The Master of Elves

Chapter 755 Xie Mi left the secret realm of the garden for the first time! Emrido's emergency e

"Yang Kaibai, the Evergreen Forest...just like the Amazon Forest, something happened!!"

In Dragon Valley, the moment Yang Kaibai received the news from Lao Wu, he knew that Celebi's time traveling incident was not as simple as he imagined. The evergreen forest withered and turned yellow overnight, just like a large number of tropical rainforests in the Amazon forest turned into dead wood some time ago. , this is almost what Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan are most worried about.

If a large number of trees in the Amazon forest have turned yellow, it doesn't mean much, but the same situation has also occurred in the evergreen forest...

The same problem occurred in the two forest areas related to Celebi's time travel, so in Celebi's past time and space... there must have been an unknown and terrifying crisis!

"Old Wu, today's time...August 23, there are still two days left!"

"Yang Kaibai, no, for us in China... there are still about two and a half to three days. The original international weekly... the person who came out of the Amazon forest and told Celebi about traveling through time and space... That incident happened on August 25th, Amazon forest time. Depending on the time difference... the actual time it happened might be August 26th, our China time!"

"Old Wu, where are you now?"

"I'm on my way to Flower City!"

"Old Wu, listen to me. Don't go to Huacheng yet. Listen to me and go directly to Changshan Forest. We will meet at Changshan Tianchi Lake. I'll call my sister, Sheng Bufang, and Zhang Hailin! I've already seen it here. The live video sent by the leader of the Flower City Grass Gym Ye... The situation is very bad, but... Old Wu, before we two participate in traveling through time and space, we have to undergo an enhancement! An enhancement of physical fitness and mental strength!"

"Changshan Tianchi Lake? Strengthening of physical fitness and mental strength? Yang Kaibai, you... OK! I will immediately change the itinerary and fly to Changshan Forest! I will pick up Sheng Bufang and Zhang Hailin! The three of us set off from Jianghai and flew directly to Changshan Forest Mountain forest!”

After Wu Yuhan received the news from Yang Kaibai, he was suddenly shocked. The shock in his heart at this time was no less shocking than the incident of the Huacheng Evergreen Forest turning yellow overnight.

Changshan Forest, Changshan Tianchi Lake...

What's there?

Where does the "strengthening of physical fitness and mental strength" mentioned by Yang Kaibai come from?

Who will help them strengthen their human trainers?

These questions came one after another, making Wu Yuhan's thoughts very messy.

But there is one thing...

Yang Kaibai was right, following the legendary elf Celebi through time and space...

Physical fitness and mental strength are crucial!


Wu Yuhan can't do much when he goes to Evergreen Forest in Huacheng now.

The Huacheng Elf Alliance and Ye Jingjing, the owner of the Huacheng Grass-type Gym, have now sent a large number of grass-type elves and grass-type trainers to support the Evergreen Forest. Among Wu Yuhan's elven partners, there are no elves with grass-type attributes, so... …

It's no use even if he goes!

At this time, it’s time to listen to Yang Kaibai!

Wu Yuhan...

He needs both physical and mental strength to be strengthened!

"Metal Monster, change the itinerary and change the destination from Huacheng Evergreen Forest to Changshan Changshan Forest. We will set off immediately!!"


"Brother Yuan, where are you? Time is a little urgent. Listen to me. Wu Yuhan is here to pick you up now. We will meet you in Changshan Forest then! In the territory of you and King Dude!"

"Plain water, Wu Yuhan just sent me a message, I received it, see you in Changshan Forest then!"


"Yang Kaibai, something happened in the Evergreen Forest, something happened in the Evergreen Forest! Yang Kaibai, are you in Kyoto now? Evergreen Forest, over there in the Evergreen Forest... go out, go out..."

"Zhang Hailin, listen to me! I already know what's going on in the Evergreen Forest. Now, don't be anxious. It's useless to be anxious. The things in the Evergreen Forest... haven't reached the critical stage to solve the problem yet! I'll follow you now. You said, there is Evergreen Forest... This time, Xie Mi's assistance is needed. When Wu Yuhan went to pick you up and Sheng Bufang, Zhang Hailin, take Xie Mi with you and come to Changshan Forest! We will meet in Changshan Forest!! "

"Bring Xie Mi...Bring Xie Mi...Okay! Okay, Yang Kaibai! I know you have a way! I'm going to the Secret Realm of Xie Mi Garden...Bring Xie Mi!!"

After Zhang Hailin learned the news about the incident in Evergreen Forest for the first time, she seemed a little confused. Before Yang Kaibai sent the news to Zhang Hailin, Zhang Hailin's phone call came to Yang Kaibai.

