The Master of Elves

Chapter 667 Dragon Dance, Sword Dance! Little Shark's super enhancement!

Yang Kaibai's voice echoed in Chris's ears like an evil ghost.

Fangtooth Land Shark…

It was almost like playing with the intelligence of him and Dragon King Scorpion.

The fang land shark jumped up and down on the elf battleground with a victor's attitude. Its smile and roar were like a big dick hitting Chris in the face.

But what can Chris do?

Before Dragon King Scorpion had a chance to use his best poison, he was instantly killed by the Earthquake move behind the Dragon Dance of the Fang Land Shark.

no doubt.

This is pure IQ crushing.

Chris could only choose to take back the Dragon King Scorpion and then send out the next elf.

The dream-inducing tapir, coconut egg tree, and dragon king scorpion have lost their combat effectiveness.

Chris currently has three remaining elves: Gyarados, Iron Palm Rikishi and Thunderbolt.

Previously, the duck was sleepwalking and hitting the coconut tree...

Without it, just familiarity with your hands.

If Yang Kaibai hadn't arranged Dragon King Scorpion as Xiaoshasha's opponent early before the game, Kodakya, who was sleepwalking, would have ended the battle long ago.

If there is an opportunity to practice on the field, it still needs to be left to Xiaoshasha and Qilulian.


Chris was originally in a "crazy" angry state, and his tortured mentality was already a bit problematic after being played with the earthquake moves by the sharp-toothed land shark.

When Gyarados was sent out, Chris even wanted to cry.

Who doesn't know that the strongest Gyarados in the World Elite Competition is in the hands of Yang Kaibai?

In fact, it is the only Gyarados in the world that can super evolve!

Chris felt sad.

The reason why he wanted to cry was because he thought that Yang Kaibai would take back the fang land shark and send a super-evolved Gyarados to beat Chris's Gyarados...

Isn't that equivalent to bullying a child?

But Yang Kaibai seemed to have no intention of changing the elf.

Yang Kaibai could feel the shaking of the Gyarados and Pomegranate Poke Balls in his pocket. After all, when arranging his opponents before the game, Yang Kaibai had thought about assigning Chris's Gyarados to his own Gyarados or Kuailosaurus. Pomegranate.

Yang Kaibai's Gyarados beat Chris's Gyarados...

Isn't it the same as a grandfather beating his grandson?

Kuailong Little Pomegranate is even more violent.

The only Gyarados in the world that can withstand the Thunder Fist of Kuailong and Little Pomegranate is Yang Kaibai's own Gyarados. The other Gyarados...

Probably one punch at a time.


The Elf is in a hot state against the Little Shark on the battlefield, and it also maintains the enhanced state of Dragon Dance.

This is the opportunity Xiaoshasha has fought for, because in Yang Kaibai's original plan, in the battle between Xiaoshasha and Dragon King Scorpion, Xiaoshasha is likely to be severely injured, and may even be hit by a poisonous poison and lose everything. However, Xiaoshasha relied on his own agility to defeat the strong with the weak. Not only did he completely defeat Chris's Dragon King Scorpion, but he also retained sufficient combat power...

You can reward Little Shark with a Gyarados!

"The plan has changed. This Gyarados will be left to Shark, Gyarados and Pomegranate. You don't have to fight for it." Yang Kaibai smiled and patted his pocket.

as expected.

Both Gyarados and Kuailong Little Pomegranate settled down.

This is mainly because the elf sent by Chris is Gyarados. This elf, let alone Gyarados and Pomegranate, even Gengar wants to get involved.

In the end, Yang Kaibai's decision was to let Little Shark continue to fight. Gyarados, Little Pomegranate and Gengar were of course speechless, and the most important thing was...

This is the opportunity that Xiaoshasha earned by herself!

"This fanged land shark...we underestimated it, Lucas!"

In the audience, analyst Jessica, who originally planned to leave early, came back to watch the elf battle between Yang Kaibai and Chris.

If Lucas hadn't taken a second look...

Jessica felt a little lucky in her heart. If Lucas hadn't been there, she would have definitely missed the most exciting part of the battle later.

