The Master of Elves

Chapter 556 Ancient Sky Stickleback: Carp King, do you have two arms!

"Will you command the wild Gyarados and Magikarp to find the location of the Ancient Skycanthus? Yang Kaibai, it is indeed you! There are very few people who can think of this method in the deep sea and realize it..."

Wu Yuhan took the screen in his hand and looked at the situation of the simulated lantern fish seabed detector. He was filled with emotion when he looked at the super Gyarados, the wild Gyarados group and the Magikarp group that were always on standby.

"The power of technology is limited, but elves... can always create incredible miracles."

Listening to Wu Yuhan's words, Yang Kaibai smiled and said: "By combining the functions of technology and elves, we can do many things that are difficult to do. Old Wu, how many detectors are left now...?"

Wu Yuhan sighed and said: "1, 3, 4, 5, 7, there are still five that still have detection function, but the ones that are intact inside are actually 4 and 5, 1, 5, 7 The one-thousand-volt energy pulse above has been disabled, leaving only the simplest detection function."

4 and 5…

It seems that Emrido and Yoshi protected the simulated lantern fish seabed detector very well.

Wu Yuhan then added: "I didn't expect that 4 and 5 suffered the least damage. It's really lucky."

Isn't it?

At first, detectors 4 and 5 were the most power-hungry among all eight undersea detectors. After being attacked by a swarm of megalodon sharks, detectors 4 and 5 survived intact.

This is very incredible to Wu Yuhan.

"Okay, Lao Wu, no matter what, we are safe this time, and the next step is to rely on the Gyarados and Carp King groups!" Yang Kaibai patted Wu Yuhan's shoulder, breathed a sigh of relief, and signaled to Geng The ghost took two bottles of "82 Years of Thunderbill" to calm down the panic, replenish some energy, and then wait for news about the Gyarados group and the Magikarp group.

Wu Yuhan took the soda energy drink from Yang Kaibai's hand, let the cold sparkling water stimulate his throat, and felt the surge of bubbles, which quickly restored his previously nervous mood to normal.

"There is indeed a near miss... Yang Kaibai, I think that Super Gyarados has the ability to command the wild Gyarados and become their faith. The Sea of ​​Anger in the eastern part of the Dragon Valley Secret Realm... You and Super Gyarados Is dragon the answer chosen by Kuailong and Old Dragon King in the secret realm of Dragon Valley?"

After Wu Yuhan calmed down, he thought of some secrets about the Gyarados super evolution stone that Yang Kaibai had mentioned.

Yang Kaibai nodded slightly: "It depends on people. Since we have this ability and this hope... Between the Dragon Valley and the Sea of ​​Anger, I will take the Super Gyarados and do my best to resolve the long-standing conflicts between the two parties." .”

"Now... let's give Super Gyarados a try... Let's give the wild Gyarados the ability to obey commands. The Gyarados in the Sea of ​​Wrath... will be even more terrifying in number, and in that environment, There is absolutely no shortage of wild Gyarados with master-level strength."

Yang Kaibai continued calmly: "We... still need more growth and experience, Old Wu, right?"

Wu Yuhan looked deeply at the young trainer in front of him who was the same age as him.

Yang Kaibai's experience and growth, among this young trainer who is less than 20 years old, have far surpassed those of his age. Even he, Wu Yuhan, sometimes feels "tired" Feeling of exhaustion.

"Yang Kaibai, let me ask you a question quietly, don't you... feel tired? You have experienced events again and again frequently..."

Hearing Wu Yuhan's question, Yang Kaibai's eyes fell on Ke Keya next to him.

Having experienced so much in the elf world...

Do you really feel tired?

Tired, that is bound to happen.

However, Yang Kaibai was still enjoying this tiring process.

With family, friends, and elf companions...

"When we are with our elf friends, we are always happy, right?" Yang Kaibai smiled and pointed at the metal monster, Bogaman, Chirulian and Big Mouth Baby, as well as the melon holding his head, as dumb as ever. "I always want to see more of this world, Old Wu. If I didn't have the strength as a trainer now, I wouldn't be able to take you to explore the world here on the bottom of the North Sea."

"It's all worth it."

Wu Yuhan nodded with deep feeling.

"By the way, Lao Wu, I will keep this key stone given by King Carp for now. It has different meanings for King Carp and Super Gyarados. After leaving the Glacier Secret World, I will Take the keystone off the keystone pendant necklace again.”