Yang Kaibai knew from Zhang Hailin's panicked tone that she was very, very concerned about the Evergreen Forest turning yellow overnight. However, in the face of such a big event, it was useless to be anxious.

This time, a big event related to the forest god Celebi...

The first helper with grass attributes that Yang Kaibai thought of was Xie Mi in the secret realm of Xie Mi Garden!

However, this is the first time that Xie Mi has left the secret realm of Xie Mi's garden, and he has to face another "crisis incident" in the secret realm of the forest...

This may be a very huge test for Xiao Shemi.


In the Chinese region, you have to be Xie Mi!

When Zhang Hailin went to Hawaii to visit Yang Kaibai, she told him that Xie Mi originally wanted to go with Zhang Hailin, but in Hawaii, Zhang Hailin could not protect Xie Mi when he left the secret realm of Xie Mi's Garden.

This time...

In the Chinese region, Yang Kaibai, he can!

But before heading to the Evergreen Forest, Semi also needs Emrido's test and strengthening!

This time, Uxie, the God of Wisdom, is also here. Although the Evergreen Forest incident is a mission event of Emrido, the God of Emotions, Ukishi, the God of Wisdom, will definitely help Emrido as much as possible!

Time is running out.

Yang Kaibai did not expect that the evergreen forest would wither and turn yellow overnight, which meant that the crisis Celebi encountered in the world of past time and space was far beyond Yang Kaibai's imagination!

"What exactly happened in the world where Magearna's first generation soul resided?"

Yang Kaibai frowned tightly. He sat on the head of the Gyarados, his thoughts deep, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed a bit depressing.

"Kah da kah da."



Beside Yang Kaibai, Kodak, Gengar and Gardevoir immediately came over. Even Kodak, who usually held his head in a daze with melon seeds, turned sideways and tilted his head, stretched out his little paws and touched Yang Kaibai's body. His eyes were dazzled, and then he patted Yang Kaibai on the shoulder.

Yang Kaibai looked at the Kodak next to him.

I saw Kodak holding his head high and stretching out his little paws to pat his chest.

Don't worry!

There are ducks and ducks here!

It won't be difficult!



Gengar and Gardevoir also smiled at the same time, using their smiles to dispel the solemn atmosphere and make Yang Kaibai's thoughts as relaxed as possible.

Yang Kaibai smiled happily.

The feeling of having an elf companion by my side...

so good!

We can overcome all difficulties by working together!

"Don't worry, I'm just thinking about something, the situation... isn't that bad yet!"

Yang Kaibai reached out and touched the three black hairs fluttering in the wind on the head of the cute Kodak Duck. Kodak duck squinted his eyes and enjoyed Yang Kaibai's touch with a very comfortable look.

"Ho ho ho!"

Gyarados roared softly, and it had already seen Yang Kaixin and her Gardevoir waiting at the entrance of Kyoto Elf University.

Yang Kaibai's Chirulian evolved on almost the same day as Yang Kaibai's Chirulian, but after Yang Kaibai's Chirulian evolved into Gardevoir in a gorgeous performance that shocked the world, Yang Kaibai's Chirulian evolved Kirulian then evolved into Gardevoir.

At present, Yang Kaixin's trainer strength is roughly the same as Wu Yuhan's, but they also have elves that have not evolved, such as her Fire Fox.

"Boiled water, why are you suddenly going to Changshan Forest? Isn't Sheng Bufang in Jianghai during this time?"

Yang Kaixin thought that Yang Kaibai had asked her to go to Changshan Forest to visit Sheng Bufang at Changshan Tianchi Lake in the forest.

Gardevoir used teleportation and brought Yang Kaixin to the Gyarados dragon head.

Gyarados "roared" twice, signaling Yang Kaibai and Yang Kaixin to sit still, and quickly flew into the blue sky, flying towards the Changshan Forest under the navigation guidance of Geng Gui's sentient ghost hand.

At this time, the height of Gyarados has reached about a thousand meters in the air. There are only a few flying elves and trainers near this height.

At this time, Yang Kaibai took out the box containing the Qixi Blue Bird Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone that he had already prepared, and handed it to Yang Kaixin.

Yang Kaixin looked surprised: "Boiled water, isn't this the box you gave to our dad? Did he give it back to you again?"

The original Elf resources contained in this box were Charizard Evolution Stone

This time Yang Kaibai put the Qixi Blue Bird Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone into the box and gave it to his sister Yang Kaixin.

This box can also be regarded as...

A family heirloom.

"Sister, here are the Qixi Blue Bird Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone for you."

Yang Kaixin was about to take the box, but after hearing Yang Kaibai's words, her hands began to tremble.

"Plain water, can you please not take out such an important thing so high in the sky? What if...what if it falls? What should I do?!" Yang Kaixin was really flustered.


