The Master of Elves

Chapter 744 The possibility of becoming a legendary trainer!

Xu Jingru has not been as restless as she is today for a long time.

The last time something like this happened was the earthquake in the Thunder Ci Mountain Secret Realm, and it was also because of Yang Kaibai...

The last time, it was the appearance of the Secret Realm of Xie Mi Garden, and... it was also because of Yang Kaibai.

As for Yang Kaibai's encounter with the ancient octopus barrel in the recent Manafei and Sea Temple incident, it didn't even rank in Xu Jingru's mind, because she could easily tell that Helen Wilson had told lies. And according to the narrative of the leader of Chenglong, she knew that the ancient octopus barrel in the Temple of the Sea was a "guardian". If Yang Kaibai had the overlord Gyarados, the ancient octopus barrel would not take action against Yang Kaibai.

The reason why Xu Jingru feels so uneasy...

In fact, everything comes from the "unknown".

Yang Kaibai is going to conduct an "island tour" on the four islands of ABCD, with the purpose of awakening the other three island gods - the grass demon attribute Kapu Moo Moo, the electric demon attribute Kapu Mingming, and the super demon Kapu·Diedie with attributes.

One Kapu Fin Fin, a legendary elf, is enough to attract the attention of elf alliances all over the world. The Elf Alliance in the United States has now upgraded the contact and communication matters with Kapu Fin Fin to the current level. primary strategic goals.

However, Kapu Fin Fin is not the end of the island's patron saint incident. Her appearance is only the beginning of this incident, because apart from Ka Pu Fin Fin...

There are three other island patron saints! !

Four legendary elves appear at once...

In the real elf world, this has not happened for a long time.

The greater the number of legendary elves, it is not necessarily a good thing.

Just like the three lake gods Uxie, Emrido, and Aknom.

If the three lake gods appear in the real elf world at the same time, it means that the real elf world will usher in another extremely severe disaster crisis!

If the four Kapu gods, the four legendary island guardian gods, appeared at the same time, what impact would they have on the real elf world?


"Bowu, Bowu——"

Gardevoir and Absol stayed by Xu Jingru's side, looking at the night sky outside the window with Xu Jingru, until a gleam of light emerged at the end of the east...

The night will eventually pass and the light will come.

"Gardevoir, Absol...I seem...a little old..."

Xu Jingru looked quietly at the distant east. The bright red rising sun had already dyed the sea level at the end of the sea with a golden-red brilliance.

The sun is rising.

Her son, Yang Kaibai, is like the light of the night at this moment, bringing a rekindled light of hope to the four gods of Kapu who were once forgotten in the long history of the real elf world...

What reason does Xu Jingru have to stop Yang Kaibai from awakening the other three island guardian gods?

The greatness of the real elf world is precisely because there are possibilities one after another in this world. The legendary elves will always appear in this world and bring a more colorful future to the real elf world.

"Just let Kaibai do what he thinks is right."

Xu Jingru opened her arms in front of the window, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and embraced the warm sunshine of the summer morning.

Gardevoir and Absol also closed their eyes.

Feeling the tranquility of the morning together with trainer Xu Jingru.

Xu Jingru slowly opened her eyes, and she couldn't help but look at the two elf companions beside her. Of course, she didn't forget to pick up the elf ball of the three-star master dragon.

"The journey of a trainer is never-ending. A champion trainer... is still not the end of the journey of a trainer. Kaibai has his own things to do. As a mother, I have to give my child a more solid backing. ?”



The three-star master level is not the end of the elf's strength, but after the elf's strength reaches the three-star master level, the improvement of strength will become extremely difficult and slow.

After reaching this level of strength, the elf's strength is closely related to the elf's own lifespan and age.

In the real world of elves, there seems to be a "seal" and a "shackle" that prevents elves with three-star master level strength from finding the path and direction leading to legendary level strength.

Why does the World Elf Alliance conduct a "technological competition" in the field of super evolution?

