The Master of Elves

Chapter 676 How could it end here! Bite the land shark fiercely and super evolve! !

"This, how is this possible!! Hasn't the Fang Tooth Land Shark lost its combat effectiveness?! At this time... why can it still evolve! This is not scientific at all!!"

On the battlefield between the elves and the elves, Pu Zhengyan's eyes widened. The scene in front of him that was beyond common sense made his whole expression extremely distorted in horror and confusion.

"Evolve! Evolve!"

"Fangtooth land shark, evolve!!"

"Oh! Miracle, this is the miracle of elves! Evolving in the battle between elves, this is the romance of the battle between elves!"

"It's unbelievable that I can actually see the evolution of elves in a world-class event like the World Elite Competition! If there were not players like Yang Kaibai... there would be no such miraculous scene!"

The trainers participating in the World Elite Competition, their main elves are all fully evolved elves, already the final evolved type, but this year's contestant Yang Kaibai from the Chinese region is different...

His Fanged Land Shark and Chirurian have not yet fully evolved!

Evolving in the battle between elves is the best interpretation of elves' "life never stops and fighting never stops"!

The audience at the scene was instantly excited, and those in front of the screens around the world who were playing the knockout rounds of the World Elite Competition were also exclaiming!

Evolve, fang land shark!


Fangtooth Land Shark…

The voices of the entire audience were heard!

Passion, blood, madness!

The life energy hidden in the body of the fang land shark exploded at this moment! !

The vigorous life energy flows through every corner of the fang land shark's body like a healing hot spring. This is the power of natural evolution. Every elf can only enjoy the leap in life level when it evolves. Extremely active life energy.

Evolve at a desperate moment in the battle between elves...

This in itself is a miracle.

However, Little Shark...

Created such a miracle twice!

China Regional National Competition, Yuanlu Shark Dragon Dance Evolution!

The American Regional World Elite Competition, the ultimate evolution of the fang land shark!

Just like Little Shark's good friend Prince Bo...

Never admit defeat!

The left and right arms of the sharp-toothed land shark gradually lengthened in the light of evolution. On the arms that were stronger and more powerful than before, the shark's pectoral fin-like wings were more than twice as long as before. This was the fierce bite of the land shark. The key to possessing the ability to fly is an important body part for the fang-toothed land shark to evolve into a biting land shark and fly high into the blue sky!


Growing wild!

Not only does Little Shark possess extraordinary wisdom, but when she needs to become a ferocious dragon elf, Little Shark will reveal all her power!

Light wings... spread out! !

The wingspan has been extended several times. At this moment, in the light of evolution, the yellow five-pointed star-like stripes derived from the tip of the nose of the head gradually extend forward, making the little shark's eyes become deeper and more reserved at this time. But it becomes more and more violent!


Little Shark has evolved from a fang land shark to a biting land shark. The wild growth of her body has made it difficult for her to adapt to the current underground environment. Even though she is an elf with ground attributes, her body is constantly rolling and enthusiastic. The life energy left little Shark with only one thought in his mind at the moment!


Fly high, Sharky!


boom! !

The two fiercely biting land sharks kicked their legs toward the rock formations at their feet with almost "tacit understanding". Like a ruins, a messy Elf Battle Ground, two figures broke out of the ground almost at the same time!

Little Shark jumped from the ground to the blue sky. When he descended from the sky, he landed very steadily on the half of the Elf Battle Arena where Yang Kaibai was! !

boom! ! !

Dust was flying under the feet of Little Shark. At this moment, the steady and upright figure of Lie Jie Lu Shark appeared in front of Yang Kaibai. That extremely reliable back... gave Yang Kaibai a deep shock!

"Little...little Sharky!"

No matter how calm Yang Kaibai was at this moment, his face was still extremely flushed.

The Fanged Land Shark evolves into the Biting Land Shark...

This is another miracle created by Little Shark! !


Biting Lu Shark's arms, he moved forward cautiously, but looking back at this moment, Yang Kaibai, Shakira, Kodak and Gengar who poked their heads out of the shadow space deeply remembered the frozen scene at this moment!

