The Master of Elves

Chapter 583 Rainbow Feather: I never thought I could have such a use!

"By the way, which direction should we go on this road...Song Anxuan is going in that direction...Then I should turn my back to her. The direction she leaves should be the exit of the secret realm of the magic city... "

"She should be able to figure out the southeast, northwest and northwest of the secret realm..."

Yang Kaibai never thought that his destiny would one day be controlled by others.

"By the way, she has tamed a new cursed doll. Basically, she will not go the wrong way. Besides, just find a few wild ghost elves nearby and ask for directions."

Yang Kaibai patted the outside of the cursed doll's head.

The doll's head is soft and feels really good when patting it.

"Jie Jie, Nasi!"

Geng Gui received Yang Kaibai's signal and found a few nearest wild ghost elves to ask for directions. Yang Kaibai was indeed heading in the right direction.

This shows that Song Anxuan can indeed distinguish the southeast, northwest and northwest of the secret realm.

"If you meet Miss Song again in the secret realm in the future, follow her and you will definitely not get lost."

Yang Kaibai changed his mind and quickly returned to his direction.

At this time, the number of ghost elves following behind was not as large as before. Many of them were scared away by Miss Song's loud roar, and many of them were just for fun. After all, the number of human trainers chasing Yang Kaibai was also small. .

Yang Kaibai seems to be a has-been "female star" now. After all, this cursed doll is dressed as a female and lacks the popularity of wild ghost elves. For a while, she felt a little regretful.

But that doesn't matter.

Yang Kaibai believed that as long as he took a little action, there would be a new group of fanatical suitors on the road ahead.

Be a ghost...

Yang Kaibai is getting better and better at it...

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, the ghost-type aura nearby is getting stronger and stronger. You should encounter some ghost-type elves with similar strength to Gengar."

"Jie Jie, Nasi!"

There is a very easy way to determine whether the secret realm of the spiritual world is deep.

Although the Secret Realm of the Spirit World is located in a magical city, the environment is the same all year round, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The most intuitive thing is the temperature of the test environment. The lower the temperature, the better the path to the depths.

"I remember that there should be a very large spiritual lake in the secret realm of the spiritual world in the Demon City. Under the water of the spiritual lake, it seems that you can see the direction leading to the living world...the closer you get to the spiritual lake , the overall strength of the ghost elves living there will be stronger."

"The God of Wisdom, Yoshie, once said... that there was a key stone for the super evolution of elves in the lake of the spiritual world... the key stone of the Ghost Gym Master Xie should be found in the lake of the spiritual world. That’s it.”

Yang Kaibai now seems to have a special feeling of wanting to explore every lake in the secret realm.

There is even a very special sense of security.

It may be that Kodak, Gyarados, and Pomegranate have great strength bonuses near lakes and waters. Of course, it may also be...

Uxie, the God of Wisdom, and Emridonen, the God of Emotions, are watching him secretly.

By the lake, the safety factor is directly maximized.

Yang Kaibai was thinking as he walked, and as he walked he discovered that something seemed to be wrong with the situation.

There was a bit of coldness seeping into his back.

It's not that kind of hostility. If it is hostility, Yang Kaibai's "spirit of excitement" can be felt instantly. On the contrary, it is a kind of...

It's like entering a zoo, not visiting the animals, but the feeling of being visited by the animals.

Looking around, Yang Kaibai felt as if there were pairs of eyes focused on him in the dark like "looking at a fool".

"Jie Jie, Nasi."

Gengar discovered the problem immediately and pointed his fat fingers in the direction of Yang Kai's white feet. These feet were close to the ground...

How can any serious ghost-type elves walk on the ground? !

Even Gengar, half of his body is in another dimension, and half of his body is exposed, floating like a mobile island.

"It seems to be true! I have completely forgotten about this incident. No wonder I said that I couldn't seem to get those ghost elves to gather along the way... Gengar, please let me levitate!"

Being a ghost also requires some skills...

This is my first time playing a cursed doll, so I'm inexperienced, so please forgive me.

If you practice more in the future, you won't make such common sense mistakes...

Yang Kaibai came back to Geng Gui's head, and after levitating and flying with the help of Geng Gui who had hidden himself, the strange look in the dark like he was looking at a fool was finally gone.