Before Yang Kaibai revealed the secret of super evolution, the world's elven alliance unanimously believed that the super evolution of elves might be able to help elves break through the shackles of strength levels, especially elves with three-star master level strength.

Whether it is a champion trainer, a king trainer, an island master trainer, a three-star master trainer, a gym trainer...

In the final analysis, they are all below the legendary level.

Facing the legendary elves, any current champion trainer in the real elf world needs to send at least six main elves at the same time to be able to defeat the legendary elves.

This is why the Elf Alliance in the English region carries out a secret plan to "capture frozen birds".

In the eyes of some top trainers, the only way to become a "legendary trainer" may be to capture a legendary elf.

The threshold between the three-star elite level and the ordinary master level is like a chasm, but at least there is a chance to cross the chasm and break through from the elite level to the master level.

But between the three-star master level and the legendary level...

Threshold, what threshold?

Heavenly chasm, what is that?

In the real elf world, there is no possibility for a three-star master to break through to the legendary level!

The field of super evolution is an exploration of the legendary direction by human trainers.

The Elf Alliance in almost every region has concentrated its super evolution resources on the trainers with the strongest Elf.

Behind the pioneering plan in the field of super evolution, it is not just as simple as becoming the first batch of trainers to master super evolution. The subsequent extension also involves finding a way to turn three-star elite elves into legendary elves.

"Z power allows elves with three-star elite strength to have early access to the power of nature that only master-level elves can master. Can it help elves with three-star master level strength... access the power of legend?"

Xu Jingru knew that with the super evolution of elves and the emergence of Z power, and the resurrection of the four Kapu gods from the forgotten world... the future of the real elven world, the three-star master level is the highest level of strength among trainers. , is likely to become "history".

The legendary trainer is destined to appear on the stage of the real elf world in the future.

"Legendary trainers... are just like the legendary elves. In the real elf world, they are in the legends of history... Who will become the first legendary trainer in the real elf world?"

Xu Jingru's thoughts only flickered for a moment, and soon she noticed that the ambition and desire to become a "legendary" were revealed in the eyes of Gardevoir and Absol.

"It's really like us back then..."

Xu Jingru was filled with emotions.

On the road to becoming a trainer, Xu Jingru still remembers how high-spirited she was when she first became a new trainer. At that time, didn’t she also have a “secondary” desire and dream to become the most powerful trainer in the world?

Now, she has become a three-star master...

It seems that it has been a long time since he lost the fearlessness and motivation he had when he first became a new trainer.

Perhaps this is because after becoming a three-star master trainer, one cannot see the possibility of becoming a "legendary trainer"...

Are you slacking off?

"This should obviously be me and the child's father encouraging Kaibai to work hard on his path as a trainer. How come it turns out that Kaibai is pushing me and his child's father to continue to move forward on the road to the top of the trainer's path? ?”

Xu Jingru couldn't help but smiled and shook her head.

The smile on her lips could not hide the pride in her heart.

Yang Xiaonan originally planned to retreat to the second line in peace and contentment, work as an ordinary high-level executive at the central bank of the Elf Alliance, and just take care of the daily lives of Yang Kaixin and Yang Kaibai.

Xu Jingru and Yang Xiaonan do not ask Yang Kaixin and Yang Kaibai to achieve any number of trainer achievements in the future. They only hope that Yang Kaixin and Yang Kaibai can be happier and safer on the road to becoming trainers.

Apart from anything else, as long as Yang Kaixin and Yang Kaibai put a little effort into becoming trainers and their trainer talents are not too bad, there will be no problem in becoming master trainers before the age of thirty.

But who could have thought of Yang Kaibai...

That’s why he’s so...popular with the legendary elves!

Xie Mi and Feng Wang in the secret realm of Xie Mi Garden.

Uxie, the god of wisdom, and his good brother Emrido, the god of emotion.

The lightning chicken in the secret realm of Thunder Cishan is the harmless fire chicken next to Yang Kaibai. God knows how the legendary elf could play with a fire fox...

The frozen bird in the secret world of glaciers, Mana Fei in the Temple of the Sea...