World-famous painting - Looking back at the biting land shark! !

"Cool cool cool..."

Shakira jumped three feet high next to Yang Kaibai. It was now like a "little bouncing prince" with 100,000 horsepower. It was just jumping, and the holes on the ground were getting deeper and deeper... …

Shakira almost buried herself in excitement!

Sister Shasha, you are so awesome! !

"It's over!" Lucas' eyelids twitched wildly.

"Damn Park Zhengyan, look what he did, what did he do!! Is he our dog or Yang Kaibai's dog... What is the use of using EVO reagent at this time? What is the use? Yang Kaibai's dog The fanged land shark has evolved due to his unremitting efforts!" Jessica's back molars made a "pop, pop, pop" sound.

If Jessica's eyes could kill, Park Jung-yum would have been torn into pieces by now!

Where is the dog from their American Elf Alliance?

It's obviously the mole!

Damn it, I had known that there would be a situation like this where the fanged land shark would evolve during the battle...

Lucas and Jessica…

Would rather do nothing!

At least I would rather do nothing than make a mistake!

But now...


It's too late!

The core of the EVO plan is not to let Park Zhengyan defeat Yang Kaibai, but to prevent the "training and development" of Fanged Land Shark and Chilulian!

Rang Fang Land Shark and Qilulian have always been the two shortcomings of Yang Kai's white elf lineup!

This is just great……

Yang Kaibai's fang land shark evolved into the biting land shark...

A shortcoming has been made up for.

more importantly……

Behind this, there is also the push from Lucas, Jessica and other "American region" analysts!

How is this blocking?

It was clearly helping Yang Kaibai's fang land shark evolve in vain!

The evolution of the fang land shark...

There is even “credit” to them!

Lucas and Jessica looked extremely silent, which seemed incompatible with the lively and passionate audience around them.

"Hey, you two, don't you think it's cool that the Fang Tooth Land Shark can evolve in the Elf Battle? This is super cool, okay! Let's cheer for the White Devil's Biting Land Shark!"

A mere passerby saw Lucas and Jessica looking "dumbfounded", and then suddenly said: "You must be shocked by the scene in front of you, right? You haven't recovered yet, right?" I see!"

Do you know how to offend Fake?

Lucas and Jessica almost spat out a mouthful of old blood at the same time.

The smiles on their faces were uglier than the tears.

what is this?

Shooting yourself in the foot?

It's all the fault of that bastard Park Jung-yeon from the Bangzi area!

Park Jung-yum in the Bangzi area...

A price must be paid! !

The enthusiastic passersby knew the atmosphere and cheered beside Lucas and Jessica. They even wanted to grab Lucas's hand and cheer together for Yang Kaibai's miraculous biting land shark!

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. Lucas and Jessica just feel that the world is very noisy...

"Damn Park Zhengyan, if he can't defeat Yang Kaibai's fierce bite of the land shark after using the EVO reagent...he will just wait to completely disappear from this world!" Jessica endured the discomfort while pretending to be Yang Kaibai and Yang Kaibai Lie Fans who bit the land shark mingled among the audience, and at the same time did not forget to talk harshly to Lucas.

Lucas has nothing to say now.

If Park Zhengyan doesn't pay the price, then it's him, Lucas and Jessica, who should pay the price.

"Let's test the results of the EVO reagent... Even if Yang Kaibai's fanged land shark evolves into a biting land shark, it is impossible to be the opponent of the biting land shark using the EVO reagent!" Lucas is still very fond of the EVO reagent. Confident.

On the battlefield between elves...

Park Zhengyan's fierce bite of the land shark also showed some "mutations" after injecting the EVO reagent!

Liebite Lu Shark's originally pitch-black pupils are now glowing with white eyes like a "zombie" who has lost his mind. The special power of the evolutionary factor gives Liebite Lu Shark a power that should not belong to its level of strength!

However, every sharp white bone spur on the body of the bitten land shark became thicker, and the shark's pectoral fin-like wings on both arms became sharper, like blades.

