The Master of Elves

Chapter 530 New ways to use Gyarados! An out-of-control snowstorm!

"Strange, why does it feel like someone is following us..."

Yang Kaibai sat on the back of the leader of the Diya sea lion, and suddenly felt a "shock" in his heart, feeling some very subtle changes in the environment.


The leader of the Diya sea lion looked back slightly doubtfully.

It doesn't feel anything.

Yang Kaibai now has more or less some experience with the sudden appearance of "Yijie Ling".

This ability is like a "sixth sense". Since it appears, it means there must be something going on.


"Who could it be? What kind of legendary elves exist in this secret realm?"

Yang Kaibai calmed down his mind and began to meditate.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, what happened?"

"Brother Chicken, I feel like there are elves watching us secretly."

"Huh? Is there one? Why didn't I notice it?"

"Brother Ji, this is not the secret realm of Thunder Cishan, and it is not your home ground..."

"It's not like I can't turn into a frozen chicken..."

Yang Kaibai:? ? ?

Yang Kaibai looked at the Lightning Chicken in the travel backpack and was wearing a woolen cashmere suit, and couldn't help but fall into suspicion.

The Lightning Chicken pretended to gather some ice-type power and made some gestures. The color of his body seemed to have turned a bit ice blue...

I'm afraid this is not a frozen chicken, but a permanently frozen chicken.

Lightning Chicken showed off his skills and found that he was still a bit too good at it.

after all……

Lightning Chicken is still the legendary elf that controls thunder and lightning, not the elf that controls ice and snow.


Kodak scratched his head.

Unlike Yang Kaibai, the place Kodak looks at is not the sky behind him, but the position below the ice floor...

The ducks felt like there were spirits following them under the ice. However, the ice was so thick that the ducks could not see through the ice at all.


I couldn't figure it out. I kept thinking about it and just stopped thinking about it.

Momentary amnesia! !

"Jiejiejie, 叏Si."

When neither Yang Kaibai nor Kodakya could see through it, Geng Gui vaguely noticed some peculiar details.

Maybe this is the unique ability of ghost elves, a special power that can detect "soul".

There seems to be some spirit...

The soul was out of body.


"By, by, by."

When Emrido is sleeping in the lake, he will keep flying around through his out-of-body ability. This is why in the legend, only human trainers with sincere emotions can see the "invisible" Emrido in Xinqi Lake. s reason.

The Emrido he saw was not the true form of the God of Emotions, but the soul of Emrido.

In order to be able to follow Yang Kaibai and Kodakya without being discovered, Emrido and Uxie also made great efforts.

Emrido's soul entity, through the soul that can be transparent and invisible, directly and secretly follows "above and above board".

However, under such conditions, it is generally necessary to enter a sleep state.


Emrido and Uxie split into two groups.

Emrido uses the ability of the soul to leave the body, allowing the soul to follow him from above the ice layer, that is, from the mid-air in the secret realm. This is also the reason why Yang Kaibai produced the "Yiji Spirit".

Uxie, on the other hand, led Emrido's body and followed him all the way from under the ice.

This is also the reason why Kodak Duck discovered some secret situations.


Yang Kaibai's thinking was still too simple.

He might not have thought that because of the existence of a glacier lake in this secret glacier realm, Emrido and Uxie slipped directly from the secret realm of Triumph Forest Park into this secret glacier realm...

Emrido and Uxie's "dividing their troops into two groups" directly confused the sights of Yang Kaibai and Kodakya!


Some of Gengar's reactions made Emrido feel a little vigilant and interestingly competitive.

Elves with ghost attributes can have a special feeling for Emrido, whose soul has left his body...

What if you want to find it Emrido?

Then let’s play hide and seek! !

"Jie Jie, Nasi?"

Geng Gui poked his head out of the extra-dimensional space next to Yang Kaibai.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and a sinister and evil smile appeared on his face.

Don't let its ghostly black gaze catch you!

Soul-like elves hidden in unknown areas! !

