When Mo Hei saw Xu Muan, he immediately became furious,”Pei Song, you son of a bitch.”

Mo Hei was furious. When Pei Song came to him, he had said that Xiao Jingting was at the seventh level of Qi Practice and Xu Muan at the sixth level of Qi Practice. Both of their cultivation was improved by taking pills and they traveled with three small children. If they fought, they would definitely win but in fact Xiao Jingting was at the eighth level of Qi Practice and Xu Muan was at the seventh level of Qi Practice.

Mo Hei was so angry that Pei Song became confused. He wanted to rob someone, but he didn’t even know the basic situation of the other person.

When Xiao Jingting saw Mo Hei attacking the carriage, his eyes narrowed as his attack became even fiercer.

Xiao Jingting knew that his wife was a capable fighter, and if they fought openly, Xu Muan might not necessarily be at a disadvantage. However, the other party was clearly not a decent person, and had been looking for an opportunity to attack the carriage to distract Xu Muan.

“Brother Xiao, it’s a misunderstanding, so why don’t we stop here?” Pei Song, whose spiritual energy was close to exhaustion, said.

Xiao Jingting sneered,‘Stop here?’ The other person came directly to his door, so how could he stop now? Xiao Jingting didn’t bother to pay attention to Pei Song’s words and threw out five spirit talismans to detonate together.

“Brother MO, save me.” Pei Song said in shock.

Mo Hei was entangled by Xu Muan, so he couldn’t pull out. But Xiao Jingting took advantage of his situation and killed Pei Song with his spirit talismans.

When Mo Hei saw Pei Song’s death, he immediately retreated. Xiao Jingting immediately stopped Mo Hei. Xiao Jingting had already recognized Pei Song’s identity so he was worried that if the matter of him killing Pei Song was exposed, it would cause the people behind Pei Song to retaliate. Naturally, it was impossible for him to let Mo Hei leave.

Bifeng Academy.

“Brother Tian, why have the prices of the pills in your shop gone up again?”

Tian Fei shook his fan and sighed, with a helpless face,”Xiao Jingting is gone. Now pills will be sold one by one so they will become rarer. Naturally the price should also be higher.”

The effect of the aphrodisiac pills in Tian Fei’s shop was so good that many lecherous people couldn’t stop themselves from using them after using them once, so the price of pills continued to rise.

“Why did Xiao Jingting leave?” A male cultivator was a bit regretful.

Tian Fei closed his folding fan and knocked it on his forehead saying,”Although Strong Yang Pills are good things, there is no great prospect in refining them all the time. Brother Xiao is someone with great aspirations, so of course, he will not refine this thing all the time.”

“Still, Brother Tian had great vision and made a lot of money from it, right?” A slim man beside Tian Fei giggled.

The slim man’s name was Song Li and his appearance was elegant and handsome, making him look like a good-looking gentleman. But in fact, he was a lustful regular customer in Tian Fei’s shop.

Tian Fei laughed full of modesty,”Small business, not much, not much.”

Song Li snorted softly, and said,”Still say not much, while looking so happy.”

Tian Fei,”…”

“By the way, I haven’t seen Pei Song!” Song Li thought it was strange.

Tian Fei shrugged his shoulders and said,”It’s okay if you didn’t see him. Maybe he went out to gain experience. Isn’t that a common thing?” Tian Fei was so serious that a few people who knew that Tian Fei had chased Pei Song crazily felt quite strange.

Song Li shook his head and said,”According to the rules, it’s not strange to go out to gain experience, but there is something wrong with Pei Song going out at this time.”

Tian Fei was a little curious,”What’s wrong?”

“Pei Song has been chasing Chen Xue lately! After chasing her for a long time, Pei Song finally sees some hope. Pei Song also promised to send something to Chen Xue, but now he disappeared.” Song Li said.

Tian Fei rolled his eyes, saying,”Then it’s not strange! Didn’t Chen Xue finally decide to accept him? Pei Song probably found it boring.”

Song Li said with some doubts,”Really? But Pei Song haven’t got her yet.”

Tian Fei shrugged his shoulders, smiling faintly, saying,”It’s almost the same.”

Song Li nodded and said,”Right.”

As night fell, Xiao Jingting and Xu Muan found a place to rest.

“How is the baby?” Xiao Jingting asked.

“He is asleep, they are all sleeping soundly.” Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jingting shook his head and said,”They’re calm, though!”

After dealing with Pei Song and Mo Hei earlier, Xiao Jingting checked his three boys in the carriage.

He saw both Xiao Xiaofan and Xiao Xiaojin holding milk jugs, as if they were just drinking milk with great effort. Xiao Xiaodong was holding Xiao Xiaojin with an indifferent expression as if the assassination incident he had experienced was not a big deal, but his father was making a fuss.

Xiao Jingting looked at the three little children in the carriage sleeping with their eyes closed, and a soft smile flashed in his eyes.

Xiaofan never slept quietly before, his feet always kicking. He didn’t know if he knew he should take care of his younger brother, but he slept much more quietly all of a sudden.

Xiao Xiaodong slept in the middle, on his side as if he was protecting Xiao Xiaojin.

“In a few days, we should be in Star City.” Xiao Jingting said.

Xu Muan nodded and said,”Yes!”

“I don’t know if I will be able to find this place.” Xiao Jingting said.

“Whether you can find it or not, you’ve already come here so we can try.” Xu Muan was full of confidence.

Along the way, the two of them had heard a lot of rumors about Star City. It was said to be a very mysterious place. Only those lucky ones could find it, while others would never be able to enter.

One must have money to live in Star City. Without it, one would live there even worse than a dog.

According to the information that the two of them had found, the cheapest inn in Star City cost two spirit jades a day. If they ran out of money, they would be kicked out of the inn and the security in Star City was not very good. If they slept on the street, they would face robbery all the time.

Star City was a place full of opportunities, but it was also a place where the strong preyed on the weak.

It was also said that Star City had the support of the Green Cloud Immortal Sect. 70% of the barbaric continent’s precious materials would be sent to Star City. The people from the Green Cloud Immortal Sect would exchange some high-grade pills and magic secrets for these goods. The Green Cloud Immortal Sect was a true holy place of cultivation. Anything out there was enough to benefit a top cultivator in the Barbaric continent.

After hearing the news about Star City, Xiao Jingting sold quite a few pills along the way, and took Xiao Xiaofan to the gambling stone shops, exchanging them almost for two thousand spiritual jades.

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