The Master of Elves

Chapter 618 Kodak, the illegitimate son of the sea!

Yang Kaibai was walking on the path from the hotel to the beach, facing the looming sunshine. In the forest of leaves, he could see the coconut palm trees sleeping with their legs spread apart and their heads hanging close to each other. The leaves on their heads began to rise with their breathing. Ups and downs.

A little further away, you can vaguely see strange blades rotating like a large windmill, and occasionally you can hear the sound of "snoring", which is what tropical dragons look like when they gather together to rest on the island.

The temperature outside is still a little low at the moment, which is not suitable for entering the ocean.

Yang Kaibai took Kodak and Gengar and simply walked on the beach.

The scenery here is very different from the Dragon Islands.

However, what cannot be changed is...

The sun still rises from the east.

"Gengar, are you writing a diary?"

"Jie Jie, Nasi!"

Yang Kaibai found that Gengar was holding a pen and a small notebook in his hand, recording everything that happened after arriving in Hawaii, the United States.

Seriously, who writes a diary?

However, Yang Kaibai saw in Geng Gui's writing that he was wise and powerful and in control of the overall situation when faced with Western media reporters...

"The writing is good, please write more, I like to read it."

Yang Kaibai's face was full of smiles, and his sunny look could even overwhelm the newborn sun.

"Jiejiejie, 叏叀!"

Recorded at 5:46 a.m. Hawaii time on June 23, 2031.

After closing Guigui's diary, it's time to experience the beach and sea here.

"Kah da kah da."

Koda Duck held the melon seeds on his head and walked to the beach area where the tide could soak. Facing the direction of the sea, he let his feet feel the cold sea water. In the ebb and flow of the tide, Koda Duck's breathing gradually calmed down. .


Geng Gui picked up a pen and in the column "Why is the Duck God a God" in Gui Gui's diary, he used a simple drawing to draw this incredible scene of the duck god facing the sea and meditating in concentration.

Bathed in the red morning sun, Kodak now seems to have a somewhat "sacred" light.

Yang Kai stood quietly next to Ke Keya, looking at the red sun rising from the end of the sea level, as if he was an old monk entering meditation.

Meditate and be in a daze with Kodakya.

At this time, Kodakya feels the ebb and flow of the sea, and wants to find the figure of the owner of the pair of eyes he once saw in the sea again...

God of the sea...

By the way.

Let's see if there are any moves that anyone can learn.

Then teach Yaya one move or two.

Kodak has a feeling that the mysterious shadow in the deep sea is much closer to the beach here than it was to the Dragon Islands.


No matter how hard he thought about it, Yaya couldn't figure out what kind of elf it was.


Behind the mysterious trench somewhere in the deep sea, there seemed to be some spirit that turned over. While a huge bubble appeared on the bottom of the sea, huge waves arose in the nearby uninhabited sea.


Why is it this duck again? !

Isn't the "Air Explosion" move that was taught last time to press the bottom of the box enough? !

At first, it thought that Kodak would not be able to learn it, so it deliberately simplified the air explosion technique into an easy-to-understand air blade. It started with the air blade and finally practiced forming an air explosion.

Air explosion, this is its exclusive move!

But who knew that this duck could imitate immediately.

Isn't it shameless?

What's even more outrageous is that by imitating the explosion of air, it is even transformed into the attack method that Kodak is best at - using the air blade to use the spoon of water, while compressing the power of the flying attribute.

Such imitation ability...

Lugia seems to have only been seen in another legendary elf.

Could this duck be a fantasy? !

Lugia woke up in the deep sea.

On the uninhabited sea, the huge waves that were originally set off unexpectedly stopped unexpectedly, and then a strange continuous drizzle ushered in.

This sea area...

The sky will change if you say it will, and the face will change if you say the face will change.

If that duck is really a fantasy, how can we explain the aura of Nightmare God Darkrai?

But this time, Lugia clearly felt that the aura of the Nightmare God Darkrai on the Duck Duck had become more "secret" and "thick".

This is a sign of deep sleep.

When he wakes up next time, Darkrai's strength will be greatly improved.

None of that matters.

The question now is...

This duck is coming to learn moves again!

This is not learning moves...

This is clearly a restock!

