The Master of Elves

Chapter 699 Father’s love is like a mountain! The leader of the stinky mud and the Gardevoir super e

"Actually, I am also a dancing confectioner!"

Yang Kaibai jumped from the Gyarados dragon head to the passage leading to the Temple of the Sea with Kirulian. The water path under his feet had a very unique and cold feeling.

It's like stepping on the light or chubby head of the dual-element elf with water and ghost attributes. It has bulging elasticity and a force of upward floating, full of the tension of sea water.

If you just walk and follow the guidance of the arrows little by little and make dance moves to approach the Temple of the Sea, it will be more difficult.

Because when the dance steps under your feet gradually become smoother, a smooth ring formed by water flow like a "water dragon's chant" will appear on the entire channel. The more coherent the dance movements are, the more the water flow ring will lead to the sea. The power inside the temple becomes lighter!

If you add the power of telepathy, you can understand the mind of the sea and the mind of the sky...

Then this test passage in front of the Temple of the Sea will be smooth all the way!

"Kilulian, Butterfly Dance!"

"Duck, Gyarados, Surf!!"

There are only two words in Yang Kaibai's heart - have fun!

Chirulian can easily cope with all the dance steps required on this channel. Every movement, rotation, jump, flying skirt and splashing water on the ocean road, shows her whole body coordination ability to the extreme.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

The accent brought by the air explosion and the crashing of huge waves is the key to passing this dance test. With the Gyarados and Magikarp groups opening the way, everything makes Kirulian's butterfly dance……

There is an extra exciting beauty of battle dance!

Let the ocean storms and huge waves... come more violently!

The perfect dance steps and the arrow guidance set up by Mana Fei formed "Combo" again and again, all of which were scored as "Perfect", making the atmosphere of the Gyarados and Magikarp groups even more frenzied. huge waves!

This miraculous opening belongs to Chirulian!

But Kirulian’s miraculous evolution...

This is just the beginning!

But at the beginning...

It has already amazed the whole world! !

"Wait, wait! What did I see?! Yang Kaibai was on the passage into the Temple of the Sea... training his Chirulian?! He... how dare he? How could he have such a big heart? !!”

"Did you see it? Did you see it? The Gyarados group and the Magikarp group... are opening the way for Yang Kaibai, Kodakya and Chirulian! Didn't you say there is only one way to enter the Sea Temple? This ...This is too outrageous, this is so fucking awesome!”

"Yang Kaibai's operation is the most awesome. Who would have thought that the super-evolved Gyarados could have such a use?"

"I have a question. When Yang Kaibai's Gyarados and Mana Fe commanded the Gyarados and Magikarp groups together, did the wild Gyarados and Magikarp follow the command of Yang Kaibai's Gyarados... or did they listen to the command? Manafei’s?”

"Of course the sea is under the command of Manafei. The waters that are not under the control of the sea are under the command of Yang Kaibai's Gyarados!"

"Six! Smart answer!"

No trainer in the world, not even a champion trainer, could imitate the way Yang Kaibai entered the Temple of the Sea!


He really understands the effects of the program!

This is a live broadcast around the world!

Yang Kaibai, Kodakya, Qilulian...

It seems that under the mysterious power of the intertwined red and blue of the Gyarados and Magikarp groups, they are "pushed" all the way to the entrance of the Temple of the Sea. The red Magikarp group and the blue Gyarados group, together with the deep blue sea …

Together they performed a beautiful and magnificent miraculous road!

The most unacceptable thing is...

The Temple of the Sea is a world-class secret realm!

Yang Kaibai, isn't he afraid that Qilulian will make mistakes? !

If a mistake were made, would Yang Kaibai fall into the sea like the previous master trainer Leon Copperfield from the United States? Not only did he lose the opportunity to enter the Sea Temple, but he also suffered several fractures throughout his body. place!

Are talented people bold?

Or is the master still in the human world?

None of this matters now, because Yang Kaibai and Qilulian...

They have successfully entered the Sea Temple!

Their figures had disappeared at the entrance of the Sea Temple, as if they had walked on a world-famous red carpet and entered the world-class secret palace of the Sea Temple!

"What a strong heart!"

"As expected of the White Demon King of China! As expected of Yang Kaibai! I really like this trainer from China who is full of romanticism and adventurous spirit! I want to give him a monkey!!"

"Fans of the Flower City Gorgeous Contest gather! I have a pink bird-head staff! Authentic fan certification! [Picture] [Picture]!!"

"It's started, it's started, I have a hunch... Chirulian is going to perform an evolutionary miracle like the Sharp-tooth Land Shark in the Temple of the Sea! It's so awesome. The Sharp-Tooth Land Shark's main focus is on elf battles, Chiru Li An specializes in gorgeous performances...Yang Kaibai explains why he can be so strong!!"