Under the influence of the evolutionary factor of the EVO reagent, Park Zhengyan's biting land shark showed a hint of "evolution beyond evolution". However, this is not a super evolution in nature in the real elf world, but is carried out by relying on the peak technology of mankind. "Evolution beyond evolution"!

——The power itself is not terrible, what is terrible is its owner!

The use of the EVO reagent allowed Park Zhengyan, a three-star elite-level biting land shark, to have a powerful strength close to the peak of the three-star elite level, but...

Not enough to touch the threshold of master level!

But to Park Zhengyan, is this important?

it is not important.

Now his biting land shark has extraordinary strength under the influence of EVO reagent. Judging from the appearance of the biting land shark, Park Zhengyan even dared to say that this is the "super biting land shark" His true face!

The real world of elves...

Has any trainer shown the true face of a super-biting land shark?


In the real elf world, the true form of Super Biting Land Shark has never appeared!


"Yang Kaibai, you didn't expect that, did you? Even if your Fang Tooth Land Shark evolves into a Biting Land Shark... under the influence of the EVO evolution reagent, my Biting Land Shark will already be in the form of a Super Biting Land Shark!" Park Zhengyan’s tone was extremely arrogant!

No one has ever seen a super-biting land shark...

After using the EVO reagent, the body shape of the biting land shark has "mutated and evolved", which is the super biting land shark!

Strictly speaking…

This is indeed "evolution beyond evolution". Because of the powerful life energy in the EVO reagent, Park Zhengyan's biting land shark has a very reasonable "mutation evolution"!

——An even more terrifying fang barb!

——Sharper blade wings!

——An even more terrifying single-toed dragon claw!

Who dares to say that this is not a super strong bite of a land shark?

Who dares to question? !

Park Zhengyan, I feel like I’m really floating!

The Rotom drone locked its camera on the body of EVO biting the land shark.

This wild giant beast that is somewhat "lost its mind", with the mucus flowing from the corners of its mouth, and the involuntary tremors caused by excess power from time to time, all make the EVO bite the land shark look full of terror.

"Is this the function of the rumored EVO evolution reagent?"

"Park Zhengyan's fierce bite of the land shark...the strength has improved so much?! The EVO worthy of being in the United States...and is also the top technology in our human world!"

"A reagent that can greatly increase the strength of elves without the need for elf super evolution stones and key stones? Although the side effects are obvious, there is a one-month period of weakness... But this is still an elf resource that can play a key role. !”

"The biting land shark that used EVO reagent... looks a bit scary!"

The audience at the scene saw the scene of EVO biting a land shark transmitted by a Rotom drone at close range through a large screen. If you only looked at it from a distance, it would be difficult to see clearly what changes had occurred in the body of EVO biting a land shark. However, …

Seeing clearly the morphological changes caused by the "evolution beyond evolution" in EVO's biting land shark, trainers feel even more terrible about the EVO reagent!


This kind of "evolution beyond evolution" that does not require elven super evolution stones and key stones has made many people excited!

"Oops, someone actually used the EVO reagent in today's knockout round..." Player Li Zhi was like an anxious little rabbit, nervous next to Pan Kaiyuan.

Pan Kaiyuan had no choice but to frown, worried but still believing in Yang Kaibai. At the same time, she comforted Li Zhi and said: "At this time, it is right to believe in Yang Kaibai. No matter how effective the EVO reagent is, at least Liebite Lu, the bastard trainer in Bangzi area, Shark... is only a three-star elite! His strength cannot surpass that of a master, and he cannot make any waves!"

Is Li Zhi worried about Yang Kaibai?

In fact, she was not worried about Yang Kaibai at all, because like Pan Kaiyuan, she knew that Pu Zhengyan could not beat Yang Kaibai when she saw that EVO Lie's strength did not cross the master level.


EVO reagent was used for the first time in the knockout round. This is the beginning, which means that from today on, more and more contestants using EVO reagent will definitely appear in the knockout round!

Li Zhi is worried...

