The Master of Elves

Chapter 684 The leader of Stinky Mud is in action!

"Yang Kaibai is training Qilulian to perform beautifully on the private island..."

"He reproduced the battle evolution of the Round Shark in the China Regional National Competition in the World Elite Competition, and allowed the Fang Tooth Shark to successfully evolve in the battle. Does he also want to reproduce the gorgeous evolution of Larulas in the Flower City Magnificent Competition? We don’t have a glamor contest going on here!”

"Do you think that with Yang Kaibai's temperament, if there is no gorgeous contest, wouldn't he hold a gorgeous contest on his own? How many dollars has he made in the World Elite Competition? The global sales of "Why is Duck Duck a God" have exceeded seven There are millions of copies, and those who are fighting against Yang Kaibai’s super-evolved elves... one game costs one million US dollars. How much does it cost to start a gorgeous contest?"

In a bar that had been renovated and reopened, two recently frustrated analysts, Lucas and Jessica, sat on the bar and talked about the last "short board" in Yang Kai's White Elf lineup.

Yang Kaibai is just one last piece of the puzzle away from his perfect elf lineup.

If Chirulian evolves during the last half of the World Elite Series, that is definitely not what Lucas and Jessica want to see.

"Lulili, Lulili."

Jessica drank all the wine in the glass. On the bar, Lulili, wearing a barmaid uniform, held the bottle and helped Jessica pour another glass of wine.

"Ah, thank you, Lulili."

Since the failure of the EVO reagent sniper plan, Jessica's situation in the analyst team has not been very optimistic, because she was the one who originally proposed the plan. In the end, the EVO reagent sniper plan not only failed, but also created the fanged land shark. The miracle of evolution and the two consecutive evolutions of super evolution that shocked the world also caused Jessica to have to bear the consequences of the failure of the plan.

Lucas has a higher status than Jessica. Although the failure of this plan also affected him, the main blame fell on Jessica. Lucas was not actually affected much.

In fact, from Lucas's point of view, Jessica's EVO reagent sniper plan was perfect, but the person who executed the plan, Park Jung-yeon from the Bangzi area, was really unreliable. In addition, the Lady Luck Station On Yang Kaibai's side...

In short, looking back now, Lucas and Jessica can't understand why Yang Kaibai's fang land shark can evolve at that moment, and why the fang land shark can carry the fierce bite land shark super evolution stone. The one who bit the land shark super evolution stone? !

"Touch one."


Lucas raised his glass and touched Jessica's wine glass lightly. Although the clear sound was pleasant to the ears, it felt "heartbreaking" to Lucas and Jessica.

"This bar seems to have changed its owner? It was originally called Shaq Bar... now it's changed to Daru Bar... Daru Bar, there seems to be a Lulili appearance on the sign..." Lucas said casually I observed the decoration of the "Dallu Bar" behind the bar.

There are flashing neon lights like Lulili, which looks like...

"Um, are you the owner of this bar, Lulili?" Jessica smiled and looked at Lulili who was pouring drinks for other guests next to her on the bar.

When Lulili heard Jessica's words, she squinted her eyes and shook her head with a smile.

Lucas said: "The owner of the bar should like Lulili very much, right?"

Lu Lili hugged the wine bottle and nodded happily "Yeah".

However, Lucas and Jessica didn't know that in the back corner of the bar where they were, a sturdy Lada was secretly listening to the conversation between Lucas and Jessica.

"Woof, woof ho!"

In the bar, a Dairubi was grinning at a drunkard who was trying to evade the bill, with a fierce look on his face.

"I know, I know, isn't it just the price of a drink? Stinky, stinky dog..."

A drunkard took out a few coins from his pocket, slapped them on the table, and then staggered out of the bar.

Lucas and Jessica's attention quickly shifted back from the drunkard. It was normal to have such drunkards in the bar.

But they still don't know that this is a "little show" arranged by leader Rada.

It has been "eavesdropping" on the conversation between Lucas and Jessica for some time. Someone else needs to divert the attention of Lucas and Jessica, so Dairubi and the drunkard are the leaders of Lada. The best "actor" down there.

