness with shocked eyes.

This is unyielding life!

This is the proud dragon elf!

"It's really touching, Lotto! The Sharp-Toothed Land Shark, the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark has lost its fighting power! The Sharp-Toothed Land Shark stands tall in the elven battlefield, and it has not fallen! The Sharp-Toothed Land Shark's spirit of never admitting defeat, Created an evolutionary miracle belonging to its Dance of Dragons, Lotto!!"

"Boga... Boga Boga!"

"Kuokuo! Kuokuo!"

Pogaman held Cordora and burst into tears in the audience!

Round Land Shark did it!

It does the impossible! !

"Yang Kaibai is really a pervert! How can his Round Land Shark still dance like a dragon?!" Zhang Hailin couldn't understand it again!

Thunder, sandstorm, dance of dragons.

Wu Yuhan suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Thunder Cishan Secret Realm, Thunder Lake! The secret world of the underground abyss! Yang Kaibai... It should be in that place that he found the secret that enables the Dance of Sharks and Dragons in Yuanlu!"

"Thunder Lake?!"

Yang Kaixin, Sheng Bufang, Zhang Hailin, and Sun Heng understood in an instant!

Lu Hang blinked aside dryly.

He wants an explanation!

He wants an explanation!

What happened to Thunder Lake?


The time he met Yang Kaibai was so late!

"Well done, Little Sharky!"

Yang Kaibai and Kodakya came to the front of the fang land shark under the teleportation move of Hu Di, the master-level super-power field-protecting elf.

Looking at the sharp-toothed land shark in front of me using its forelimbs to support its body and prevent itself from falling...

Yang Kaibai and Ke Keya had moved tears in their eyes.

Little Shark, grow up.

"Thank you for your hard work, Little Shark!"

Yang Kaibai took out the red and white Poké Ball and took the resolute Little Shark back into the Poké Ball.

He looked at Yang Yiling!

Yang Yiling's eyes were full of respect for Yang Kaibai and Fang Lu Shark, as well as an even more fervent fighting spirit!

The icy thunderstorms that were still falling could not extinguish the desire of both sides to defeat each other!

Yang Yiling said solemnly: "Our battle is not over yet!!"

Yang Kaibai responded seriously: "Yes, our battle is not over yet!!"

Yang Kaibai:

Yang Yiling:

"It's on fire, it's on fire! Lotto! Player Yang Kaibai currently has two elves, Kuailong and Yuanlusha, who have lost their combat effectiveness. Player Yang Yiling currently has Kuailong, Hu Di, and Dazuiwa who have lost their combat effectiveness. The two sides are still fighting. Keep going!!"

"Let this rain fall more violently! Gyarados, let's go!"


I can't stop coughing, and I feel like I'm dazed after coughing. It's like being in a trance for a long time...

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