This is the "chaotic" situation that will occur in the World Elite Competition!

This will have a huge impact on contestants from all regions!

Some patterns of the World Elite Competition...

I'm afraid that's about to change!

Could it be that in the end, whose elf is going to become a "drug addict"? !

This is what Li Zhi is most worried about!

Yang Kaibai listened to Pu Zhengyan's "nonsense" and felt for a moment that the contestants in the Bangzi area in front of him were really frogs in the well. They were worthy of being contestants from the small place in the Bangzi area...

Super bite land shark...

How dare you shout!

Does evolution beyond evolution have to be super evolution?

The EVO Liebite Land Shark does have some "evolution" beyond the form of the Liebite Land Shark, but not by a lot, just a little bit...

But that can indeed be called "evolution beyond evolution."

Yang Kaibai looked at the way EVO bit the land shark, and recalled the "R Reagent" in the elf movie "Detective Pikachu" that could make the elf go crazy. Compared with the "R Reagent", EVO Reagent...

There are similarities, but also differences.

The research on EVO reagents in the United States is indeed the pinnacle of the scientific and technological level of the human world, but...

It's best not to abuse it.

But how could this not be abused in the free America?

Yang Kaibai sighed slightly.

This scene made Pu Zhengyan think that Yang Kaibai was about to "give up"!

This made Park Zhengyan's face become even more arrogant!

"Yang Kaibai, send your Gyarados and Gengar, let me see how powerful your super evolution is, or how powerful my EVO reagent is! The Fang Tooth Land Shark evolves into the Biting Land Shark. Although it is very handsome, but... In front of my super fierce bite of land shark, handsome, is it useful?" Pu Zhengyan said sarcastically.

Yang Kaibai smiled slightly, and just said two words calmly: "Ignorance!"

Dealing with EVO biting land shark...

Do you still need to send out Gyarados and Gengar to super evolve?

There are already ready-made elves that can super evolve on this elf battle battlefield!

Just when Park Zhengyan was about to continue talking trash, his eyes subconsciously saw Yang Kaibai raising his right wrist!

Pu Zhengyan was stunned when he saw Yang Kai Bai showing off the super-evolved bracelet on his right wrist.


What does it mean?

After so many days of auditions and yesterday's elimination round, everyone knew that the bracelet on Yang Kaibai's right wrist was a super-evolved bracelet containing a key stone.

Every time Yang Kaibai raised his right wrist, it meant the elf's super evolution!


What about super-evolved elves?



None of them are on stage! !

You don’t want a super evolved elf to bite a land shark, right? !

"No, impossible, absolutely impossible!!"

Lucas went crazy in the audience and held his head.

Like a duck with a headache...

But he has no superpowers, so he can only watch this absolutely impossible thing happen before his eyes! !


The whole place was silent!

All the audience's eyes were staring blankly at Yang Kaibai's raised right wrist. They vaguely seemed to realize something, and their hearts were extremely excited, but...

I simply didn’t dare to mention that possibility!

Yang Kaibai...

Could it be that he also has a fierce bite land shark super evolution stone? !

"Yes, Yang Kaibai does have a fierce bite land shark super evolution stone..."

"Besides, we exchanged it!"

Qin Zhaochi thought silently in his heart.

He did not expect that he would be lucky enough to see this miraculous and dramatic scene at the scene of the Elf Battle!

Fangtooth Land Shark…

Not only does it evolve into the Biting Land Shark, it can also continue to undergo super evolution! !

Two consecutive evolutions!

This is the real thing...

Evolution beyond evolution! !

"Little Shark, we're going up!"

"Ka, hoo!!"

Little Shark has been waiting for this moment for a long, long time!

"The passionate heart cannot be annihilated!"

"Our bond transcends life and race!!"

The basis of the evolution of Little Shark Shark Dragon Dance makes Little Shark Shark's own race far surpass the ordinary biting land shark! !


That’s the meaning of life!

Always be enthusiastic and always believe in miracles!

Bite the land shark fiercely and super evolve! !


Focus on you! !

The world focuses on you!

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