On the next road, Yang Kaibai did not cause any more trouble. He was chased in front by people and chased by ghosts in the back...

In the end, he was almost captured by an acquaintance as a wild elf.

Now is the time to take a break.

Yang Kaibai took advantage of the situation and changed his position, from lying forward to lying down.

This posture may be nothing to Yang Kaibai, and may even be more comfortable.

But it’s different in the secret realm of the spiritual world…

An extra-large cursed doll that lies flat and flies forward, even with its legs crossed when lying down...

This kind of floating and flying method is quite shocking in the entire spiritual world.

If it's a cursed doll walking on the road, it's not serious. The wild ghost elves wouldn't know it, but they know that there's something wrong with such a cursed doll.

But the cursed doll floating in the sky... was lying down, flying upside down, with its legs crossed, looking very leisurely and comfortable...


These wild ghost elves have never seen such a posture before!

Flying upside down...

Isn't that extra-large cursed doll afraid of bumping into other ghost elves?

Lying there flat, this posture is very tiring, but it can actually raise its feet and even shake a few times!

Why can that cursed doll float so easily and freely!

I really want to fly lying down, I really want to lift my feet...

Ghosts and ghosts in the dark, you look at me, I look at you...

So the question is, what should an elf without feet do?

The wild purple fat guys in the dark began to learn Yang Kaibai's floating posture of lying down and resting, but for the purple fat guys, they discovered another huge difficulty!

The legs are too short and I can’t cross one leg over the other…

Isn’t this bullying the honest Gengar clan?

The wild dream demon also wants to learn, but compared to the dream demon's head, the lower body of the dream demon is obviously top-heavy. It can fly upside down, but it wants to lie down...


The floating method of the dream demon often tilts forward at a 45-degree angle. However, for the dream demon who has a higher IQ and is much more mature and stable, the flying method of the cursed doll is not suitable for them.


They also did not continue to study like the naughty and playful dream monsters.

Yang Kaibai clearly felt this time that he attracted more eyes than when he was walking before.

But why was there the sound of something hitting the tree next to it?

Yang Kaibai turned his head and looked out from the zipper opening to see several wild Gengars lying upside down and flying. No matter how far away they were, Yang Kaibai couldn't be more familiar with Gengar's iconic white teeth. They were learning from Yang Kaibai. The current posture is just a copycat.

Looking at Yang Kaibai from a distance, the wild Gengar accidentally forgot about the trees behind them.


In Yang Kaibai's shocked eyes, those wild Gengars all hit the tree one by one.

"Gu Gu Gu, Yang Kaibai, this gesture of yours seems to have caused a trend in the secret realm of the spirit world!"

Lightning Chicken originally thought that nothing would happen to the secret realm of the spirit world, but he still didn't expect that Yang Kaibai, lying on Gengar's back, with a relaxed and leisurely posture, could actually attract people to imitate...

"This is Geng Gui carrying me... Geng Gui is in another dimension. There is a cursed doll costume covering Geng Gui's back... You can't see the truth from a distance." Yang Kaibai said, and accidentally He suddenly thought of something, then smiled and shook his head, "I didn't expect...Feng Wang to be myself."

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, Yang Kaibai, this Phoenix King's rainbow feather in the travel backpack is shining, and he looks a little unconvinced." The Lightning Chicken noticed the movement in the travel backpack and reminded.

Yang Kaibai was stunned for a moment.

"Do I still have something like the Rainbow Feather?"

"Gugu, it's true. Yang Kaibai, you won't forget it, right?"

"Hey, I really forgot! Now that I think about it, it seems to have some opinions on me. Forget it, I don't want to be the same as it."

In the travel backpack, the rainbow feathers flashed so brightly that I shivered! !

As a token of the Rainbow Hero's test, the Rainbow Feather has its own "spirituality".

It appeared in front of Yang Kaibai happily at first, but unfortunately, Yang Kaibai scolded and rejected it on the spot.

Although there were some misunderstandings between Yang Kaibai and Feng Wang, the misunderstanding was resolved later, but the misunderstanding between Rainbow Feather and Yang Kaibai has not yet been resolved.

Rainbow Feather has been following Magearna's first-generation soul heart, and Yang Kaibai is not worried.

But this also caused Yang Kaibai to forget that he seemed to have such a rainbow feather...

