The Master of Elves

Chapter 664 When I am dreaming! What's the next sentence? ! (3 more to come!)


Kodak Duck burped, patted his yellow and round belly with satisfaction, and leaned motionless on the chair, waiting comfortably for the food to be digested.

After a morning's sleep and a full meal, Kodakya is now in a very good state of mind.

"Koda Duck, in the afternoon knockout round, remember to perform well and give those people who don't understand why Duck Duck is a god...a little shock!"


"It's a pity that we can't make them have nightmares... It would be better if we were in the dream world and made you, Kodak Duck, their nightmare."


After Yang Kaibai learned the ins and outs of Kodak Duck's "weakness", he was really going to be laughed to death by those guys who like to speculate.

You call it smart.

People who can enter the analyst team must have extremely high IQs, otherwise this top analysis team, which is one of the best in the world, would not invite them to join.

But you said they are not smart...

Some people always think too much.

The duck just slept a little longer in the morning, which was infinitely magnified and became the "weakness" of the duck.

I have this idea...

It's better to think about how to improve the strength of the contestants' electronic elves.

The weakness of the reachable duck is clearly shown in the elf attributes - water elf, which is restrained by the electric and grass elf.

However, among the opponents that Kodak has encountered so far, there are not many grass-type elves that can threaten Kodak. The most threatening ones are definitely the electric elves.

Yang Kaibai didn't quite understand why those "smart people" kept focusing on the "drowsiness" of Kodak Duck. Even if Kodak Duck was sleeping, he was still improving his strength during meditation!

"Gengar, in the new version of "Why is Kodak a God?", doesn't it mention that Kodak is very powerful while sleeping?" Yang Kaibai was a little puzzled.

"哏Si? 哏Si!"

When Geng Gui heard Yang Kaibai ask this question, his smiling eyes became a little shocked for a moment.


In the book "Why the Duck is a God", it has been written clearly and clearly how powerful the Duck is in the nightmare form...


"It's not a sleep state, it's a nightmare form...but isn't the prerequisite for nightmare form sleep?"


Gengar nodded. He still remembered that he had recorded how powerful Kodak was when he was "sleepwalking" on the Dragon Islands, but that record was revised and combined with the record of nightmare form.

Yang Kaibai warned: "Gengar, after this world elite competition, we have to add a record that the reachable duck is very powerful in the sleep state, and we need to popularize the science... The strength of the reachable duck in the nightmare form is stronger than that in the sleepwalking state. The duck that is sleeping is stronger than the duck that is awake at ordinary times."

"哏Si, 哏Si."

Gengar nodded a little ashamedly.

This World Elite Competition version of "Why Canduck is a God" was indeed released a little hastily, but because the sales were so good, Gengar didn't care to add some detailed settings of why Canduck is a god.

It cannot expand...

As expected of Yang Kaibai, the trainer of Gui Guidi, he is so serious and responsible in his work!

He really...

The ghost will cry to death!

If he were Yang Kaibai's opponent, he would definitely be moved to tears by Yang Kaibai's responsible attitude, right?

"Forget it, I won't go into trouble now. I have clearly written some things in the book and told them. There are also videos of battles in the national competition. Don't they... don't even watch it? Or is it okay? Da Ya is too strong, causing them to be less confident in their own judgment?"

Yang Kaibai feels that he cannot be missing from his team of professional analysts for the World Elite Competition.

Really, not professional at all.


Geng Gui looked solemn.

Guigui felt that Yang Kaibai’s analysis was correct.

It must be that the strength of the Duck God is too strong, which makes ordinary analysts unable to analyze the power of the Duck God.

The real world of elves...

Kodak is the only duck god!

Yang Kaibai thought about it carefully, and it may be that the reason why the duck is more powerful in the sleeping state has not been announced to the public, which has led to some misunderstandings among these analysts and outside trainers about the duck...

The nightmare form that is more powerful than the sleepwalking state has been revealed long ago, but the sleepwalking state has not yet been announced...

This is so inappropriate!

Yang Kaibai fell into "deep self-blame".

"哏Si, 哏Si..."

Geng Gui began to transform into a licking ghost to comfort Yang Kaibai.

This is not trainer Yang Kaibai's fault!

