The Master of Elves

Chapter 800 The few good times

The Stone Gate opens again.

Cheers, excitement, enthusiasm, hugs...

The cold corridor echoes with the laughter of Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan.

"It's been a long time since it's been like this here..."

Metal Mewtwo stands quietly inside the Stone Gate, looking at the smiling faces in the corridor outside.

Humans, elves.

In the memory of Metal Mewtwo, the scene of more than 500 years ago emerges.

At that time, Magearna would often bring the princess and prince of the city-state to play here.

The sound of running footsteps, and the laughter that also echoed in the corridor.

But at that time...

Metal Mewtwo had not been fully built.

At that time, it could only record everything with the recording function of the mechanical eyes.

"Metal Mewtwo, you... don't you want to go over?"

Magearna's steps that were about to walk out of the Stone Gate suddenly stopped.

Celebrating the evolution of Scyther and Metal Monster should have been a part of the credit of Metal Mewtwo.

Happiness should also be a part of Metal Mewtwo.

"I... am feeling it."

Metroid hesitated.

It really wanted to join the celebration of laughter and joy, but...

It was very confused without the feeling of emotion.

This is the contradiction of Metroid.

It longed to have real emotions, but at the same time, it was afraid that real emotions would bring it great confusion.

It was like a sophisticated machine. Without emotions, it would not be bound by emotions, nor would it be controlled by emotions.

Magiana extended her hand to Metroid. She curved her eyes and smiled slightly: "Metroid, come together. Everyone is very grateful to you. We... are friends."

Under the steel armor, the dark pupils in Metroid's eyes shrank somewhat unbelievably.


This is really a beautiful word.

Metroid's memory seems to have no "real friends".

It found that its mechanical core did not resist Maggiana's actions.

Magiana took Metroid's hand and led Metroid out of the Stone Gate.

Inside the Stone Gate, it was cold and silent.

Outside the Stone Gate, it was very lively.

It was like two different worlds.



"Hehehe, geez!"

The arrival of Magearna and Steel Mewtwo made the atmosphere outside the Stone Gate even more lively.

"Steel Mewtwo, thank you!"

"Steel Mewtwo, thank you!"


"Cool, cool!"


The cheers and gratitude that were so close made the mechanical core of Steel Mewtwo start to work quickly.

It recorded the scene in front of it deeply in its heart. Although it could not sense the fluctuations of its emotions now, these scenes, as long as they existed, would never be forgotten.

"Steel Mewtwo, is there a Pokémon battle field nearby? It can let Gyarados and Metagross have a hearty Pokémon battle." Yang Kaibai asked.

Steel Mewtwo nodded.

On the mountain in the center of this world, there is the world's oldest and most complete Pokémon battle field.

This large arena in the center of the world was originally the battlefield for the battle between the "underground city" and the "sky city", which was also the final venue for the "underground city competition" that Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan were going to participate in.

The destruction of the Black Rock Underground City put the plan of the "underground city competition" on hold, and the volcanic eruption of the Black Rock Mountains also caused the sky cities to encounter the largest air environment crisis in history...

This large arena in the center of the world is temporarily empty at this moment.

"What an ancient large arena... It's a bit like the arena in the ancient Roman period in our real elf world." Wu Yuhan said in shock.

Yang Kaibai nodded.

This ancient large arena on the top of the mountains is very similar to the arena that Yang Kaibai saw in the Temple of Manaphy.

It seems that ancient arenas have more or less similar places.

The ground of the arena is not flat, and there are a lot of weeds growing between the stones. The whole arena looks like a "moss field" that few people go to.

However, such a large arena is the most spectator-capable Pokémon battle field Yang Kaibai has seen so far.

That’s right.

This world is not just about Pokémon battles, there are also battles between large mechas.

“Let me and Steel Mewtwo be the referees!”

Magearna spoke first.

Steel Mewtwo is not an active Pokémon in these matters, it is like a “stifled jar”.

Magearna, who is kind by nature and has experienced the spiritual baptism of the real Pokémon world, is more lively and cheerful than before.

Steel Mewtwo was obviously stagnant, down for a few tenths of a second, and quickly nodded.

The battle between Gyarados and Metagross…

For Steel Mewtwo, the strength level is indeed a bit low, and it has no effect on it whether to watch or not, and it is even a waste of time, but…

Steel Mewtwo knows in his heart that the time of relaxation and joy like now…

is really not much.

Every sky city is now in a stage of rapid energy consumption. For those sky cities close to the center of volcanic eruptions, the serious air pollution from the outside world has now broken through the city's protective shield.

The disaster of the fall of the sky city...

It's already counting down!

Let it remember the last few good times in front of it...


Gyarados' roar, Metagross's groan.

Metagross has completely calculated the strength of Gyarados's "normal collision" through a head-on collision.

If Gyarados doesn't use Dragon Dance next time, then the next time it hits, Metagross can use its own steel body to counter Gyarados' collision!

Even if it's a Dragon Dance...

Metagross is not afraid!

Because Metagross has super strong computing power, it has calculated the maximum upper limit of Gyarados' attack damage!

And this upper limit...

It is completely within the range that Metagross can bear!

As for Gyarados's water cannon...

Miss! Miss! Miss again!

"After Metallo evolves into Metagross...the strength is greatly improved." Yang Kaibai knew that Gyarados had been "seen through" by Metagross.

Without Mega Evolution, Gyarados needs to use Dragon Dance at least twice to barely hit Metagross in close combat.

Metagross's attack is precise and elegant.

As the saying goes, accuracy is the difference between slaughter and surgery.

Gyarados's current fighting style...

It seems a bit clumsy in front of the perfect Metagross.


Giant Claw Mantis watched the battle between Gyarados and Metagross in the sky with interest. For it, all the details of the battle in the sky were reflected in its eyes.

However, the next moment, the red alarm sounded across the entire mountain range, blocking the duel between Gyarados and Metagross!

Steel Mewtwo's expression suddenly changed.

An extremely powerful breath instantly burst out from its armor!

"The city in the sky above the Black Rock Mountains...something happened!"

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