"I suspect that the Sea Temple is owned by his family! Otherwise, why would Mana Fei's test... be Chirulian's best show?!"

"plus one!"


Trainers from all over the world have never thought that the dance test of entering the Temple of the Sea could be so played by Yang Kai!

Yang Kaibai is simply a trainer born to create miracles!

What an important opportunity to enter the Temple of the Sea!

He actually believed in his elf Chirulian without hesitation and gave Chirulian such an opportunity to show herself in front of the whole world!


He withstood the pressure and lived up to expectations!

Nothing to say!

It really leaves people speechless!

This is the charm of "White Devil" Yang Kaibai!

To be his elf...

It’s so happy! !

"Is this Yang Kaibai..." Qin Zhaochi stared blankly at the screen in front of him on the main island of Hawaii. Even though the figures of Yang Kaibai and Qilulian in front of the screen had long since disappeared at the door of the Sea Temple, he still couldn't help himself for a long time!

"This is Yang Kaibai...Old Qin, this is Yang Kaibai!! I really...have never admired such a trainer who is younger than me! He...he can really control all his elves. The opportunities...are all in the hands of my elves...I believe in my elven partners! 100% trust!!"

Cao Xuan's eyes and face were all red at this moment because of Yang Kaibai's incredible behavior. There was excitement and even some shame in it...

he was thinking.

If it were him, Cao Xuan...

In that situation, would he let his elf, like Kirulian, endure the immense pressure, in front of a world-class secret realm, under the eyes of the whole world... bloom the elf's own brilliance?

Cao Xuan discovered...

You simply can't do it! !

When you can't do it yourself, but find that others can do it, or even do something extraordinary and beyond imagination, the realms of both parties are no longer on the same level.

Jia Keqing said sincerely: "This is Yang Kaibai."

Pan Kaiyuan and Li Zhi from Australia said in unison: "This is Yang Kaibai!"

At this time, far away in the secret realm of Xiemi Garden in Jianghai City, China...

"Thanks! Mi!"

Xie Mi broke free from Zhang Hailin's arms and shook the grass on his body in the grass garden. As the light green grass-type crystal energy was released, Xie Mi's body exuded a faint scent of the Flower of Gracidia. The fragrance of gratitude.

Xie Mi was performing a somewhat clumsy dressage among the grass in the flowerbed. It did not have the slender and elegant long legs like Chirulian, and the grass hedgehog performed a gorgeous performance. It was a little clumsy in its immaturity, but this did not hinder Shemi pursues the glamorous path of glamorous performances.

Zhang Hailin watched Xie Mi start to learn the gorgeous dance of Qilulian on the screen, puffed her mouth, and looked at the dream monster lying in the grass playing hide and seek with the natural sparrow...

Natural birds and dream monsters...

When will they grow up?

Yang Kaibai has brought Qilulian to perform gorgeous dance performances in the world!

"Natural Bird, Dream Demon, you two, practice predicting the future a hundred times with me! I want to know what Yang Kaibai will encounter in the Temple of the Sea!!"

As soon as the natural bird and dream demon heard Zhang Hailin's "unreasonable" order...

At such a young age, they have endured undue pressure...

Predicting the future a hundred times...

This is simply killing them! !

The natural sparrow and the dream demon all "popped" together, hid in the grass in the flower bed, and started pretending to be dead.

you can not see me……

you can not see me……

The natural bird and the dream monster could only pray that the trainer Zhang Hailin could not see them. Unfortunately, they only heard two "swishes", and the eldest sister, the monarch snake, used a vine whip to pull them out of the grass like a claw machine. , caught.

"Guji, Guji!"


This is clearly trying to embarrass my little fat chicken and my little fat demon!

But predicting the future...

The dream demon follows the natural sparrow to predict every day, and he doesn’t know what he can predict. In short...

Just predict it!

Never mind the ending, just predict it! !

Anyway, in the end, the mental energy is exhausted, so just sleep and dream and that’s it!


Yang Kaibai didn't know what happened outside the Sea Temple, but he thought his operation of entering the Sea Temple was cool...

No more talk!

This test passage in front of the Temple of the Sea is a test that cannot be missed by other master trainers, but for Yang Kaibai, it is a show where he can enjoy the process!

Love life, love elves, love yourself, love life.

The relationship with Manafei does not require those tiring intrigues. The most important thing between friends is heart-to-heart communication.

Yang Kaibai is happy, Kodak is happy, Qilulian is happy...

Manafei is also happy.