Lugia's exclusive move Air Explosion has been "leaked", what else does Kodak want? !

Don't look at the dull look of this Kodak...

Lugia is the one who likes to be in a daze and seems to be messing around.

Just like King Slowpoke, the king of the Slowpoke clan.

Why does King Slow have amazing wisdom?

Why can King Daidai be called the "Sage of the Sea"?

This is the blessing of Lugia, the "Guardian God of the Sea"!

An innocent, romantic and simple elf...

The stupid child of the sea can always be favored by Lugia, the "Guardian God of the Sea".


In the deep sea, behind the abyss of the mysterious trench, Lugia's eyes flickered slightly.

There are no moves that can be taught to Koda Duck in Lugia.

However, in the sea, Lugia still has information that can warn Duck Duck.

With its birth, the Temple of the Sea will once again appear in the field of vision of the real elf world.

You can reach where the duck is now...

You will be attacked crazily by countless water elves.

There is also that island country.

The leaked nuclear wastewater, the sunken ships, and the oil floating on the sea have made the sea of ​​the real elf world...

I have to start my own purification and protection.

The prince of the sea will break out of his shell and wake up in the sea temple.

"Cococo... cocoa! Gua!"

Kodak suddenly woke up from his sleep.

The duck, holding the melon seeds on its head and not knowing what to do for a moment, started running in a panic on the beach with a "ta-da-da" sound, and at the same time made a "quack-quack" sound.


Gengar couldn't help but be startled by the situation of Kodak.

The Kodak Duck is...

What nightmare did you have? !

Whenever the Kodak Duck runs back and forth in a panic, something big is going to happen!

This is Kodak’s self-warning when encountering a crisis!

"Koda, what did you see in your dream?!"

Yang Kaibai did not expect that Kodakya would wake up suddenly this time while facing the sea while meditating peacefully.

This is completely different from being in the Dragon Islands!

Is it acclimatization?

"Kah, kah, kah!"

Kodak hurriedly gathered a spoon of water and drew an elf egg on the ground of the beach.

Yang Kaibai looked at the elf egg on the beach, and then at Kodak Duck. He hesitated for a while, pointed at the elf egg and said, "Kad Duck, did you dream that you and Dahai... gave birth to an elf egg?"

what is this?

This is……

Can you reach the duck's erotic dream?

Gengar:! ! !

"Keda? Keda!!"

Kodak duck nodded first, and then shook his head desperately.

It's not an egg laid by a duck!

It's the sea!

The elf eggs it lays in the sea!


Now it was Gengar's turn to be shocked.

Is this a ghost story?


Will the sea itself lay elf eggs? !

Geng Gui has little education, so don’t lie to Geng Gui!

"Wait a minute...the elf egg of the sea...could it be it?!"

Yang Kaibai frowned slightly, looking at the elf egg that Kodak drew on the beach, and seemed to have thought of something.

According to legend, there are three spirits associated with the sea.

Kyogre who created the sea.

Lugia protects the sea.

Mana Fei was born in the sea.

The sea is the cradle of life, and it can give birth to sea elves.

Manafei, known as the "Prince of the Sea", is a child conceived by the sea.

Kodak saw Manafei's elf egg in the dream of the sea? !

This is very incredible news!

In Yang Kaibai's memory, the appearance of Mana Fei will bring the ruins of the ancient Sea Temple back to the world's attention. It is the legendary miraculous palace built by the people of water - Yakusha.

It's just that in the real elven world, the birth of Manafei seems to be often accompanied by a disaster.


Gengar took out his mobile phone and searched for information about "Manafei" on the Internet. In the published information, Manafei appeared three times in human history.

"In the Elven Calendar, in 996 BC, the raging waves of the sea engulfed the ancient city-state of Hezheya. The ancient country with hundreds of years of history was completely submerged in the sea. The figure of the mysterious elves was left behind. The traces of ancient times are called Manafei in historical records."

"In the Elven Calendar, in AD 007, the raging waves of the sea dealt a devastating blow to the human city-states for the second time. The reason was that the human city-states defied the God of the Ocean and moved mountains and reclaimed seas..."

"Elven Calendar, 1006 AD... The records this time seem to be a little different. In the previous two times, the sea destroyed human city-states and civilizations. This time... it seems to have saved a country on the verge of destruction..."