Now, Yang Kaibai is no longer satisfied with "making friends" with the legendary elves. He even wants to awaken their souls as a human trainer and resurrect the four Kapu gods!

Xu Jingru didn't want to say anything anymore. She couldn't control her son even if she wanted to. She could only lie down and let it go. Fortunately, she still had Yang Kaixin, so she didn't have to think about whether to open a new account... …

"If Yang Kaibai causes any trouble in the future... I am afraid that the strength of the three-star master level will not be enough. Gardevoir and Absol, it seems that we have to work harder..." Xu Jingru He said with some headache.


"Boooo, boomoo!"

Gardevoir and Absol laughed happily.

What three-star master-level elves fear most is not being able to find a future direction.

A future without a future…

It’s scary to think about it!

Fortunately, Gardevoir and Absol are lucky because Yang Kaibai is here...

Super evolution gives them a new goal!

Z power…

Could it be the key to opening the legendary door?

"Come out, Kuailong! Let's go to the sea... take a good look at today's sunrise!!"

"Oh ho!!"

Kuailong had watched the sunrise in Dragon Valley countless times, but it was not interesting at all.

Sunrise on the sea...

Kuailong still likes it very much.

"Huh? Isn't that mom? Why is she riding a dragon... taking Gardevoir and Absol to see the sea so early?"

Yang Kaibai took a bowl of freshly cooked sweet porridge from Gardevoir's hand.

After waking up from his deep sleep, Yang Kaibai wanted to eat something delicious.

Chef Geng Gui and Gardevoir directly started making various Chinese breakfasts in the hotel room, such as sweet porridge, steamed buns, wontons, rice rolls, multi-grain pancakes, etc. Yang Kaibai wanted to eat them all.

"Kah da kah da!"

At this time, Kodak Duck was lying on the table with Yang Kaibai, tying a napkin, wagging his tail, and waiting for the delicious breakfast.

Guigui and Gardevoir are still better at their craftsmanship!


Kodakya also saw Yang Mama's body riding on the back of Kuailong. Yaya quickly jumped down from the chair, put his two little paws against the window, and watched Yang Mama go towards the rising sun. …

"Kada Ya, do you also want to go to the island to watch the sunrise over the sea?" Yang Kaibai laughed.


"Then let's eat enough and get ready to leave later! Let's go to Trange Island. I'm also looking forward to seeing... Kapu Finfin in the real elf world!"

Once upon a time, in Yang Kaibai's memory, in the various superhero movie blockbusters he had watched, the words "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" that Little Spider's uncle said to Little Spider, in the real elf world, As Yang Kaibai goes further and further on his journey as a trainer, his experience becomes deeper and deeper.

at first.

When Yang Kaibai met the beginner Elf Kodak who gave him a headache, all Yang Kaibai could think about was screwing up.

Open, display badly.

As Yang Kaibai's trainers become more and more powerful, they seem to be moving away from Yang Kaibai...

The difficulty of showing off is really getting bigger and bigger...

Not as easy as before.

However, Yang Kaibai is also happy to do this.

Want to pursue the beauty of the real elf world...

Yang Kaibai's current strength is far from enough for him to be able to survive with peace of mind.

The past of the four Kapu gods...

What happened?

The first-generation soul heart of Magearna sent by Celebi through time and space...

What does it foreshadow?

There is also Yang Kaibai's friend, Kodakya's swordsmanship teacher - the one-armed flying mantis with a dying life...

Yang Kaibai knew that what was once easily accomplished has now become a "luxury wish".

"Then, in the name of Yang Kaibai, start a tour of the islands... let the resonance of the radiance stone and the Z pure crystal... awaken the forgotten soul of the island god!!"

In the real elf world, the names of the four Kapu gods will be remembered by the whole world!

The dark ages are over...


Yang Kaibai stood in front of the window, looking in the direction of the four islands in the distance, humming slightly.

Yang Kaibai turned on the quartz watch. On his left wrist, the broken radiance stone was bathing in a golden-red light...

"Welcome back to our real world of elves!!"

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