“Here we are.” Lei Xuan stopped, turned around and said, “There is a nest of golden thread pythons here. I will deal with the golden thread python king in a moment and you guys help me distract the other golden thread pythons.”

Tang Yunjie looked at Lei Xuan and said, “There are just a few of us, can we make it? Maybe we should find a few more people?”

Lei Xuan turned toward Xiao Xiaodong and asked, “What do you think of this, younger martial brother?”

Xiao Xiaodong lightly swept a glance at Lei Xuan and said, “We’ve come all the way here. If we just return with empty hands, it’s too troublesome.”

Lei Xuan nodded, smiled, and said, “I think so too.”

Tang Yunjie looked at Xiao Xiaodong and Lei Xuan and thought: These two abnormal people have the same taste.

Lei Xuan simply launched an attack and blew open the snake cave, making a cave of pythons crawl out like crazy.

Xiao Xiaodong gently plucked the bowstring and countless turquoise arrows shot from Xiao Xiaodong’s fingertips, each arrow accurately hitting the weak spot of golden thread pythons.

Watching Xiao Xiaodong shooting arrows and not even one arrow missed its mark, Tang Yunjie was impressed.

When Tang Yunjie originally heard from Lei Xuan that Xiao Xiaodong was at the eight level of Qi Practice, he still didn’t fully believe it. Now, seeing Xiao Xiaodong’s hand movements, Tang Yunjie finally understood that Lei Xuan’s words were true.

Xiao Xiaodong seemed to have aroused Lei Xuan’s fighting spirit, so he waved his Heavenly Thunder hammer. There came a big gust of wind and even the clouds turned gloomy.

Ouyang Jinyue had long since retreated to one side. Many of these golden thread pythons were at the sixth level of Qi Practice and several were even at seventh level, so her cultivation was not enough.

Tang Yunjie watched Xiao Xiaodong and Lei Xuan kill demonic beasts like it was a competition and had to step up his own efforts.

Lei Xuan, with his lightning attribute that was famous for its aggressive power, soon made Xiao Xiaodong fall into disadvantage.

More and more golden thread pythons ran out from the cave, so Xiao Xiaodong frowned and used a handful of talismans.

A rumbling explosion sounded.

Tang Yunjie froze for a moment and thought: What a local tyrant! Using so many talismans as one and scattering them so casually! This local tyrant’s soul power is also very strong, detonating so many talismans at once with no effort at all. He had such strength, good looks and didn’t lack money, how come he ended up working as someone’s handyman servant?

A huge demon python ran out from the cave. Xiao Xiaodong looked at the Golden thread python running away and spoke with a sullen face. “Didn’t you say that this Demonic Python was at ninth level of Qi Practice? How come it is at Foundation Building stage?”

Lei Xuan grinned and said, “I don’t know! I went out for a trip and after I came back, it became Foundation Building.”

Ouyang Jinyue instantly felt like fainting. Stupid Lei Xuan, he didn’t even check the level of the demonic beast. She thought if she followed them, she would earn money easily, but now she knew that this money was not easy to earn. Ouyang Jinyue was so frightened that her face turned extremely pale.

Tang Yunjie’s heart trembled. There were regular patrols of Foundation Building cultivators at the back of this mountain. If there was a Foundation Building Demonic Python, it should have been solved unless this Golden thread python deliberately covered its aura to escape a disaster.

Lei Xuan roared, and his spiritual energy suddenly rose. Ouyang Jinyue understood that Lei Xuan must have used a secret method of the Lei family to improve his spiritual power for a short period of time.

Xiao Xiaodong released several large spiders at once. Ouyang Jinyue looked carefully and realized that these spiders were in fact puppets.

Several large spiders suddenly rushed and wrapped around the Python king. When the Python king shook his head, several spiders suddenly exploded.

A red fog came out. “This is rosemary miasma, it can paralyze demonic beasts but its effect lasts only for a while.”

Hearing it, Lei Xuan smiled and launched an attack mercilessly.

Tang Yunjie also did not care to keep anything, using a series of talismans and various techniques.

The Demonic python roared angrily and pounced on Lei Xuan. Purple light came from Lei Xuan’s ring and immediately, that demonic beast was seriously injured by that purple light.

After fighting with the demonic Python for a while, they were quite exhausted. Xiao Xiaodong, Lei Xuan and Tang Yunjie had a lot of life-preserving things, so the demonic python did not hurt them much.

“Leave it to me.” Xiao Xiaofan carrying a large sword rushed over.

Xiao Xiaodong looked at the large sword in Xiao Xiaofan’s hands and became speechless.

Xiao Xiaofan was holding a big sword in his small hands, playing it with great vigour.

Xiao Xiaofan also had a lot of precious item, such as talismans and magic weapons, so with the help of Xiao Xiaofan, they began to get the upper hand in the fight.

Under their joint efforts, the Foundation Building demonic python was killed.

“Xiaofan, why are you here?” Ouyang Jinyue, who had survived the calamity, asked somewhat happily.

Xiao Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders and said, “I heard that you were here and became worried that something could happen to you, so I came to take a look.”

“Xiaofan, it’s good that you came in time. Otherwise, it would be hard to clean up. I didn’t expect that this demonic python would actually advance to Foundation Building. I thought that there was no Foundation Building demonic beast in the back mountain,” Lei Xuan said.

Xiao Xiaofan glanced at Lei Xuan and said, “Elder martial brother Lei, you are really thoughtless.”

“Brother, are you all right?” Xiao Xiaofan asked Xiao Xiaodong.

Xiao Xiaodong shook his head and said, “I’m fine.”

Lei Xuan froze for a moment and looked at Xiao Xiaodong with surprise. Brother? Brother?

Tang Yunjie looked at Xiao Xiaofan and spoke with some surprise. “Xiaofan, he is your brother?”

Xiao Xiaofan nodded and said, “Yes!”

“I was wondering where did such a powerful character come from. It turned out to be your brother!” Tang Yunjie said, with an enlightened expression.

Xiao Xiaofan said excitedly. “Right, elder brother is very powerful.”

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