“Hey little fatty, give me all the cakes you have left.” Ouyang Jinyue, with arms akimbo, held her head high and yelled at Xiao Xiaofan.

Xiao Xiaofan blinked his eyes, shook his head, and said,”As soon as you open your mouth, you want everything. It’s not good to be so greedy.

Ouyang Jinyue raised her fist and said:”Give it to me or I will beat you.”

Xiao Xiaofan puffed his cheek and said,”You are really violent. My father said that when looking for a wife, one should look for a gentle, lovely and considerate person. If you are like this, you are definitely not qualified…”

Ouyang Jinyue sneered and said,”I’m not going to look for a meatball like you, so does it matter if you think I’m not qualified?”

Xiao Xiaofan tilted his head and said,”If you are like this, it will be difficult for you to find anyone.”

Ouyang Jinyue sneered and said,”I was born naturally beautiful and I can get anything I want.”

Xiao Xiaofan scratched his nose and muttered,”Shameless.”

“Little fatty, what kind will you look for?” Ouyang Jinyue asked casually.

“I will look for someone who can cook.” Xiao Xiaofan said.

Ouyang Jinyue spoke with a contorted expression. “You are really ambitious!”

Xiao Xiaofan nodded and said,”Yes, Father said that a man should be ambitious.”

Ouyang Jinyue,”…”

“Sister Jinyue, why do you play with these two bastards all day?” A young man in splendid clothes appeared behind several people.

Xiao Jingting sized up the young man in splendid clothes and saw that he was wearing a golden crown, a bright yellow robe, and a pair of yellow boots on his feet.

Ouyang Jinyue turned around, looked at Li Chengfeng, frowned and said,”What are you doing here?”

Li Chengfeng leaned over and took Ouyang Jinyue’s hand saying,”I heard that you are the most popular candidate for this selection, Sister Jinyue. Perhaps, we can get into Green Cloud Immortal Sect together and become a family from now on.”

Ouyang Jinyue shrugged off Li Chengfeng’s hand and said sullenly,”The selection is not yet done.”

“Sister Jinyue, are you not confident in yourself?”

Ouyang Jinyue frowned and didn’t say anything.

“Sister Jinyue, the elder who came to recruit disciples is very optimistic about me. If your qualification is a little less good, I’ll put in a good word for you. Perhaps, you’ll still be able to pass the examination.” Li Chengfeng patted his chest.

Xiao Jingting looked at Li Chengfeng and thought:‘This little guy is really good at flirting. Many people in this world get married as early as thirteen or fourteen years old. It seems that courting girls is also done earlier! He started courting girls so early, and he would definitely become a lustful person when he grows up.’

Although Ouyang Jinyue seemed to despise Li Chengfeng, she still spoke politely. “Thank you.”

Because of Li Chengfeng’s arrival, Ouyang Jinyue appeared to lose interest and left after a while.

“Dad, that guy in yellow seems to be very arrogant.” Xiao Xiaodong said.

Xiao Jingting stroked his chin and said,”He will soon become a disciple of the Immortal Sect, so, of course he is very arrogant.”

Xiao Xiaodong was confused as he asked. “Immortal Sect disciples are all arrogant?”

Xiao Jingting nodded and said,”Probably.”

The Immortal Sect should be like Tsinghua University or Peking University from his previous world, with a ridiculously low admission rate. So the guys who got in were naturally proud of themselves.

However, just getting into a prestigious university didn’t mean that one would have a smooth journey from now on. How many young people had become psychopaths in the universities where geniuses were like clouds in the sky? One should know that the suicide rate of students from famous universities were much higher than that of ordinary universities.

“Father, what are you thinking about?” Xiao Xiaodong asked.

Xiao Jingting shook his head and said,”It’s nothing, you two should cultivate hard. No matter where you are, as long as you practice hard, you will have the chance to get rich or to become famous.” The competition in modern society was intense! Even if one came from a prestigious university, one might not be able to find a good job. But from a third rate university, there were also a lot of people who became rich.

Xiao Jingting and the others followed the Ouyang family’s caravan and entered the Star City.

Xiao Jingting couldn’t help but feel glad that he had followed the Ouyang family’s caravan. But when he entered the city gate, he actually needed a recommendation plate, which he didn’t have.

“You’ve finally arrived!” As soon as the Ouyang family caravan arrived, a Foundation Building Cultivator greeted them.

Ouyang Mingyue stepped forward and said,“Hello, Grandfather Li. Because there are so many children, I didn’t dare to travel too fast, so I’m a little late.”

Xiao Jingting felt a tremendous soul force that swept past their carriage.

Ouyang Li looked at Ouyang Mingyue and said unhappily,“Why are there 103 children? We only have 100 places.”

Ouyang Mingyue hurriedly said,”They are the three that are not ours. We just happened to meet on the road. They also wanted to come to Star City so we let them follow along.”

Ouyang Li looked at Ouyang Mingyue in displeasure and said,”Mingyue, I always thought you were a sensible person, but I didn’t expect you would act so recklessly. You should not have brought some irrelevant people over that come at this time to Star City with their family. You don’t know what they are up to, quickly send these people away.”

Looking at Ouyang Li’s stern expression, Ouyang Mingyue quickly nodded and said,”I will.”

Seeing Ouyang Mingyue’s embarrassed expression as she came over, Xiao Jingting immediately realized that she intended to drive them away.

In fact, Xiao Jingting’s soul power was somewhat strong, so he clearly heard the dialogue between Ouyang Li and Ouyang Mingyue.

Before Ouyang Mingyue said anything, Xiao Jingting hurried to say,”Miss Ouyang, I have been bothering you for a long time. Now that we have arrived in Star City, we will say our goodbye.”

Ouyang Mingyue nodded and said,”Good. Take care, Young Master Xiao.”

Xiao Jingting bowed and said,”Thank you for taking care of us along the way Miss Ouyang. I wish you all the best.”

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