Lucas said solemnly: "We have too little information on the Fang Tooth Land Shark. Because it only has one-star elite strength, and it has not yet fully evolved into the Biting Land Shark... So, We have been ignoring its true combat capabilities."

Jessica murmured: "This Yang Kaibai... He has been training the Fang Shark and Qilulian, knockout, knockout... Lucas, you said..."

Jessica already had a very scary idea in her mind.

Lucas said the next words for Jessica: "Jessica, you want to say that if Yang Kaibai's Fanged Land Shark and Chirulian... evolved during the World Elite Competition, right?"

Jessica's heart trembled, her whole eyes looked a little panicked for a moment, she nodded sharply and said: "The weakness of his elves and the shortcomings of the elves' lineup..."

"Be prepared for the worst. We are using the players to find the weaknesses of the elf Yang Kaibai, and Yang Kaibai is also using his own way to... make up for his own shortcomings." Lucas said calmly.

"We must stop him! We can't give him the chance to experience the Fang Shark and Chirulian!" Jessica gritted her teeth and said.

Lucas glanced at Jessica. This woman was probably a little crazy.

Want to prevent Yang Kaibai from experiencing the Sharp-toothed Land Shark and Qilulian?

Has Jessica calculated how much manpower, material and financial resources will be spent?

Lucas said lightly: "To prevent Yang Kaibai from training Fanged Land Shark and Chirulian in the knockout round...that means not giving Fanged Land Shark and Chirulian a chance to play. Who does Yang Kaibai want to send? Just put whoever you want on the field and you can’t stop it at all.”

"Except for the knockout rounds, couldn't Yang Kaibai arrange an elf battle between the Fang Tooth Land Shark and Chirulian?"

"If it is only in the knockout round, there is one way to do it, and that is to let Yang Kaibai's opponent ensure that the elf's strength can completely crush the Fang Shark or Qilulian. Only in this case, Yang Kaibai can We will consider not letting the Sharptooth Land Shark or Chirulian play, because a game in which they are overwhelmed by their strength is not beneficial to their experience.”

"But once this method is used, it means that starting from the knockout round tomorrow morning... Yang Kaibai's opponents will have to use EVO reagents... Moreover, every elf must use EVO reagents to ensure that the sharp-toothed land shark and the strange Lulian cannot go on the field for battle practice."

"An elf battle, six EVO reagents."

Lucas glanced at Jessica again, and everything he needed to say was made clear.

Jessica was a little silent at this moment.

Soon, Jessica seemed to have thought of something, and her shocked look immediately became energetic: "Lucas, no, we don't need six EVO reagents... We just need to send out fanged land sharks or... When Kirulian is in trouble, just let Yang Kaibai’s opponents use the EVO reagent!”

"Use the EVO reagent to directly crush the one-star elite-level Sharptooth Land Shark and Chirulian, killing them instantly, so that their experience will have no effect!"

Lucas nodded slightly.

Jessica's idea is even better.

"After this elf battle is over, we will go back to the team to discuss it again. If the team adopts my and your ideas...then tomorrow morning's knockout round will be the first appearance of EVO reagent in the World Elite Competition!" Lucas took a deep breath. After a while, his eyes became a little excited.

At this moment, Lucas and Jessica's eyes were once again locked on the elf battle field.

Yang Kaibai...

The contestants from this Chinese region are really terrifying.

He can no longer be allowed to look for opportunities to make up for the shortcomings of Fangtooth Land Shark and Chirulian in the World Elite Competition!

"Gyarados, Dance of Dragons!"

"Baby Shark, Invisible Rock!!"

Although Chris has experienced ups and downs, he is still trying to hold his breath.

He couldn't think about anything else now.

Just thinking about how to kill one of Yang Kaibai's elves.

Just one will do.

Chris's belief supported him in conducting the next battle.


Gyarados released an angry roar and an intimidating aura in the direction of the Sharp-tooth Shark, trying to intimidate the Sharp-tooth Shark and reduce its will to fight, thus weakening the Sharp-tooth Shark's physical attack capabilities.

This is replaced by an ordinary fanged land shark...

The intimidation of Gyarados will definitely work.

