The Master of Elves

Chapter 702 Reality and Ideal: The unexpected linkage between Manafei and Kyurem!


Manafei opened its big watery Kazilan eyes and stared intently at the diamond-shaped crystal held in Teacher Kodak's little paws.

The pure water energy contained in the azure crystal stones is faintly sparkling in the flowing sea water.

What's this?

how did you do that?

Mana Fei found that she seemed to have many questions to ask about the Temple of the Sea...

It seems to only know that it is the master of the Sea Temple and the controller of the Sea Temple, but...

Mana Fei doesn't seem to understand the secrets inside the Sea Temple.

"This is the Z pure crystal of the water system, Manafei. You see the wall... yes, the patterns and patterns on the walls of the temple record the ancient information related to the Z pure crystal." Yang Kaibai explained to Manafei. said.


Water type Z pure crystal?

What kind of role and function does such crystal stone have?

Manafei looked back and forth in the direction of the water Z pure crystal and the temple wall. On the eyelashes of her eyebrows, some royal-colored dots were shining with the light of superpowers.

Although Manafei's current location is a bit far away from the temple wall, under the influence of superpowers, it can still clearly see the specific mural patterns and patterns on the wall.

Yang Kaibai continued to explain: "Use the water Z pure crystal to create an energy resonance between it and the radiance stone. After uniting with your elf companions, you can use Z moves that are more powerful than ordinary moves."


Z move?

A Z-move that's more powerful than normal moves? !

Manafei's eyes lit up.

This is good.

This is good!

Teacher Kodakya, please teach me how to use the water type Z pure crystal...

Use Z-moves that are more powerful than ordinary moves? !

"Mah na mana!"

Manafei quickly swam to Teacher Ke Ke Ya's side, holding Teacher Ke Ke Ya's arm with her two slender little hands and shaking excitedly.

Yang Kaibai heard Manafei's words, and seemed to see the sharp "chicken light" of the Lightning Chicken out of the corner of his eye, and said: "This...maybe...Manafei, you have to...have a human trainer first. ?”

The Z move is a special move in which the trainer activates the natural force "Z Power" to enhance the elf's moves into powerful ones.

With the four gods of Kapu disappearing in the real world of elves, and without any written records on whether elves can perform "Z moves" alone with their own abilities, the "Z power" that Yang Kaibai understands must have Involvement of human trainers.


If Mana Fei wants to use the Z move, first of all, she needs a human trainer.

"Mah na? Mah na ma na!"

Manafei's innocent eyes stared straight at Yang Kaibai.

Those clear eyes seemed to be saying...

Aren't you human? !

Such a big human trainer is right in front of us. If we form a team, can't we use the Z move?

Mana Fei obviously doesn't know anything about Z moves.

Simple and easy to deceive.

Yang Kaibai:...

Lightning Chicken:......

If it were a lightning chicken, it would certainly be able to directly understand what Yang Kai meant in vernacular.

But Manafei is different. Manafei, who was just born in the sea, is like a blank piece of paper. Even many of her own moves were learned bit by bit from Kodak Duck.

Although it can have its own opinions on the issue of marine garbage, that is because it is the prince of the sea and has the responsibility to protect its home of the sea from garbage pollution.

But no matter what...

Mana Fei has not experienced the severe beatings from society and does not know the sinister nature of the human heart. It has no idea what it takes to use the Z move.

Heart, soul, soul, all Z.

This is a Z move that can only be performed when all the power between the trainer and the spirit is unleashed and their minds are united.

How is it possible that they can be combined and used casually?

Let Mana Fei be his elf partner?

If it were in a Pokémon game, and all kinds of mythical beasts could be captured casually, capturing Manafei might just be like collecting stamps. Players with a collecting habit would consider capturing it.

After all, in the Pokémon game, Manaphy's PVP combat ability is not strong.

But this is in the real elf world!

As the prince of the sea, Manafei is the "King of the Sea" when Fathead Fish and Lugia are not at home!

Who can refuse to become an elf partner with a "phantom beast"?


In the real world of elves, Yang Kaibai knew a truth.

Every legendary elf carries their own responsibilities.

Conquering a legendary elf means...

