“Sister, don’t look at me like that! I’m under a lot of pressure because you’re like this. Everyone says that it’s up to chance to be selected or not, and it’s no use trying to force it.” Ouyang Jinyue said with a bitter face.

When Ouyang Mingyue heard her words, her eyes narrowed and she sighed lightly.

Back then, she was the No.1 cultivator in her family and her family had placed high hopes on her. At that time, she went to participate in the selection with great ambition but unfortunately, the people of the Green Cloud Immortal Sect did not take her seriously at all. Back then, although no one from the same batch of children had been selected, Ouyang Mingyue remembered that the Sect had evaluated several children higher than her.

After she was not selected, her world almost collapsed.

“Alright, let nature take its course.” Ouyang Mingyue sighed.

“Sister, let’s see if that little fatty will get chosen!” Ouyang Jinyue asked.

Ouyang Mingyue frowned and said,”Why do you ask something like this?”

“I think he is very special! He has an aura about him.” Ouyang Jinyue said.

“Maybe he can be selected, but he’s not even qualified to attend the selection.” Ouyang Mingyue said.

The Green Cloud Immortal Sect was more likely to collect disciples from the location of the Immortal Sect, and each year, only ten disciples were selected from the Barbarian Wasteland Continent. For these ten slots, the major powers of the Barbarian Wasteland Continent fought openly and secretly. In the Barbarian Continent, there were so many forces focusing on those slots. How could a kid from nowhere get a share of the pie?

Ouyang Mingyue opened the curtain in the carriage and looked at the child outside. She slightly frowned. In her own heart, she still hoped that her own sister would be selected. Although most of the people outside were from Ouyang family and there would be no gain or loss, who would not have some selfishness?

In the past, there was a side family that was selected. As a result, after that person stood out, he immediately supported the side family which completely suppressed the main family.

Ouyang Jing looked at the glorious carriage and narrowed her eyes.

Different people had different lives! At that time, she also participated in the selection of the disciples for Green Cloud Immortal Sect. At that time, the cultivator of the Sect had evaluated her as the upper middle Three Spiritual Roots, and Ouyang Mingyue as the lower middle Three Spiritual Roots. Ouyang Jing wasn’t too clear on what the Sect’s evaluation criteria was based on, but she still could understand the upper and lower.

In the eyes of the people of Green Cloud Immortal Sect, her qualifications should be better than Ouyang Mingyue but she was not much better, so she still failed to be selected.

After she and Ouyang Mingyue both failed in the selection, Ouyang Mingyue relied on that city lord father of hers to progress her cultivation, advancing to her current eighth level of Qi Practice, while she stayed at the fifth level of Qi Practice.

Ouyang Jing gritted her teeth, feeling a little more depressed. Ouyang Mingyue of Ouyang family after failing the selection was still the top cultivator of her family as usual, but after she failed selection, no one in her family cared much about her.

She still remembered that back then, the Marquis of Yongning also had a concubine daughter who participated in the selection. That concubine daughter had just entered the first level of Qi Practice, so she was not conspicuous at all among the other children at the second or third level of Qi Practice. However, the people of the Green Cloud Immortal Sect found out that this little girl was a double spiritual root, with a very thick and strong main spiritual root and very thin secondary spiritual root. She had the best combination of two spiritual roots, so she was admitted into the Green Cloud Immortal Sect.

That girl was originally only selected by the Yongning Marquis to make up the numbers, so he didn’t expect that the Green Cloud Immortal Sect would take a fancy to her.

After that girl was chosen, she had a sudden rise and became a member of the Immortal Sect.

The status of her family also improved, and the Marquis provided her family with good food and drink.

There were many such examples, so the selection of the Immortal Sect was an opportunity to change one’s fate! A number of lucky people had stood out, but unfortunately, she didn’t have that luck.

Ouyang Jing just wanted to leave, when she was entangled by Qian Yu.

“This family is really shameless, tell them to stay away from us. Miss Jinyue still hangs out with such people.” Qian Yu was unhappy.

“Miss Jinyue is still very young and is eager to play. When she meets people of her age, she naturally feels curious.” Ouyang Jing secretly said.

Ouyang Jinyue had a somewhat unruly nature, so several children in the family who were the same age as her were somewhat afraid of her. She didn’t know what she valued about Xiao Xiaofan, to actually treat such a guy differently.

“Humph, it’s shameless that such a shabby carriage dares to follow us.” Qian Yu was full of contempt.

Ouyang Jing frowned. She didn’t like Qian Yu. She was just a wet nurse, but she put on more airs than the young ladies from Marquis’ mansion. This person was a part of the city lord’s main wife’s escort when she married and was always very talkative in front of the City Lord’s wife.

“If they don’t follow us, they wouldn’t be able to find Star City.” Ouyang Jing said.

“What is this person trying to do by going to Star City? Madam said that Star City is a place where rich people go. If you have no money or background, going to Star City is the same as looking for abuse.” Qian Yu said.

Ouyang Jing thought:‘You use the excuse of being a wet nurse who took care of Jinyue to follow her to the Star City. It is not a surprise that other people also want to go.’

“He comes from a small family and is not thick-skinned. Where can he go at this point?” Ouyang Jing said.

She didn’t know what kind of luck this guy Xiao Jingting had to cultivate to the seventh level of Qi Practice so quickly, when she was still at the fifth level of Qi Practice. Could it be because Xiao Jingting had a single spirit root? The merits of spiritual roots were said to be more apparent when one’s cultivation was higher.

“Those two little brats, pretend to be crazy and behave like they are stupid. I know they are not nice people at first glance. They want to follow us to the selection, right?” Qian Yu asked.

“How is it possible?” Ouyang Jing shook her head.

The Ouyang family had strict control over the children who would be taking part in the selection. However, this time they did admit a few people from other families, all of whom were related to the Ouyang family and had a good relationship with them.

During this period of time, Ouyang family lost their Foundation Building elder, so their influence began to shrink. It was difficult to cope with the stated resource requirements, so they admitted a few children from other families for testing. Those selected families offered a generous gift to the Ouyang family.

Ouyang Jing pursed her lips. If the family wasn’t at the point of exhaustion, it would never allow other families to enter the selection. The City Lord’s Palace looked bright and shiny, but in fact, it was already declining!

Ouyang Jing glanced at Qian Yu, knowing that the Ouyang family allowed children from other families to participate in the test. Qian Yu wanted to shove her own child in, even by going to the city lord’s wife. But unfortunately, she was rejected.

Ouyang Jing thought:‘The other families all paid a lot of money to stuff people in. But Qian Yu couldn’t offer anything good, so how could Ouyang family agree with her request?!’

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