What is wrong is this world!

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, Yang Kai Bai, Geng Gui, can you guys stop acting like the underworld? You just know it yourself..."

"Hey hey hey, Jie Jie, Nasi!"

Yang Kaibai and Geng Gui put on a good show with a tacit understanding, but by the end of the show, it became more and more hellish, and even the Lightning Chicken couldn't stand it anymore...

Geng Gui said that this is indeed the underworld.

Yang Kaibai is good or bad!

Guigui likes it so much!

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, it's true. I don't know which unlucky person will meet Yang Kaibai, a contestant from the underworld this afternoon..." Lightning Chicken felt that as a legendary elf, he seemed a little perverted enough, so that he had trouble with Yang Kaibai and Gengar. Somewhat out of place.

Yang Kaibai picked up his mobile phone and checked the official website of the World Elite Competition. His opponent in the knockout round was Chris, a senior player from Cornell University.

"Hey, this contestant has a coconut egg tree, and Koda Duck likes it. The Dream-Causing Tapir... This damn Dream-Causing Tapir, Koda Duck, come out and catch it and beat it up!"

"Qilu Qilu!"

The Dream-Inducing Tapir is definitely at the top of Yang Kaibai's "Elf Must Beat List".

Who asked the dream-inducing tapir to "play" Yang Kaibai?

During the national competition, he pretended that he was about to lose his fighting power, and when Yang Kaibai sent out Chirulian, he defeated Chirulian alive and well.


An elf like the Dream-Causing Tapir deserves to be severely beaten!

"This elf from Kesri... has a three-star elite Dragon King Scorpion with vicious attributes. This one is only weak in the ground attribute..."

Yang Kaibai narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about a more adventurous idea in his mind.

"Ask Xiaoshasha, if you fight Dragon King Scorpion, you will definitely bear the risk of facing the poisonous move... The three-star elite level is at least two times stronger than the one-star elite Xiaoshasha. Duan's level...but, relying on Dragon Dance, it is possible for Little Shark to win."

Although it is now the second round of the elimination round of the World Elite Competition, Yang Kaibai is still trying his best to find elves suitable for Little Shark or Chirulian to play against.

Of course, every time they come on stage, it means they have to face a leapfrog challenge every time.

Yang Kaibai's selection of elf opponents was naturally carefully considered, and he also sought the opinions of Xiaoshasha and Qilulian.

Yang Kaibai will not arrange for some duels where the strength gap is too large.

Because such a duel has no practical significance.

Only when someone like the Dragon King Scorpion is weaker than the Little Shark Shark from the Dragon Dance Queen and is restrained by the Little Shark Shark's attributes, would Yang Kaibai consider sending the Little Shark Shark onto the field.

The three-star elite dragon king scorpion...

It is a good opponent of Little Shark.

In this way, this opponent named "Chris" deserves more attention from Yang Kaibai.

"There is also a fighting type Iron Palm Rikishi? Chris's Iron Palm Rikishi is not as big as Kirby... Is it the type that is flexible and good at magic? Two-star elite level, suitable for Chiruli Ann comes to play. The rest... huh? Does he also have a Gyarados? Will it be arranged for Gyarados or Little Pomegranate..."

The two elf balls of Gyarados and Pomegranate were shaking together in Yang Kaibai's pocket.

They all want to go up and fight Chris's Gyarados.

"Last of all... there is also an electric-type Thunder Beast. This lineup of elves is really good!"

Yang Kaibai was surprised to find that the players in his afternoon knockout match were really good in terms of the elves' lineup alone - indeed suitable for some good training and strength demonstrations for Yang Kaibai's elves.

Poor Chris, he didn't know that while he was fantasizing about how to "pull Yang Kaibai's Kodak Duck off the altar", Yang Kaibai had clearly arranged every one of Chris's elves. .

With such an opponent, Yang Kaibai must learn to cherish him.

Because there are really not many opponents who can be clearly arranged by Yang Kaibai before the game.

There aren’t that many routines.

The main thing is a truth!

"Canada, is it almost done? It's time for us to get ready to go to Trange Island!"


The duck jumped down from its lying position.

Yaya accidentally took a nap this morning.

"Show it off" for a moment.