Wu Yuhan knew what Yang Kaibai wanted to do, so he smiled and waved his hand and said: "Yang Kaibai, I am not in a hurry about the key stone. Whether it is the metal monster, Cordora or Prince Bo, they have not yet evolved to their final evolution. Type, now that I have the key stone, it has no effect."

"If you want to give it as a gift, it is definitely best to give it to Aunt Xu."

Wu Yuhan then smiled and said: "If Aunt Xu's ace elf Gardevoir can possess a Gardevoir super evolution stone, her status and voice in the field of world cultivators will be even higher. One floor up.”

Yang Kaibai blinked subconsciously: "Old Wu, you...didn't you meet my mother when you came here? No, I forgot that it was my mother who pointed the direction for you, and you found me later."

Wu Yuhan was confused: "Yes, I found you only after Aunt Xu told me your location."

After Yang Kaibai heard Wu Yuhan's answer, he probably knew that Old Wu had never seen his mother's Super Absol...

If attribute restraint is not included, in terms of strength alone, Super Absolu must be stronger than Gardevoir, but if the two sides fight...

It’s really hard to say whether we will win or lose.

Instead, Gardevoir can pose a huge threat to Super Absol by relying on his own moves with fairy attributes.

Look at it this way...

Gardevoir's position as the "Ace Elf" is still very stable.

"If this is one of the three key stones scattered in the secret world of Glacier, theoretically speaking, there should be two other key stones. Maybe we can encounter another key stone, right? "Wu Yuhan thought for a while, then continued with a smile, "With better luck, for example... Magikarp can offer one to your Gyarados, maybe... my Prince Bo can also get one from the wild Bo. Where can I get one from Garman?”

Yang Kaibai couldn't help but laugh: "Old Wu, you really dare to think about this!"

Wu Yuhan shrugged: "It's nothing to think about, right? You said, what if? When I'm with you in the secret realm, we shouldn't talk about science or not, but about mysticism or not."

"Stop, stop, stop... Where am I being unscientific?"

"I think you... you just reveal all kinds of unscientific sources!"

Huaxia region, Jianghai City, Huangjiang Natural Forest.

The Secret Garden of Shemi.

Now is the spring season, the weather is getting warmer and is gradually getting hotter towards summer.

For the Huangjiang Natural Forest, even in the hot summer, the temperature in the forest is not very high because of the dense woods. On the contrary, it is the coolest place in the area near Jianghai City.

It’s just the temperature in the forest lately…

There are some unusual changes.

Deep in the forest, in the bamboo forest area with mountain streams and waterfalls, the King of the Forest, the King of Leave, who gradually awakened from hibernation, felt an extremely uneasy atmosphere.

It was like the scorching breath that permeated the depths of the forest, blowing by with a gust of wind, and when it fell on the hair on the leave king's body, it actually gave the leave king a burning sensation of being "scalded".

This is a very scary phenomenon.

This is a situation that has never happened in the natural forests of Huangjiang River.

As the "King of the Forest" of the entire forest, the King of Leave realized that there was an unknown danger that was approaching, and...

It is very likely that the depths of the nearby forest will be plunged into a world of burning flames!

"Hey... Gram?"

The King of Leave has lived in this forest for nearly forty years. In the past five years, there have only been three situations that caused him inner uneasiness.

The first time was in the winter four years ago, the heavy snow weather in the Huangjiang Natural Forest caused a snow disaster, which caused the Huangjiang Natural Forest to lose a large amount of vegetation.

The first time was in the spring and summer of a year ago, the appearance of the Xie Mi Secret Realm, the extremely heavy rain in the waters of the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall, and the tornado storm produced by the twisted space of the secret realm, caused a huge flood disaster in the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall Water Area, and under the tornado storm. , once again destroying a large amount of vegetation.

Even after a year of restoration, the area near the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall still looks bare and somewhat deserted.


The King of Leave looked deeply through the bamboo forest to the depths of the forest where there were people coming and going one after another.

The development of the secret realm of Xie Mi Garden has made the entrance to the secret realm near the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall a "check-in place" for trainers.

Because of the special time rules in the Secret Realm of Semi Garden, this is the best place for special training for young trainers...


"King of leave, do you feel it?"

"Hey g!"

"Leader of the Marsupial Dragon, do you feel the same uneasiness?"

While the King of Leave was watching, the leader of the Bursaryaurus slowly came to the side of the King of Leave in the nearby cave area where the Marsupialosaurus tribe lived.

