The Master of Elves

Chapter 518 Mirror Properties! Fire ghost!

"When did this Gengar master this skill?!"

After the winner was determined, among the trainers present, the one who was most frightened was Qin Zhaochi.

"Brother Zhaochi, what, what do you say?" Qin Qingyun panicked subconsciously and asked quickly.

Qin Qingyun looked at the defeat of her sister Qin Zhiyi's blood-winged flying dragon, and felt a little unreal, obviously...

Obviously Gengar was not that powerful in the national competition before.

Qin Zhaochi's Qixi Blue Bird is far weaker than Qin Zhiyi's Blood-Winged Flying Dragon. Why does today's battle between elves look so strange?

Why can the Bloodwing Flying Dragon's big character explosion be annihilated by the shadow ball?

If Gengar's shadow ball was so powerful, he wouldn't have needed poison to defeat the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird in the national competition!

"It's true that Gengar's strength is at the two-star elite level, but some of the skills and abilities it masters can only be mastered by master-level ghost-type elves, which even Gengar can't do during the national competition!" Qin Zhaochi said in a deep voice. , "Those trainers who specialize in ghosts at the Demon City Elf University, their elves can't even do this..."

"Yang Kaibai's Gengar must have other secrets in it!"

"Are there other secrets?!"

Qin Qingyun, Qin Yu, and Qin Feng all said in unison, the looks in each other's eyes filled with disbelief.

Other secrets?

What other secrets?

Qin Qingyun subconsciously turned to look at Yang Kaibai's sister Yang Kaixin, quietly turned to her side, touched Yang Kaixin's arm with her light elbow, and asked in a low voice: "Happy, happy? Yang Kaibai, his Gengar... and What’s the secret?”

Yang Kaixin actually already had the answer in his heart.

But she felt that she still underestimated the advantages that the elf's super evolution brought to the elf itself.

In other words, all trainers who have never set foot in this field will never understand what the elf mega evolution means.

Yang Kaixin, who was thinking, didn't seem to realize that Qin Qingyun was talking to her. It was precisely this shocked expression that made Qin Qingyun think that Yang Kaixin had seen Yang Kaibai's Gengar behave in such an astonishing way for the first time.

However, Yang Kaixin at this moment is thinking about deeper things in the field of super evolution!

Yang Kaibai's Gengar...

Why can you use what senior Qin Zhaochi calls "master-level fighting skills"?

This is probably the "benefits" brought by the super Gengar form!

In the form of Super Gengar, Gengar himself will become more proficient in mastering ghost power and extra-dimensional space!

Is this the deeper secret of the elf's super evolution?


There is no way to explain why Yang Kaibai's Gengar currently only has the strength of a two-star elite, but he can have the same fighting skills as a master-level ghost elf!

Elf super evolution...

It is really a key force that can play an important role in the future battle between elves!

"Come back, thank you for your hard work, Bloodwing Flying Dragon!"

Qin Zhiyi frowned.

After a brief review of the duel just now, it was obvious that there was something wrong with the blood-winged flying dragon's condition.

In the battle with Gengar, the blood-winged flying dragon's movement speed and reaction speed showed a certain degree of sluggishness.

"Is it Super Gyarados's surfing move... that big wave that hit the Bloodwing Wyvern's condition quite a bit?"

Qin Zhiyi closed her eyes, took out the Charizard Poké Ball, and took a deep breath at the same time.

It seems it should be.

The blood-winged flying dragon has never been slapped by a huge wave of big dick. After being slapped by a big dick, it is normal for the head to be buzzing.

"These moves that Yang Kaibai used are really weird."

Qin Zhiyi nodded slightly, and after thinking about some details, she opened her eyes and said sharply: "Charizard, let's go!"


The light in the elf ball flickered, and a fire-breathing dragon with a blazing fire at its tail was vibrating its orange wings and quickly flew to the elf battle arena.

At this time, the field still had the impact of the energy explosion caused by the shadow ball and the big character explosion before - the temperature was very high, like being in a desert with the sun shining brightly.

The arrival of the three-star elite fire-breathing dragon made the war here even hotter and more intense than before.

"Jie Jie, Nasi!"

Gengar's red eyes revealed a cunning light.

Because the substitute Guigui suffered the damage from the tail of the blood-winged flying dragon, the remaining physical strength could no longer support the substitute Guigui to continue fighting, and the transformed energy quickly dissipated. However, precisely because of the physical exertion of Geng Gui on the substitute Guigui, Put Geng Gui's physical strength in a very delicate state——

Whether it's sharing the pain or sharing the same life, at this moment, it's like the lighted up ultimate skill in the game, which has begun to flash!