I missed the elf battle in the morning.

That afternoon's elf battle...

Of course you have to behave well!

Go, go, go!

"Heidi, after the knockout match in the afternoon, tomorrow's knockout match... what do you think?"

On Trange Island, the Seth players from the B Island Division are accompanying Heidi, waiting for Heidi's second elimination match.

"Here in our D Island competition area, as long as the contestants want to get ranked, no one wants to meet that guy Yang Kaibai in advance." Heidi smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Setter, what about you, your afternoon game In the knockout round...are you sure you will meet Qin Zhaochi from China?"

Seth pondered for a while and replied seriously: "To be honest, for me... among all the contestants in the Chinese region, the best ones are probably those from the Yulong lineage... However, it can't be We look down on our opponents. If the oldest trainer family in China has a trump card for super evolution... we can't tell, we really can't tell."

Heidi noticed the arrival of the trainer who was riding a Gyarados in the sky and had a reachable duck beside him. Her eyes were vaguely envious and said: "The Chinese region is on the road of super evolution... with Yang Kaibai, It’s already way ahead of us.”

Seth looked silent.

The super evolution stones and key stones found by the Elf Alliance in the English region only exist in the hands of distinguished royal trainers. It is impossible for a trainer like him without much background to obtain the super evolution stones and key stones through the Elf Alliance in the English region. Keystone.

Impossible in this life.

Seth sighed and said: "If I lost to Qin Zhaochi in the knockout match in the afternoon, I must have lost on the trump card of super evolution. If Qin Zhaochi, who is from the Yulong lineage, wants to beat me, there is only one possibility. .”

Seth has such confidence.

Because of his elf lineup, his ace elf Xishi Hairen is the elf lineup that restrains Qin Zhaochi.

"Let's watch the elf battle between Yang Kaibai and Chris first. To be honest, on Trange Island, I really don't want to watch Yang Kaibai's elf battle. Without that kind of props, the more I watch, the more I feel shocked."

Seth knew that Heidi was talking about the "EVO reagent" from the United States, but even if he had such a reagent in his hand, he would feel more and more shocked as he looked at it.

True super evolution...

It won't have such huge side effects on the elves.

What matters is.

Once the EVO reagent is used, what should we do in the next duel?

Because elves who have used the EVO reagent will have a period of weakness that lasts for at least a month.

"Yeah, let's watch the game first..." Seth shook his head.

We have reached this point, just face it.

"Sett, why does that Chris look so happy? Isn't he stupid?" Heidi noticed Chris who was giggling "hehe" next to the "Land-Pool" Elf Battle Standard Field.

Seth hesitated for a while: "Isn't he brainwashed by those analysts? He must use hypnosis, sleep powder, mushroom spores and other tricks to deal with the Koda Duck, trying to defeat the Koda Duck God's belief..."

Heidi also whispered: "The consequences of not reading seriously... The Duck has entered a sleep state. Is it really good for them? I remember the nightmare form of the Duck, the evil attribute that was darkened in the national competition. The reachable should be triggered after entering the sleep state first, right?"

"Cadda, let's go!"

"Kah da kah da!"

Yang Kaibai finally saw the "voice and smile" of contestant Chris...

Seeing that Yang Kaibai's Duck Duck was awake, and Yang Kaibai actually sent the Duck Duck to start...

Chris smiled broadly.

Yang Kaibai smiled happily.

"Dream-inducing tapir!!"


Yang Kaibai's smile became even brighter when he saw Chris sending out the Dream Tapir in the first place.

Chris looked at Yang Kaibai with a sunny smile. He didn't know why, but he felt a little cold in his heart, but...

Thinking about the possibility of becoming the first player to defeat Kodak in the World Elite Competition, Chris...

He thinks he can give it a try!

"Dream-inducing tapir, hypnotism!"

"Well done!!"


Good luck? !

The operation of Yang Kaibai and Kodakya shocked the whole audience at this moment! !

This damn elf even opens his arms and actively accepts hypnosis? !

Kodak... fell into sleep!

When I fall asleep...the whole world will tremble!

Gua! ! !

Elf Battle Arena, Chris and the Dream-Causing Tapir...

At this moment, I am trembling! !

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