Because during the happy journey, Kodakya expressed his full approval of Manafei's "air explosion" move!

Manafei, you have good control!

"Kah da kah da!"

"Mah na mana!"

As soon as Yang Kaibai entered the Sea Temple, he went directly to the center of the main hall of the temple. Manafei had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing the arrival of Teacher Kodakya and Yang Kaibai, Manafei waved her hands very happily. Come forward to welcome.

Koda Duck and Mana Fei held hands and happily circled in the center of the main hall of the Sea Temple. Occasionally, there were ripples of water rings around them. In this water ring, there was something that could make Yang Kaibai, Kodak, and the air Chirulian breathes freely in the Temple of the Sea.

"It's... it's really magical!"

From the perspective of land in the real elf world, the Temple of the Sea is a secret temple above the sea level. However, after entering it, the environment in the temple is still in the deep sea. However, in Manafei Under the magical ability, human trainers and elves who enter the temple can move and breathe freely as on land.

Even in the deep sea.

However, since Mana Fei can use magical abilities to allow human trainers in the temple to move and breathe freely, it means that it can take back such abilities.

If someone offends Mana Fei and violates Mana Fei's rules, even a champion trainer, even an elf with three-star master level strength, will not be able to get any benefits in the Temple of the Sea.

However, the vast majority of people who are preparing to enter the secret realm of the Sea Temple will ask their super elves or ghost elves to carry corresponding diving clothing and emergency oxygen bottles with them to ensure their safety in the deep sea.

"Qilu, Qilu!"

The main hall of the Sea Temple has a very clean and wide space, and there are a total of twelve large main hall pillars that are symmetrical to each other.

The walls of the temple seem to be engraved with many ancient characters that are somewhat blurry. There are also some special patterns that look very strange, just like the totems of some ancient tribes. The vague patterns make Yang Kaibai feel vaguely. It looked familiar, but for a moment I couldn't place it clearly.

Maybe it was because it was relatively old and many details were missing, so Yang Kaibai could only feel that it looked slightly familiar, but he could not directly recognize the prototypes of these patterns.

"Qilu, Qilu?"

Chirulian quickly asked Manafei where her smelly mud dad had gone.

Uncle Smelly Ni was the first to enter the Sea Temple. Chirulian should be able to see Uncle Smelly Ni after entering the Temple of the Sea.

But Uncle Smelly Ni was not in the main hall of the Temple of the Sea.

Speaking of the leader of Stinky Mud, Mana Fei's eyes were full of respect at this time. At the same time, she was also full of envy for Chilulian to have a father like Stinky Mud!


The leader of Stinky Mud is looking for a gift as precious as the heart of the ocean for his daughter Qilulian! !

"Mah na ma na?"

Leader of Stinky Mud, do you have any elf resources you want?

You help me clean up ocean pollution and help me protect the ocean environment...

I can grant you a wish!


I don’t have any wishes. My biggest wish is to watch my daughter Qilulian thrive...


If I can find a Gardevoir super evolution stone for my daughter Kirulian, this is my only wish at the moment!

The leader of Smelly Mud once made up his mind...

Yang Kaibai's Fanged Land Shark can undergo another super evolution after evolving.

Some other people’s daughters have...

Chirulian, the daughter of the leader of the stinking mud family, also wants one!

Uncle Smelly Ni, he has always been so strong in his life!

Smelly mud’s father couldn’t give Chilulian a good birth environment, but...

It is willing to leave the best of everything to its daughter Qilulian!


In a near-empty area filled with deep-sea shipwrecks and poisonous waters that have been deposited for hundreds or even thousands of years...

The leader of Stinky Mud is cleaning up the dirty garbage while looking for treasures in the sunken ship.

In this sea area full of filth and poisonous pollution, Manafei cannot enter the too filthy sea area due to its own reasons, so it cannot come to this sea area in person to find the Gardevoir super evolution stone for the leader of Stinky Mud.

However, if there is a Gardevoir super evolution stone in the sea, then it must be in this empty and dirty sea! !


Theoretically speaking, there should be no elves in this underwater world full of filth and poison, but the leader of Smelly Mud smelled a hint of danger here...

In the sunken shipwreck on the seabed that was somewhat yellowish and even filled with mist, vaguely, on the rudder and anchor that seemed to be growing some green algae, a red eye magically opened!



This is……

The Broken Wheel Rudder and the garbage wrapped around the Broken Wheel Rudder! !

The leader of the stinky mud, Gulu took a breath and relied on the physical recovery blessing of the holy black sludge to instantly enter a combat state! !

I'm going to the dentist today, so I'll give you an update on the situation first.

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