Chris's Gyarados is stronger than the Fang Shark, and its intimidating properties are best used against elves that are weaker than himself in elf battles - Persimmon needs to be picky.


Little Shark has an uncle Gyarados who is often beaten!

It was beaten by its father, the Blood-winged Flying Dragon, by its mother, who bit the land shark, and by sister Kuailong and Little Pomegranate...

With such an uncle Gyarados here, the intimidating effect of other Gyarados...

It's useless.

What's more, Uncle Gyarados is much stronger than the Gyarados in front of him!

The only pity is...

Baby Shark cannot fly freely yet.

The arms in the fang land shark form are not strong enough to support its own jet-like flight like the biting land shark.

However, this does not mean that the baby shark cannot "glide".


Shark Shark faced the Gyarados strengthened by Dance of the Dragon in the sky without any worry or nervousness.

I can also dance the dragon, that's the point.

If it were other fang land sharks who didn't know the Dragon Dance, this battle between elves would have almost been a failure.

The rock attribute power flashed with yellow light, and the little shark grinned, revealing a few "cute" looking teeth.

Little Sharkshark's evil smile almost inherits the fine tradition of trainer Yang Kaibai's sunny and cheerful attitude, but also has a bit of evil influenced by the evil Gengar...

Pieces of rocks with sharp edges formed a defense line of invisible rocks that loomed under the sun between the fang land sharks on the ground and the Gyarados in the air.

Shark Shark can't fly right now, so it's really difficult to deal with Gyarados flying in the air, but...

While Gyarados is strengthened with Dragon Dance, Sharkshark can also build a defense line with moves!

On the Electric Plateau, the secret realm of Thunder Ci Mountain, Yang Kaibai once borrowed and commanded another trainer Ji Cheng's armored tyrannosaurus, and used invisible rocks to build a rock defense line against the fast dragon pomegranate.

If Chris's Gyarados wants to attack the Sharptooth Land Shark at close range, it must pass through the defense line of the invisible rock. For the flying attribute Gyarados...

Not friendly.

"Damn... It's difficult to clear these invisible rocks without clearing the dense fog... Gyarados, use tornado!!"

Chris is relatively familiar with invisible rocks used for defense. In his career as a trainer for so many years, he will always encounter some "Nail Team" elf lineups.

If these invisible rock defense lines are not strong, Gyarados can use tornadoes to destroy such defense lines, but...

Can a tornado really be done?

Speaking of which, Chris himself was a little skeptical.

Because of the special attack move of tornado, if he didn't want to clear the invisible rock, Chris would have almost forgotten that Gyarados can use tornado moves.


The last time Gyarados used Tornado...

When was it?

Yang Kaibai would not let the invisible rock defense line be destroyed by the tornado just like this. Just when Yang Kaibai wanted to command Xiaoshasha to use "sandstorm" to cover the tornado, he never expected...

Chris' Gyarados really blew up a tornado.


When the tornado came into contact with the invisible rock defense line, it withered instantly.

Strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

Tornadoes look powerful, but they are actually useless.

Chris's face turned a little green when he saw it.

This Gyarados used Dragon Dance to enhance its physical attack and speed. Who would have thought that the first move after the enhancement would be the special attack move Tornado?

"Cool sand, cool sand!"

Shakira raised her head and straightened her chest, and her eyes under the hard shell were staring brightly.

The moment she saw the invisible rock defense line built by Sister Shark easily withstand the tornado, Shakira was impressed.

During the attack and defense of the highland crystal in the secret world of the underground abyss, the invisible rock move used by Sister Shark was awesome!

more importantly……

Sister Shark also taught it Shakira.

In the future, Shakira's invisible rock will be as brilliant as Sister Shark!

"Gyarados, forget about those invisible rocks. Just rush forward with the jet of water!" Chris didn't expect the invisible rock defense line of the Fangtooth Land Shark to be so strong. Maybe it's because Gyarados's tornado is a bit stretchy, but no matter How to say……

Facing the absolute strength advantage of Gyarados, the invisible rock defense line is destined to collapse!

"Ho ho!!"

Chris's Gyarados is angry.

Soon, anger filled Gyarados's brain.