Can't you just give it to her on the ground...or when you're at home?

This is in heaven...

It's really scary, isn't it?

Fortunately, Gardevoir helped Yang Kaixin take over the box containing the Qixi Blue Bird Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone. After opening it, two crystal stones related to the elves' super evolution made Yang Kaixin and Gardevoir focus their attention. into the box.

"Bai, boiled water...this...don't scare me, is this real or fake?" Yang Kaixin felt unreal.

The two crystals in front of him flickered in the sun, a bit dazzling, which made Yang Kaixin feel dizzy.

Yang Kaibai smiled teasingly and joked: "Sister, of course it is true. Is it still the marble toy from the American region... Old Wu's glass marble toy factory? The Qixi Blue Bird Super Evolutionary Stone... is in Kapu·Fin I found it on the artificial battle island of Trange Island, but there was no key stone at that time. I went to the Thunder Magnetic Mountain Secret Realm before and just found this new key stone."

"Thunder Cishan Secret Realm, Thunder Cishan Secret Realm... The super evolutionary resources in Thunder Cishan Secret Realm... Why are they all attracted to your boiled water... Oh, by the way, boiled water, and the different-colored fire chicks ?Where are the different-colored fire chicks? The fire fox has prepared snacks on the branches..."

"Cough, cough...heterochromatic fire chicken...take it back to its homeland first. By the way, sister, having the Elf Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone does not mean that you can carry out super evolution. This time I will go At Changshan Tianchi Lake, I want to take you and Lao Wu...and Brother Yuan and Zhang Hailin to undergo intensive physical and mental training!" Yang Kaibai changed the topic.

Yang Kaixin looked at the Elf Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone in his hand, then looked at Yang Kaibai, and then said in shock: "Bai Boishui, couldn't you...prepare the Elf Super Evolution Stone and Key Stone for everyone?" ! told me, did you pop out of the stone?"

Yang Kaibai said speechlessly: "Sister, if our parents hear this... I'll have some juice for you! Wu Yuhan's Boss Cordora can super evolve, but I didn't find his keystone. He is here Found it through Prince Bo’s relationship in the Glacier Secret Realm!”

"Through Prince Bo's relationship? Is there such a thing? Tell me, boiled water, what's the story in this!"

When Yang Kaibai was telling stories about the secret world of glaciers, they were getting closer and closer to Changshan Forest.


Yang Kaibai always felt as if he had forgotten something again.



That doctor in the field of ice! !

never mind.

This time the situation is urgent and there is no time to find the research doctor in the field of ice. In the face of the crisis encountered in the Evergreen Forest and the major event of Celebi traveling through time and space... Emrido's intensive test is even more important!

Changshan City, Changshan Forest.

For ordinary trainers, entering the original secret realm of Changshan Forest requires strict review, but for Yang Kaibai and Yang Kaixin, entering the original secret realm of Changshan Forest is very simple.

"Old Wu! Brother Yuan! Zhang Hailin!"

"Yang Kaibai, Yang Kaixin!"

"Xiemi Xiemi!"

After seeing the arrival of Wu Yuhan, Sheng Bufang and Zhang Hailin, Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan nodded to each other and exchanged glances.

The moment Xie Mi, who was in Zhang Hailin's arms, saw Yang Kaibai, he was originally a little scared because of leaving the secret realm of Xie Mi's Garden for the first time, but he suddenly became happy, and he broke away from Zhang Hailin's arms and leaped to Yang Kaibai's In the arms.

"Semi, long time no see! We may need your help this time!"

Yang Kaibai gently stroked the soft flowers and grass on Xie Mi's back, and the faint fragrance of flowers and grass on Xie Mi spread around.

Yang Kaibai changed his tone at this time and said with a serious expression: "Everyone, this time when we come to Changshan Forest, we will conduct an urgent physical and mental strengthening in Changshan Tianchi Lake!"

"This enhancement... is to deal with the crisis facing the Evergreen Forest, and also to deal with the subsequent major events that travel through time and space!"

"The elves who conduct intensive tests for us..."

"It's the God of Emotions, Emrido!!"


In the Changshan Forest, when Emrido's phantom appeared in front of Yang Kaibai, others and Xie Mi...

Yang Kaixin, Wu Yuhan, Sheng Bufang and Zhang Hailin were shocked almost at the same time!

"Love...the god of emotions, Ai...Emrido?!"

"The Elf Alliance Headquarters! The Elf Alliance Headquarters! Fluctuations of the Lake God's super power, the God of Emotions Emrido, have been detected! The location...the location is..."

"The place where the God of Wisdom, Ukshi, once conducted the test of the God of Wisdom...Changshan Tianchi Lake!!!"

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