The drunkard is a member of the Lalu Gang. He usually acts as a guest in the bar. Sometimes he is also the "inquirer" around this block. If there are some underground transactions, you can also communicate with the drunkard.

Leader Rada did not expect that Lucas and Jessica, two people who "targeted" the boss Yang, would unexpectedly appear in the reopened bar.

Boss Yang, well, I’m talking about Yang Kaibai.

At least in the eyes of the leader of Rada, Yang Kaibai is "Big Brother Yang".

"One hundred dollars, no need to look for it. I'll give you the rest as a tip, Lu Lili."

After having a drink at Daru's bar, Lucas and Jessica were ready to leave.

"Lulili, Lulili!"

Lulili under the uniform waved her little hands, welcoming Lucas and Jessica to come again next time.

Leader Lada is not prepared to let Lulili intervene in the "adults' sewer world" in advance. Although the bar is occasionally filled with violence, with Leader Lada here and its intervention, Lulili can always have a better future. growing up.

Lucas and Jessica…

Leader Rada has remembered these two people. The tracking matters can be left to the Stinky Nis under Boss Stinky Ni. The rest will be discussed after Boss Stinky Ni comes back to discuss how to "arrange" Lucas and Jessica these two.

As for Lu Lili's "Welcome to come again next time"...

Chief Rada certainly welcomes them to come again next time!

If you don’t make money, you’re a bastard!

Coupled with the news in their chat, maybe Leader Rada will hear more "secrets" when he comes next time!

Lucas and Jessica would never have thought that they just randomly found a bar in the urban area of ​​Hawaii, which was the daily "base camp" of Chief Smelly Mud and Chief Radha, but even if the bar they found was not new, The opened "Dalu Bar" may also be included in other bars owned by the Lalu Gang.

The underworld of Hawaii…

It has gradually begun to be enveloped by the pressure of the leader of the smelly mud.

"La da, la da."

Leader Radha patted Derubi on the back and motioned Derubi to find Boss Stinky Mud, and explained the matter of Lucas and Jessica to Boss Stinky Mud.


Delubi nodded and ran out of the bar.

"Hey Fake, you stinky dog, why are you running so fast? You really... almost hit me!"

After Lucas and Jessica walked away, the drunkard who was "barked" by Darubi came back staggeringly. When he came back, he was almost knocked down by Darubi.

"Leader Lada, the identities of those two people have been found out. Two down-and-out elf analysts... No, one is down and one is not so down... Well, by the way, are you going to... kidnap them? !”

The drunkard was talking, and when he mentioned "kidnapping", his eyes lit up.

It seems that I haven't tied anyone up for a while and I'm not used to it.

The incarcerated talents in the tavern are very impressive!

"La da."

In the underground world, rivers and lakes are not about fighting and killing, but rivers and lakes are about human relations...

Leader Rada stood on the table where the drunkard usually sat and started pointing.

The drunkard was not annoyed at all when he saw this scene.

With an impatient look of "Ah, yes, yes, yes", he allowed Leader Rada to point.

Although the bar is still a bar in the underground world, many of the elves working in the bar are elves who were once trafficked to underground forces by the Hawaii Airport Police Department.

The appearance of the bar has not changed much, but since Boss Smelly Ni brought Chief Lada here, the underground world has become a bit more strangely human.

However, the drunkard also knows that once he angers the boss of Stinky Mud or the leader of Rada, he will take action when it is time to take action, even if it means overturning the entire underground world of Hawaii.

"La da."

After the leader of Rada "trained" the drunkard for a while, he returned to the corner of the bar with satisfaction.

Life here has become somewhat comfortable for Chief Lada since he adopted Lulili. However, being comfortable does not mean that he has forgotten the rules of survival in the sewers. On the contrary, in order to maintain such comfort, any influence on his ability to obtain Things in a comfortable life will make Chief Radha become more violent.

"Lulili, Lulili."