Everything is not calm in the glacier secret realm.

It had only been less than an hour, and Yang Kaibai, who was sitting on the back of the leader of the Diya Sea Lion, could already feel the biting cold wind blowing in front of him like an icicle.

"Looking ahead, it looks like a snowstorm is coming."

Yang Kaibai put on the windproof goggles again.

The wind and snow in this secret realm are like ever-changing monsters, changing at will.


Under the call of the leader of the Diya sea lions, the Diya sea lions quickly formed an "iron barrel formation". The sea lions and the young seal balls were crowded in the center, and the Diya sea lions were on the outside. Form a circle and protect the seal ball and sea lions in the center of the position.


The leader of the Diya sea lion roared dullly in the direction of Yang Kaibai, Kodak Duck and Lightning Chicken.



"Thank you, Diya sea lion!"

"Ouwu?" The leader of the Diya sea lion tilted his head in confusion.

"What did you just say... mean?"

"Ooooo, ooooh!"

Yang Kaibai quickly replied in the Elf language of the Diya sea lion group.

"Thank you, Diya sea lion!"


The leader of the Diya sea lion reached out and patted his belly.

Just a little effort!

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, it seems that most of the wild elves in the secret realm here cannot understand the language of your human trainers..." Lightning Chicken discovered this detail.

Yang Kaibai nodded.

Communicating with wild elves in the secret realm itself is a major problem in the process of elf exploration.

Without the help of elf companions, it would be difficult for human trainers to communicate conveniently with the native elves in the secret realm.

Yang Kaibai had been using the Elf language of the Diya Sea Lion tribe before. After accidentally using human language this time, the leader of the Diya Sea Lion could not understand human language.


Yang Kaibai also noticed that the leader of the Diya sea lions was preparing to resist the blizzard ahead, while murmuring the words "Thank you, Diya sea lions" in the language of the Diya sea lions...

This is a kind of learning!

The leader of the Diya sea lion is learning to understand the language of human trainers!

"Hiss--it's so cold!"

Yang Kaibai was just about to say something, but soon he felt as if his head had fallen into an ice cellar, until a warm and powerful fin-like arm "pressed" his head into the furry white hair. middle.


"Stop talking now and wait for this blizzard to pass!"

The leader of the Diya sea lion is like an old elder, teaching and protecting Yang Kaibai, a human trainer who does not have much experience in the secret realm of glaciers.

Yang Kaibai, Kodak Duck and Lightning Chicken, in the eyes of Diya Sea Lion, they are like Sea Demon Lion and Seal Ball.


They can be protected within the inner layer of this blizzard shield.

"Ke da ke da..."

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, Magearna's first generation soul heart started to flicker again! Although the flashing frequency is very slow, this is also the response of Magearna's first generation soul heart, Gu Gu Gu Gu!"

Yang Kaibai buried his head tightly and looked through the gap towards the inside of the travel backpack.

Magearna's first-generation soul heart seemed not to be affected by the extreme cold weather. This golden heart was slowly shining with a different glimmer.

This is a very pure emotion of the wild Diya sea lion group towards protecting and helping Yang Kaibai and Kodakya.

This kind of emotion is related to the relationship between Yang Kaibai and his conquered elves...

Not the same.

The sparkling light, rhythm, rhythm, and shape of Magearna's first generation soul heart were also different from before.

This means...

Magearna's first-generation soul heart already has different emotional branches! !

"I didn't expect Magearna's first-generation soul heart... to have begun to give birth to her own will..."

Yang Kaibai felt a little excited in his heart.

This blizzard is just the most common test for the Diya sea lions on their way to their destination, the Glacier Sea.

The Diya sea lions, with their thick bodies and thick fat, can withstand this blizzard relatively easily.

The biggest threat in a snowstorm is not the snow, but the "storm" in the snow.

In this protective circle, the seal balls, which are easily blown away by the snowstorm, can always be well protected by the sea lions and Diya sea lions.