It is necessary to shoulder the corresponding responsibilities together with the legendary elf companions.

Like Xie Mi, like Brother Lightning Cock...

It's not that Yang Kaibai has never thought about taking the relationship between them further, but once he opens his mouth, it means that some situations will change.

At least for now, Yang Kaibai can't do it.

Just like the Phoenix King left its rainbow feathers, Yang Kaibai has the rainbow feathers, and has the possibility of meeting the Phoenix King again one day in the future. And by then, Yang Kaibai believes that he will have the ability to conquer the "mythical beast" "Ability.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, Manafei, it's too early for you... to use Z moves. Think about it, are you proficient in your water moves... your flying moves? What are you waiting for? When the time comes that you can reach the height of Mr. Duck, you should consider using Z moves again!"

The Lightning Chicken follows the path of temptation.

After all, the Temple of the Sea is Mana Fei's territory. When Lightning Chicken faces Mana Fei, he cannot use too harsh words to dispel Mana Fei's currently scary idea.

Manafei needs more experience and more growth.

When Mana Fei truly controls the Temple of the Sea and truly grows into a "prince", then pursuing a more powerful Z power may be the most correct path.


Manafei blinked her eyes, pursed her lips, and her originally excited expression became slightly deflated.

Manafei, who was like a "water polo elf", was a bit like a deflated balloon at this moment. She let go of Teacher Kodak's hand and flew around in the Temple of the Sea.

Although Manafei is a simple elf, she already has some simple "rights and wrongs" in the days when she learned moves with Teacher Kodakya. At the same time, she also knows that learning and mastering moves is not achieved overnight.

The greater the power, the greater the sacrifice, and the greater the price...

After Mana Fei knew that she couldn't learn the Z move, she flew around in the Temple of the Sea angrily, like a child venting her anger when she couldn't get the toy she wanted.

This is also thanks to the persuasive guidance of Lightning Chicken, which makes Manafei more able to accept the reality that she cannot learn Z moves now.

The touching of Manafei's soul, the choice between reality and ideal, seems to be in the real elf world...

There were some faint waves.

Huaxia region, north of Mount Everest.

The secret world of glaciers, the core of the permanently frozen land.

"Reality and ideals... I didn't expect such fluctuations to be triggered."

In a pair of light green eyes, the gray eyes with unclear pupils seemed to be blinking slightly.

"Prince of the sea... Mana Fei? See the truth clearly, see the ideal... The legendary elves become the elf partners of human trainers... It is certainly a good thing, but if the human trainers are unable to bear the corresponding responsibilities Sometimes...responsibility will overwhelm human trainers."

Kyurem, who was frozen in the core of the permanently frozen land, seemed to be chatting to his own mirror image in the glacier in this bored and lonely underground world of the glacier.

"This duck trainer... was the first test of reality and ideals. He didn't expect to have contact with Phoenix King. This time... he was connected with Manafei. Behind Manafei... there was trouble. "

"Lugia? Sea Royal Tooth? But it's not the final test of reality and ideals... Reshiram and Zekrom's opponents are not each other, but Lugia and Sea Royal Tooth or Ho-oh..."

Kyurem muttered to himself, muttering to himself, and then closed his mouth in shock.

The test of reality and ideals, if more and more legendary elves are involved...

An extremely terrifying picture emerged in Kyurem's mind.

Reshiram and Zekrom are engaged in a duel between reality and ideals...

Lugia, Sea Emperor Ya, Phoenix King...

Mana Fei, Xie Mi, Lightning Chicken, Frozen Bird...

If a group of legendary elves watch the duel between Reshiram and Zekrom due to the "karma" of the Kodak trainer...

"No, no, no...impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Even though Kyurem has been frozen for hundreds of thousands of years by the Ice God Pillar Regice and the Frozen Bird, it has never been as panicked as it is now!

About the test of reality and ideal...

Kyurem discovered a very scary trend in the future!

The Kodak Duck trainer seems to be preparing a "test between reality and ideals", which will in turn test the current Kyurem!

This is not a test for Kyurem... this is clearly torture! !

What is Kyurem’s thoughts in this test of “truth and ideal”?

This is a test between Reshiram, Zekrom and the Kodak trainers.