On the bar of the bar, Lulili would occasionally show off her immature bartending skills, using the power of the water attribute to perform some simple operations, which was able to arouse cheers and tips from some customers.

Life in the underground world may not be very bright, but elves who love life will work hard to find the direction of the sun.

"Baiduo, bahduo."

The leader of Stinky Mud saw Delubi on the roadside.

Delubi did not run directly towards the leader of the smelly mud, but like a stray dog, sniffing on the left, sniffing on the right, and finally swaying to the sewer where the leader of the smelly mud was. mouth.

After learning the news about the two little shrimps from Dairubi, the leader of Smelly Ni was not particularly worried about Yang Kaibai's affairs. However, after hearing that Yang Kaibai was now trying to find ways to make his daughter Qilulian evolve magnificently, Smelly Ni The leader was still very happy.

When the leader of Stinky Mud was happy, he stretched out a hand from the sewer and rubbed Delubi's dog's head.

Dailubi tried his best to lower his head so that he could rely on his small body to block other people's sights and try his best to prevent passers-by from seeing the hand of the leader of Smelly Mud on his dog's head.


The leader of the smelly mud narrowed his eyes, indicating that he already knew what was going on, and asked Dairubi to go back to his life, and told the leader Lada to be cautious, take the long term, and catch big fish. Compared with the two of Lucas and Jessica, It's just a small shrimp. Obviously Helen, the crazy bitch... is more important.

It seems that under the "training" of Helen's superpower, the Variety Monster, who can transform into a duck, gradually begins to change from the shape of the leader of the smelly mud back to the shape of Helen. The leader of the smelly mud must further interact with Helen. During the period, the "various monsters" are pulled.

However, there are a large number of super-type elves in this villa and manor. As a poison-type elf, the leader of Smelly Mud is really stretched.

This should be the second most difficult situation that the leader of Smelly Mud has encountered so far.

The first difficult situation is that the last time I faced the malignant stinky mud, I was almost "swallowed" by the malignant stinky mud. If it weren't for the help of Yang Kaibai, Kodak Duck, Gyarados and Gengar, I would have been saved. There may not be a master-level Smelly Mud leader now.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes.

Since the vicious Stinky Mud incident, the leader of Stinky Mud, who had been going smoothly all the way, has indeed encountered some difficulties.

Helen, a crazy bitch, sometimes uses special superpowers to "control" the minds of humans and even elves. This is the first time that the leader of Smelly Mud has encountered a human trainer like a "superpower".

Now that he knew who his opponent was this time, Leader Smelly Ni also used the Internet to conduct some information searches about "Helen Wilson".

Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

After reading Helen's information, the leader of Smelly Mud had to admit that this woman was indeed difficult to deal with. Regardless of her family background or her own strength as an ordinary master trainer, the number of super elves in the villa and their His strength is currently not something that the leader of Smelly Mud can covet.


It seems that he wants to tell Yang Kaibai about this matter in advance, and join forces with Yang Kaibai to deal with this crazy bitch who is trying to obtain the duck god gene!

The eyes of the leader of the smelly mud were carefully exploring from the sewer towards the manor. Miss Gothic and Gardevoir, who were ordinary masters around Helen, both had very keen perception. The leader of the smelly mud must be extremely careful. Otherwise its whereabouts will be exposed to Helen.


Ordinary master-level Gardevoir, right...

When my daughter evolves, she will also be Gardevoir, and...

It's the strange-colored Gardevoir! !

The leader of the smelly mud compares Helen's ordinary master-level Gardevoir with his daughter Chirulian in his heart. Even though his daughter Kirulian has not evolved, in the mind of the leader of the smelly mud... Can tulle Helen's Gardevoir!


It depends on whether human trainer Yang Kaibai can give him some help!

The leader of Stinky Mud quickly hid back in the sewers and set off towards the Elf Center Hotel on the main island of Hawaii.


Gardevoir's expression in the villa manor moved slightly.

Her telepathy seemed to sense something, but when she moved towards the manor's sewer, the sewer was already empty.

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