"Ouwu, Ouwu——"

The blizzard has subsided much. Under the roar of the leader of the Diya sea lions, this group of Diya sea lions seemed to have revived and began some activities and preparations before setting sail.


Kodak duck touched the three stupid hairs on his head.

This blizzard did not leave too many traces of ice and snow on Yang Kaibai, Kodak Duck and Lightning Chicken. The ones who withstood this blizzard were mainly the outermost Diya sea lions.

The Diya sea lions began to shake one after another. Their bodies seemed to be covered with a thick layer of snowflake armor. After shaking, all the snowflakes on their bodies shook off.

Remove armor!

"The elven world..."

“Kah da kah da!”

Yang Kai breathed hot air in vain, and with each breath, white mist rose up in waves.

Exploration of unknown secrets...

Yang Kaibai really likes this atmosphere.

If you didn't understand the blizzard in the glacier secret realm, Yang Kaibai would have been riding a Gyarados flying around in this secret realm, and he might not have just lost his way.

Who the hell knows where it flew to!

For the time being, with the Diya sea lion group here, Yang Kaibai can at least feel more at ease.

At least you won't get lost.


The leader of the Diya sea lion looked at the road ahead and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This blizzard...

The road ahead becomes less easy to walk.

The white snow covering the glacier floor will hinder the progress of the Diya sea lion group.

The Diya sea lions from the group who are exploring the way are needed to set off first.

It's easy to walk after you have a road.

Yang Kaibai looked at the slightly worried expression of the Diya sea lion leader and asked: "Ouwu?"

"What happened? Did you encounter any difficulties?"


The leader of the Diya sea lion briefly explained the road problem.

The road ahead was covered with thick white snow, making it difficult for the Diya sea lions to walk.

"Jie Jie, Nasi!"

Gengar came out of the different dimension at this time, his big red eyes rolling around.

"This is easy to handle!"

Yang Kaibai and Geng Gui looked at each other and smiled.

They all thought of a good idea.


The leader of the Diya sea lion blinked a few times.

It doesn't quite understand what Yang Kaibai means.

"Come out, Gyarados!"

"Lie down on the snow and roll!!"

Gyarados never expected...

He actually has this effect!

This is like when the energy cube was made and the duck used it as a pestle to pound the tree fruit powder.


He is no longer the Carp King Kouko he used to be...

But a Gyarados rolling pin! !

The road ahead of the Diya sea lion group will encounter great obstacles due to snow, but...

Gyarados is here.

Just roll it like a rolling pin to compact the snowy ground!


Isn’t there a way?


The Diya Sea Lion, the Sea Demon Lion, and the Seal Ball all opened their eyes wide, and each of them looked at the operation of the Gyarados rolling on the snow as if they were watching a miracle...

Isn’t this too showy? !

"Ho ho ho!"

Gyarados felt bitter.

But Gyarados didn't say that.


Roll like crazy!


Roll like crazy!

Gyarados can not only roll in a straight line, but also in an arc, and even roll back to where it was!

"Oh, oh wow!"

The leader of the Diya sea lion subconsciously reminded him.

"Gyarados, you're going in the wrong direction!!"

Yang Kaibai couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Case solved! Case solved!

Can't figure out the direction...

Not Yang Kaibai!

But Gyarados! !


In this blizzard, Emrido, who was hiding in the glacier not far away in his soul form, returned to the air again, and at the same time looked at the Gyarados "rolling to clear the way" on the glacier ground with some confusion.


What is the operation again? !

However, Emrido's soul vaguely felt some unusual power on the road ahead.

The next blizzard...

It seems like it's coming soon?

The ice power in this secret world of glaciers...

It seems a little too powerful and has lost some balance!

What could be the reason for this?

Emrido in soul form took off again, and it began to look for the direction of the imbalance of ice power in the secret realm! !


Emrido was just about to set out with doubts when he saw the second round of snowstorm coming from a certain direction in the distance, like a sandstorm like a sandstorm!

This blizzard...

It's dozens of times scarier than the first round! !

There is a big problem in this secret realm!

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