But what is the real situation?

The test of reality and ideals involves more legendary elves...

In the test of reality and ideals, Yang Kaibai may be better off with the help of the legendary elves.

If it were just the Phoenix King...

Kyurem believed that Reshiram and Zekrom did not need to worry about a Phoenix King with fire and flying attributes.

But the trend that is showing now...

It seems that more and more legendary elves are related to the duck trainers. When the truth and ideals are tested, Yang Kaibai will have the help of legendary elves who are stronger than Reshiram and Zekrom! !

This fucking thing is us testing you.

Now you are here to test us? !

Kyurem in the core of the eternal frozen land of the glacier secret world...

I started to panic for no reason! !

Once the test of reality and ideal begins, it cannot be stopped.

Yang Kaibai didn't know that he was already in this test.

"Who did I choose? What sin did I commit!!"

"No, no, no... I want to make this cage stronger. Even if I'm beaten to death, I won't even get out!!"

"Hou-oh, Kaitoga, Lugia...and Emrido, Uxie, Mana Fei, Semi, Lightning Chicken, Frozen Bird...why did the duck trainer trigger the real and ideal relationship? Is the test process related to the legendary elves?! Why is this!!"

Kyurem hit the "frozen world" in front of the loosened permanent frozen land in front of him.

What a farewell, the cage.

It doesn't exist!

Kyurem didn’t want to see a group of legendary elves surrounding him as soon as he went out, waiting for him to “test” the duck trainer, and then beat him during the test. Kyurem...

The secret world of the glacier, the backside of the frozen bird world - the world of the Ice God Pillar Regice.

Kyurem's extremely strange behavior in the eternal frozen land instantly woke up the ice god Legice who was sleeping in the glacier, and at the same time his expression became tense.

Click, click, click...

Regice looked inside the core of the eternal frozen land, and saw Kyurem in the core using the ice world to make the core area stronger. Regice had an idea...

This must be Kyurem’s conspiracy! !

Kyurem was frozen in the core of the Permafrost Land for hundreds of thousands of years by it and the Frozen Bird. After encountering the loosening of the Permafrost Land in the Frozen Bird world, it will definitely find a way to come out.

The core of the eternal frozen land cannot seal Kyurem for too long.

But what did Regice see?

Kyurem sealed himself?

There's either a conspiracy behind this shit... or Kyurem's brain is frozen!

Kyurem's brain won't be damaged if it's frozen for hundreds of thousands of years, so...

Regice concluded that Kyurem must be brewing a shocking conspiracy for such an unreasonable act! !

Kyurem must be retreating to advance! !

"Brother Chicken, this move of yours is a move of retreat... It's really good! It dispelled Manafei's idea of ​​learning the Z move... It's very important!"

Yang Kaibai breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him quietly.

Manafei deflated quickly, but inflated... also very quickly.

Kodakya comforted Manafei for a while, and Manafei quickly returned to her happy self.

"Gu Gu Gu, Yang Kaibai, become a master trainer early! When you have stronger trainer strength... you will have more choices." Lightning Chicken Gu Gu said.

Yang Kaibai knew what choice Brother Ji was talking about.

If Yang Kaibai now has three-star master level strength, he may be able to choose to directly train Z moves with Manafei and choose to conquer Manafei.

Maybe I was in the right place and met the right spirit, but it wasn't the right time.


Manafei's current strength has not reached the stage where she can truly "dominate" the sea.

Yang Kaibai and Mana Fei...

Both need more growth.


Manafei suddenly raised her eyebrows.

In the outermost side hall of the Sea Temple, someone found a way to enter the Sea Temple Arena, and in the arena...

Met a match! !

"What happened, Mana Fei."

Yang Kaibai asked quickly.


"Oh? Sea Temple Arena... Someone started a fight?!" Yang Kaibai's eyes lit up slightly.

The trainers who can enter the Sea Temple, except Yang Kaibai, are all master-level trainers, and some of them are the world's top trainers like Uncle Yun.

Sea Temple Arena...

This is a masterclass confrontation!

Yang Kaibai certainly didn’t want to miss this visual feast!

"Mah na na!"

Manafei waved her little hand.

The picture has changed! !

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