They are all elves who have lived in the Huangjiang Natural Forest Park for a long time, and have become old friends in this forest who talk about everything.


"King of leave, will the sun in that secret world... burn into the forest outside of us?"

The worry of the leader of the marsupial dragon is also the worry of the leave king.

When the Secret Realm of Semi Garden first came, it harmed the natural forest of the Yellow River and brought disasters of floods and tornadoes to this forest in the real elf world.

Even after maintenance and repairs by the Elf Alliance, the speed of destruction... is often faster than reconstruction.

"Hey g..."

"The Elf Alliance in the human world has made corresponding plans. If the secret realm cannot exist and is burned by the fire of the sun... the wild elves in it will be distributed to natural forests in various places according to race and quantity..."


"King of leave, if the burning of the sun fire cannot be solved, does it mean that the wild elves there will lose their home forever?"

The King of Leave sighed and nodded: "Hey."

"Leader of the Bagosaurus, I think so. But the wild elves inside must abide by our laws of survival... It's not that I'm heartless, it's just... that secret realm has caused a huge impact on the natural environment of our Huangjiang natural forest. disaster.”

After listening to the leave king's words, the leader of the marsupial dragon nodded silently.

Who doesn’t hope that the solar crisis in the secret realm of Semi Garden can be resolved peacefully?

The most ideal ending: perfectly solve the solar crisis, retain the original secret realm, and allow the wild elves in the secret realm to still live in their homes.


What will the real situation be like?

If the solar crisis cannot be solved, the interior of the secret realm will turn into a sea of ​​fire. Some wild elves are unwilling to leave their homes and die together with their homes in the sea of ​​fire.

If you abandon your secret home, you will have to face a new survival crisis - can you get along well with the wild elves in the natural forest outside?

King of leave.

It is the king of forests in Huangjiang Natural Forest Park.

It must consider the safety of Huangjiang Natural Forest Park.

Even if it really wants to help the secret realm of Xie Mi Garden solve the crisis.

But once the solar crisis in the secret realm of Xie Mi Garden threatens the Huangjiang Natural Forest Park, the King of Leave...

Human trainers and the Elf Alliance will be asked to... sever all spatial ties with the Secret Realm of Semi Garden!


The King of Leave will never forget the natural bird with its feathers in ruins in the secret realm and the eyes of the young elf Shimi who doesn’t know much about anything...


What kind of extravagant wish is it?

Ideals are beautiful.


But it is moving towards the edge of cruelty!


The test of ideal and reality...

Will there be an answer?

The eyes of the leader of the marsupial dragon were filled with the same infinite worry as the King of Leave.

I am afraid……

Time is running out for the secret realm of Semi's Garden!

Everest region, a secret world of glaciers.

North Sea.

Searching for the ancient coelacanth...

This is a very difficult thing for the Gyarados who often jump around in the sea.

They have always been swimming in the sea, and their eyes have never noticed the deep sea, especially the ground under the sea.

No Gyarados would have such a leisurely mind.

However, Magikarp is different.

The life characteristics of the Ancient Coelacanth are almost very similar to those of the Magikarp.

If you can mess it up on the bottom of the sea, let it die on the bottom of the sea.

It can stay in place motionless for ten thousand years.

At this point, the ancient coelacanth can definitely be called the "king of fish".

Only by showing up can you survive.

The ancient coelacanth obviously has "deep sea teeth" and "deep sea scales", special resources that can allow pearl oysters to evolve into hunter fish and cherry blossom fish. However, he does not keep them and sheds them all just to be able to swim in the sea. Live for a hundred million years.

After all, the aggressive hunter fish and the beautiful cherry blossom fish...

They don't live very long in the ocean.

Only an "old, ugly and rotten" spirit like the ancient coelacanth can live a life of hundreds of millions of years.


In order to help Gyarados find the ancient coelacanth, the Magikarp group... directly started a blanket search!

Do ancient coelacanths generally live in the sand on the seafloor or in inconspicuous rock caves?

The carp kings burrowed into the ground one after another, just like the excavators, directly... arching their bodies!

Compared to an "old man" like the ancient coelacanth, King Magikarp may still be a little younger, but...

There are so many Magikarp!

This is like LYB in the wheat field in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Driving back and forth, you can always... bump into someone, right?

An ancient coelacanth suddenly widened its eyes.


It felt like it was...poke hard by something!

Magikarp, you two-armed goddamn thing! !

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