Gambling stone shop.

“Jinyue, what’s so interesting about gambling stones! There is that big merchant house next to it, you could buy whatever you like. ” Ouyang Jing said to a six-year-old girl.

Ouyang Jinyue shook her head, unconvinced, “What’s so good about shopping at a big merchant house? There are all these things. You don’t understand how boring it is, but stone gambling is really exciting! With one cut, you can become poor or rich! Sister Ouyang, have you heard that earlier someone in the gambling stone shop spent two thousand taels of silver to buy a stone of poor quality and as result, a Spiritual Pearl of good quality was found in it and it sold for over two hundred thousand taels of silver!”

Ouyang Jing nodded and reluctantly smiled, saying, “I’ve heard of it.”

There are some lucky people who get rich overnight because of gambling stones, but there were even more people who lost all their money overnight because of gambling stones.

Ouyang Jing frowned. Ouyang Jinyue was young, however she was the legitimate daughter of the Ouyang family. The head of the family was already old, so he spoiled her very much. After Ouyang Jinyue came to Bifeng City, Ouyang Jing came over to get close to her. Ouyang Jinyue was young, had a big temper and was very difficult to get along with, so Ouyang Jing was troubled by Ouyang Jinyue.

“Jinyue, you are still young. You should leave the matter of gambling stones for a few years.” Ouyang Jing had a bit of a headache. If the city lord knew that she had taken his beloved daughter to visit the gambling stone shop, he would be very angry.

Ouyang Jinyue trailed off. “Why should I leave it for a few years? I’m already very big now.”

Ouyang Jing helplessly said, “Jinyue, you are still young!”

“Then, what about him?” Ouyang Jinyue raised her hand and pointed towards Xiao Xiaofan.

Ouyang Jing looked towards the direction Ouyang Jinyue pointed at and saw Xiao Xiaofan with his hands raised high, holding an oval stone over eighty centimeters in diameter in his hands. Xiao Xiaofan looked small and pitiful under that huge stone, making people very worried that the huge stone would crush him.

Xiao Xiaofan walked staggeringly, when the surrounding customers saw him, one by one, they showed worried expressions on their faces.

Xiao Jingting held a basketball-sized stone and followed behind Xiao Xiaofan.

Many people in the gambling shop looked at Xiao Jingting, revealing a look of condemnation. Xiao Jingting was a little embarrassed. His youngest son wanted to show his extraordinary power and grabbed the big one. He was really not happy about letting him hold the big one but he was also forced to do so and was helpless!

Xiaofan had gradually displayed his natural talent for divine strength since he started cultivating. This stone might be a bit heavy, but it was also unable to crush his own son, Xiao Jingting had confidence in this.

Ouyang Jinyue walked up to Xiao Xiaofan and measured him with great interest “Little brother, you’re really strong.”

“Thank you, I’m flattered.”

“But little brother, you have really bad eyesight.”

“No, no, I have good eyesight.”

Ouyang Jinyue curled her mouth, full of disdain. “Just look at the rotten stone you bought, and you still dare to say that you have good eyesight.”

Xiao Xiaofan glanced at Ouyang Jinyue and said, “Is it rotten?”

“This stone has so many cracks. It’s exactly a kind of worst quality cracked stone in which you will not be able to find anything good.” Ouyang Jinyue held her head high.

Xiao Xiaofan blushed and said, “No, there is something good in this stone!”

“Oh, what good thing? Tell me about it.” Ouyang Jinyue asked.

“I don’t know,” Xiao Xiaofan said.

Ouyang Jinyue laughed and said, “Little idiot.”

Xiao Xiaofan furiously glared at Ouyang Jinyue and said, “Not an idiot, not an idiot.”

Ouyang Jinyue looked at Xiao Xiaofan’s reaction and snorted lightly, saying, “So he’s really an idiot!”

Xiao Xiaofan blushed and became annoyed, “Nonsense, nonsense.”

“Little brother, this is not how gambling works. Wait for me to find a few stones and show you,” Ouyang Jinyue left with her head held high.

In the meantime, Ouyang Jing looked at Xiao Jingting and frowned slightly.

When Xiao Jingting looked at Ouyang Jing’s reaction, he knew that Ouyang Jing recognized his identity, but it was clear that Ouyang Jing did not want to get involved with him.

Xiao Jingting also didn’t know how to face this woman who once had an affair with Xiao Qingyan. Seeing that the other party had no intention of greeting him, Xiao Jingting naturally wouldn’t ask for trouble.

There were a lot of people in the gambling stone shop, some paying the bills, others cutting stones. Xiao Jingting and Xiao Xiaofan stood at the side in line, waiting to pay their bill.

Xiao Xiaofan who held the stone high and lined up in the line was unusually eye-catching.

Xiao Jingting looked at the mighty Xiao Xiaofan and said, “Son, put it down.” His son was really a model worker! He treated this heavy stone as if it was not too heavy!

Xiao Xiaofan shook his head and said, “No, no, not tired, not tired.”

Xiao Jingting touched his nose. His own son might not be tired but he, as his father, was getting tired of being started at!

“Boss, we want these stones.” After having a bad time lining up, Xiao Jingting couldn’t wait to speak to the owner of the gambling stone shop.


The owner of the gambling stone shop was just about to settle the bill for Xiao Jingting when Ouyang Jinyue rushed over with a few servant boys. “Boss, settle the bill for me, then cut these stones for me.”

As soon as Ouyang Jinyue opened her mouth, the shopkeeper immediately ignored Xiao Jingting who was ready to settle the bill.

On Ouyang Jinyue clothes, there was the sign of City Lord’s Residence that was unusually eye-catching, so everyone in the shop knew Ouyang Jinyue’s identity, and no one dared to say anything when Ouyang Jinyue cut in.

“We arrived first.” Xiao Xiaofan muttered in dissatisfaction.

Xiao Jingting rubbed Xiao Xiaofan’s head and said, “We are in no hurry, we can wait a little longer.”

“Miss Ouyang, a total of 150,000 taels of silver.” The shopkeeper said in a gracious manner.

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