The Rainbow Feather is not very useful now. Even if Yang Kaibai has now become a candidate for the Rainbow Hero test in the eyes of Phoenix King, Yang Kaibai will still need to meet Thunder Lord, Sui Lord, and Yan Emperor later... In short, the current Rainbow Feather is just It's like a mascot pendant, left in a travel backpack, except that when angry, it emits lights of various colors to protest...

Yang Kaibai took advantage of the situation and asked Geng Gui to take out the travel backpack.

It's okay if you don't take it. Once you take it out, the Rainbow Feather emits a somewhat chaotic light of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo. In the sky above the secret realm of the spirit world, Yang Kaibai's extra-large cursed doll... becomes even more underworld. .

Just imagine.

In an environment similar to a haunted house, a person wearing a doll uniform and playing the role of a ghost-type elf cursed doll holds a luminous backpack with colorful lights shining in it, and lets the light of the underworld shine on the doll's face... …

"Is this something a normal person can do!"

"Master, Master, calm down, Master..."

"The trainer that the Magic City Elf Alliance desperately invited...a pioneer in the field of super evolution in China...the son of my best friend Xu Jingru's family..."

Xie Jingyou watched Yang Kaibai inside the ghost gym through the eyes of the different dimensions of the secret realm of the magic city. In the area where Yang Kaibai was, a colorful special effect of flashing lights like a disco in a dance hall suddenly lit up...

What is this for?

Is this going to have a disco party in the secret realm of the spiritual world? !

Xie Jingyou suddenly thought of...

When Yang Kaibai was in the special secret realm of the summer camp last year, he was the host of a competition for the top ten singers in Forest Park, and no one expected that the twelve Jigglypuffs would eventually become the "Pioneer Program in the Super Evolutionary Field" during the training. Ace trainer"!

Singing and dancing...

"Wait a minute, what happened to that chicken? That heterochromatic fire chicken... did it start dancing? No, what kind of outrageous elf is this? This heterochromatic fire chicken is from the dance academy. Graduated?!"

Xie Jingyou now only feels a dull pain in her head.

Yang Kaibai came to visit the secret realm of the spiritual world in the Demon City. Whether it was the Demon City Elf Alliance or the ghost gym, everyone welcomed him extremely, and even wished that Yang Kaibai could stay in the secret realm of the spiritual world for a few more days.

But now...

Xie Jingyou didn't dare to think any more.

Yang Kaibai's operation on the first day had already made her scalp numb. She would wait a few more days...

So, is that okay? !

After all, she is the current leader of the ghost gym, and she is responsible for the secret realm of the magic city. If anything happens to the secret realm...

"Jingru, your son...hey, this Magic City Elf Alliance just invited the national competition champion, it invited an ancestor!"

Yang Kaibai didn't know that his seniority at Sister Xie's place had already been "super advanced".

When he took out his travel backpack, he didn't even realize what kind of magic a rainbow feather that could emit the atmosphere of a dance hall would have in the secret realm of the magic city.


Yang Kaibai knew it.

Lightning Chicken also knows.

Rainbow Feather...

I'm afraid I will never understand in this life that I can actually play the role of a disco atmosphere group at this moment!

If King Feng knew that the token of the Rainbow Hero's test had "fallen" into such a situation in the hands of Yang Kaibai...

Yang Kaibai couldn't even think about it!


Yang Kaibai and Lightning Chicken looked at the hundreds of ghost-type elves that had gathered around them in an instant, with them as the center, and even the number rushed to the five-digit mark...

"Rainbow Feather, have you not eaten? Just light up like this, who can you show it to?"

The atmosphere has already reached this point, why don’t we have a dance party with the ghost elves in the secret realm of the spiritual world...

No matter how you say it, it doesn’t make sense, right?

"Jie Jie, Nasi!"

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, it's my turn, Yang Kaibai! Are you awesome, Brother Chicken!!"

The DNA in the Lightning Chicken's body has been uncontrollably activated at this moment.

It is now...

What was performed was not the dance of lightning, but the dance of flames of the heterochromatic fire chicken!

One flower, two flowers, three flowers...

The dancing and flickering will-o'-the-wisps seem to contain an accented rhythm!

At this moment, deep in the northwest of the spiritual world...

All ghosts dance together! !

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