"Elven Calendar, AD 1512, the beginning of the Age of Discovery. Some trainers from the Age of Discovery seemed to have seen the figure of Manafei, the prince of the sea. However, in that era, there was no incident of the sea swallowing up city-states or civilizations. "

"Elven Calendar, 2031. If we follow the frequency of once a thousand years... it is indeed possible for Manafei's Elf Egg to be born in the sea. By the way, Gengar, where is Brother Chicken? Is the Lightning Chicken awake now? ? Damn, I forgot Brother Chicken was sleeping on my bed... He said he hadn’t slept in my bed for a long time."

Yang Kaibai thought that this was an event that happened in history. Maybe the lightning bird, the guardian of the secret realm that was looking for the best place to merge with the Thunder Magnetic Mountain Secret Realm in the real elf world - now the reborn Chicken Brother, might know something about what happened on the sea. some secrets.

It's a pity that Brother Ji is still sleeping in bed at the moment...

I'll ask Brother Ji when I get back to the hotel.

"Koda, what else did you see?"

Yang Kaibai continued to ask.

Kodak usually doesn't have nightmares, but every time he has a nightmare, something will happen exactly in the future.

Kodak Duck is no longer as panicked as he was when he just woke up. One of his little paws is holding the spoon of water, and the other is scratching the back of his head...

This is a great question for trainers!

Duck duck......

What else did Yaya see?

Mysterious guidance...


"Kah, kah!"

Kodakya's eyes lit up and he patted his chest.

The mysterious guidance tells Yaya that the new elf born from the elf egg...

Yaya needs to teach it some moves!

For example...

Sora, air blade! !

Yang Kaibai widened his eyes.

Kodak dreamed that it was teaching Mana Fe how to use the air blade?

Is FMD a move that Manafei can learn? !

Why is this dream so strange? It was clear that Kodak was so frightened that he woke up from his dream, but later he dreamed of teaching Manafei how to learn the air blade...

Could it be that Manafei found out that she couldn't learn the air blade and was so shocked that she just opened it...

Are you so angry that you can only cause destruction?

Is this duck's nightmare so outrageous? !

The backside of a trench in the depths of the ocean.

Lugia thought about some of the information he had previously "warned" about that duck.

It says so.

It has already taught its strongest move, Air Explosion, to Kodak Duck. If Kodak Duck wants to learn new moves, he can wait until the elf bred in the elf egg breaks out of its shell...

Learn something from it.

The prince of the sea...

Kyogre created the sea.

The sea gave birth to Mana Fei.

Mana Fei may have some talents of "root fluctuations", but it is not Mana Fei who can really use "root fluctuations".

Lugia is ready to take a look...

Can this duck be able to imitate the shadow of "root fluctuation" from Manafei?

After all, the air explodes...

It gets imitated too quickly.

Of course, Lugia didn't know what it said. When it came to Kodak, who was prone to instant amnesia, it had strangely changed to "teach Mana Fe about air explosions"...

The reason why Kodak is talking about "Air Blade" is because when Lugia first taught Kodak how to use air explosion, he called the air explosion "Air Blade"...

Lugia really didn't want to teach air explosion at the beginning!

But who made Kodak duck imitate too quickly!


Lugia's eyebrows curved, revealing a strange smile in the deep sea.


It says if.

If Kodakya can really learn the shadow of "root fluctuation" from Manafei...

I don’t know what kind of expression Kyogre will show when he sees it!

"Kah da kah da!"

Kodak Duck's eyes are extremely firm.

Don’t worry, that mysterious teacher in the sea!

If that elf egg breaks out of its shell and wakes up, and the elf inside meets a duck...

Yaya will definitely try his best to teach it "air explosion"! !

This is the first time the teacher has given Yaya such an important task!

Yang Kaibai looked at Kodakya's determined look and scratched his head.

This always feels like something is not quite right, but Yang Kaibai can't put it into words...

Maybe Yang Kaibai's knowledge... is too shallow?

Believe in the duck! !

The Kodak Duck will definitely teach Manafei how to use be sharp!

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, Yang Kaibai, what did you say? Did the duck dream about the elf eggs bred by the sea in the sea?!"

Asking for votes every day~

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