Just wait for Gengar's own decision!

Gengar at this time...

It’s often the scariest and craziest ones!

"Charizard, flame vortex!"

Qin Zhiyi certainly knew that Yang Kaibai's Gengar had reached the critical state of the ghost-type elf.

Qin Zhiyi suffered a lot of losses in the competition with the masters of her age at the Magic City Elf University, and also gained some insights of her own.

However, when facing Yang Kaibai's Gengar, you also need to pay attention to the pair of ghost hands that like to engage in sneak attacks. Once those ghost hands are defeated first, the threat of the underworld's "poison" and "same life" moves will be Not that big anymore.

"These ghost hands are really... a headache..."

After Qin Zhiyi had witnessed Geng Gui's battle, she could better understand how outrageous the extra pair of ghost hands was.

One of the things that can be similar to Yang Kaibai's Gengar is Dachaibeibi.

The big north nose can control the three small north noses through magnetism to attack. However, the three small north noses themselves need to be commanded by the big north nose in order to exert their own power.

Gengar's pair of ghost hands are different.

The ghost hand with its own thinking...

This is a gang fight!


The fire-breathing dragon quickly condensed the fire attribute energy in its mouth in a spiral manner. The fire power of this element formed a flame vortex. The large-scale flame vortex move quickly swept away the two ruthless ghost hands closest to it.

"Jie Jie, Nasi!"

Facing the flame vortex of the fire-breathing dragon, Gengar didn't even need Yang Kaibai's command this time, and he had a clear understanding and tacit understanding to let the two ruthless ghost hands wave the flame fist moves.

Flame vortex...

Can't trap ruthless ghost hands!

"Okay, Gengar, shadow ball!"

Yang Kaibai grinned.

The flames condensed by the ruthless ghost hands "wrapped" itself to protect itself. Even in the blazing flame vortex of the fire-breathing dragon, it was able to break free from the flame vortex.

Some damage was taken, but not much.

At most it's just some burnt smoke.


Qin Zhiyi looked at the ruthless ghost hand that broke free from the flame whirlpool in astonishment.

She can't understand it...

Are these ghost hands so fucking outrageous? !

However, in front of the flame vortex, the shadow ball thrown by Gengar is not that effective.

Without the blessing of the Night Demon's move, the shadow ball thrown by Gengar entered the vortex orbit of the flame vortex, but was crushed and exploded by the hot energy of the flame vortex.

Black smoke billowed and the heat wave struck again.

At the pool site, a large amount of pool water evaporated again.


Geng Gui was startled.

The shadow ball that uses the Night Demon’s moves and extra-dimensional space skills, and the ordinary spiral shadow ball...

There is such a huge gap!

"Gengar, get out of the way!"

"Charizard, spray flames, pursue victory!!"

"Gengar, it's dangerous, your mind is strong!"

Gengar realized that with his current physical strength and energy, it was difficult to perform the shadow ball move like "Distorted Space" again. Facing the powerful attack of Charizard, the sweat that had just flowed on Gengar's forehead was instantly evaporated by the high temperature. .

At this critical moment, Geng Gui's strange body skills as a ghost-type elf began to move back and forth in an instant - just like lightning with general attributes, but Geng Gui's body skills relied on the ability to deal with different dimensions. Take control!

In the battleground between elves...

There was even an apparition of Gengar!

"Phantom Dance..."

A name flashed in Yang Kaibai's mind.

Although Geng Gui's current state cannot compare with the teleportation of the super power attribute, but compared with the flying attribute move Yan Hui, his speed and movement skills definitely exceed Yan Hui!

"Gengar, use the mirror attribute!"

Mirror properties!

This is a move that can change Gengar's own attributes into the opponent's elf attributes.

Same as trick space.

The more proficient the elves use it, the better the effect will be.

But if the proficiency and elf strength are both weak, this move will not only fail to play a key role, but will actually trap you!

It is clear……

The mirror attribute has a certain miraculous effect when fighting against the fire-breathing dragon with dual attributes of fire and flying!

As Gengar continued to dodge the flame-spraying moves, his body gradually changed from black and purple to the fiery red unique to fire elves!

Gengar at this moment...

just like……

"Dharma baboon?!"

Among the spectators, someone subconsciously said the name of an elf.

"Zhou Cao, is this an extra-large red tumbler?!"

"It's been a long time since I've seen a ghost-type elf use the mirror attribute move. This move is so awesome!"

"Gengar with fire and flying attributes, isn't this too awesome?!"

"Dharma Baboon: Are you polite, Gengar?"