The power of the water attribute covers Gyarados' azure body, making Gyarados look like a blue sword. With the help of the water jet move, Gyarados can not only have water flow Covering the defense, it can instantly increase the speed to the maximum value after the Dragon Dance!


The invisible rock defense line was instantly broken!

Chris was in a great mood when he saw this scene. He could even see the scene where the Sharptooth Land Shark was defeated by his Gyarados in one blow.

Dance of dragons, jets of water...

This move is so cool!


These are all moves that have been ruined by Yang Kaibai and his Gyarados.

"The speed is not good, the strength is not good, and the power is not good... I thought it was a wave rush... but it turned out to be a water jet?" Yang Kaibai curled his lips.

Gyarados, the Gyarados in the Pokémon Ball, started jumping up and down in the Pokémon Ball again.

What garbage Gyarados?

What a disgrace to our Gyarados tribe!

The dragon dances like a loach, and the water jets are like impotence...

Yang Kaibai's Gyarados can't wait to jump out of the elf ball right now, come on stage in person, and show Chris's Gyarados what a "real Dragon Man" is!

After Xiaoshasha watched Uncle Gyarados' Dragon Dance and Wave Rush, he instantly had a very strong contrast with the Dragon Dance and water jets of the Gyarados in front of him.


That’s it?

In comparison, none of his opponent Chris's Gyarados can compare to Uncle Gyarados. Even his brains don't seem to be comparable to Uncle Gyarados...

Xiaoshasha judged Gyarados's attack path almost instantly.

no way.

Usually, Xiaoshasha watches too many scenes of Uncle Gyarados being beaten.

Even if you are being beaten...

Uncle Gyarados is also countless times stronger than the Gyarados in front of him!


Little Shark held his breath, and at this moment, the Dragon Claw Sword Dance moved forward.

Of course, Baby Shark can use the more clever "digging holes" to avoid Gyarados's attack, but...

No need.

Because Xiaoshasha will see the more powerful Gyarados uncle taking action almost every day. The two-star elite Gyarados in front of him...

It has been completely seen through in front of the astute Little Shark!

"Little Shark, take advantage of the moment! Yan Hui!!"

The moment Yang Kaibai saw Little Sharkshak performing Sword Dance with Dragon Claw on the Elf Battlefield, he immediately understood Little Sharkshak's plan to confront Gyarados.

In the last battle with Dragon King Scorpion, Xiaoshasha indeed used his wisdom to defeat his opponent.

This scene...

It's time to show your true strength! !


I don’t know how powerful my little shark is!

When you meet an enemy, use your sword!

"Wha, what?!"

Chris' pupils suddenly shrank.

"Dance of Dragons, Dance of Swords?!"

"It's bad, forget about the Fangtooth Land Shark being able to learn the sword dance move!"

"The focus is all on the Dragon Dance of the Fang-toothed Land Shark, and I completely forget that when there is no Dragon Dance... the enhanced move of the Biting Land Shark, Sword Dance, Waltfa!!"

The audience had no time to exclaim for the sword dance, because then the fang land shark and the Gyarados in the air... collided fiercely in the elf battle field!

Dragon's dance, sword dance... Swallow's return, dragon's claw!

Baby Shark used its strongest speed and strongest strength to collide head-on with Gyarados, who was violently hit by water jets after the Dance of the Dragons! !

This is Little Shark...

Show your true power for the first time in the World Elite Competition! !



The slyness in Little Shark's eyes and corners of his mouth no longer exists. At this moment, Little Shark's eyes and expressions are only filled with violence and ferocity!

The sharp-tooth land shark's claws resisted the impact of Gyarados. On the mouth of Gyarados, there were still traces of the somewhat cold Frozen Fang move. , has already defeated Gyarados!

Break through the invisible rock defense line, and then face the super-enhanced fanged land shark of "Dragon Dance + Sword Dance"...

boom! ! ! !

Gyarados' angry eyes lost their light, and his huge body fell to the ground, falling at the feet of the fanged land shark, unable to get up again!


"Cool cool cool cool sand!"

"Kah da kah da!"

Yang Kaibai waved his right arm vigorously, his expression extremely excited.

"Little Shark, good fight!!!"

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