Yang Kaibai had no idea that the mirror attribute move would have such an effect when used in the real elf world.


Fire ghost! !

Charizard's very critical fire attribute move can only do little damage in front of the fire ghost!

Although Geng Gui doesn't have much physical strength at the moment, as long as he doesn't get hit with a move that sprays flames head-on, Geng Gui can still continue to fight!

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Kodakya widened his eyes.

Guigui is awesome now!

Under the mirror attribute moves, Gengar, who was already proficient in fire attribute moves, really took to the water. At this moment, the fire attribute energy burning all over his body made Gengar like a ghost and god walking out of the flames——

"Good guy, Gengar, Fire Fist!!"

Yang Kaibai looked at the "muscles" on Gengar's left and right arms that seemed to have surged in strength. It was like undergoing a transformation into a body of fire, with mirror-type moves...

Unexpectedly, it worked wonders!

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!"


The elves on both sides are already close at hand!

Charizard almost forgot the last time he encountered an elf with this kind of attribute that could transform, but...

Burning red Gengar, how dare you strike with the flame fist? !

The fire-breathing dragon raised its claws, and the dragon attribute energy condensed on the claws instantly formed sharp dragon claws, which collided with Gengar's flame fist in mid-air! !

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Every flame punch thrown by Geng Gui produced bursts and explosions of flames between the claws of the fire-breathing dragon. Although Geng Gui's physical strength continued to decrease, but in this unexpected "Fire Ghost" state, The battle seemed to awaken the memory engraved on Gengar's DNA...

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches! !

In the battle command area, Yang Kaibai even kept up with Gengar's rhythm, following Gengar and punching forward, punching, and punching again! !

With Gengar's physical strength, this is no less than walking on a tightrope, but...

However, Gengar still has very earthly moves!

"Jiejiejie, 叏叀!!"

Ruthless ghost hands, harassing!

The ruthless ghost hand wields the explosive thunder fist move and launches an attack on the flank of the fire-breathing dragon!

more importantly……

Gengar, is sharing the pain! !

Every time the Charizard strikes a dragon claw, the physical strength lost comes from the Charizard himself!

The physical strength of this elf battle...

Mr. Charizard will pay the bill! !

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong..."

Qin Zhiyi realized that something was really wrong.

How can Gengar still fight?

Can you still fight? !

What is Charizard fighting against now?

Gengar with the fire attribute!

But the problem is...

The attributes of those ruthless ghost hands are still ghost and poison attributes!

"Charizard, Flash Charge!"

Qin Zhiyi didn't expect Yang Kaibai, a two-star elite Gengar, to be so troublesome!

Obviously, he didn't have such outrageous strength during the national competition...

How long has it been? !

Of course Qin Zhiyi didn't know.

Yang Kaibai's Gengar, a pioneer in the field of super evolution, planned those seven days of top-level special training...

There is also the super evolution battle of the "EVO Reagent Incident" in Thunder Lake, which brought incredible improvements to Gengar!

Mainly because of the fire-breathing dragon's fire-flying attributes, the mirror-type move has incredible miraculous effects. This needs to be replaced by the blood-winged flying dragon's dragon flying...

Only a fool would use mirror attributes to change his attributes into Long Fei dual attributes!

Are you afraid that you won't lose quickly enough?

"Are you going to fight for your life..."

Yang Kaibai saw that the fire energy generated by Charizard's flame charge had scorched and defeated Gengar's ruthless hands, but the smile on his face was still bright and sunny.

"So Gengar, Trick Space!!"

The feeling of toying with your opponent is really satisfying to a certain extent...

Magic Space, this is another top move that allows the elves to defeat the strong with the weak!

"Jiejiejie, 叏叀!"

When the magic space moves were quickly formed in the battlefield of the Elf battle, the fire-breathing dragon, covered with fire energy under the flash charge, struck like a burning comet...

He plunged into the magic space.

Being slowed down countless times, the Charizard was moving at a turtle speed, but Gengar, who was slower, found an opportunity in the magic space!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Gengar raised his right fist high, and a ball of bursting electric light made Gengar's fist and arm look like they were wearing a pair of golden armor.

This punch...

From top to bottom, hit the fire-breathing dragon hard on the back! !

The magic space dissipated in an instant.

Charizard crashed from mid-air towards the pool venue!


Most of the water in the entire pool was evaporated in an instant!

boom! ! !

Charizard has completely lost its ability to fight!

"Jiejiejie, 叏叀!"

Gengar, who was partially affected by the Flare Charge, tumbled down from the air, leaned forward, and hit the ground with his right fist, and finally...

Land firmly!

Gengar, another victory! !

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