Xiao Xiaofan found that his brother Xiao Xiaodong was in a much better mood recently but was acting mysteriously all day long.

The spirit stones that he and Lei Xuan dug out sometimes disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the past, his brother was not very active in digging spirit stones but now he was working himself to death and urging him to dig more stones of better quality all day long. Obviously, earlier he only thought that as long as the task was completed, it would be a waste to dig more. But from time to time, his brother brought a lot of food, saying he exchanged for it but never said where he exchanged it from.

Lei Xuan nibbled on the dried meat, his heart filled with mixed feelings.

Lei Xuan became numb to Xiao Xiaodong’s ability to get some food from time to time. Lei Xuan was still young and also craved for meat. Sometimes he could eat much more than Xiao Xiaofan.

Lei Xuan found that the food given by Xiao Xiaodong was very special. Originally, because there was a strong miasma in the cave, even Foundation Building cultivators would feel uncomfortable and die after staying there for a long time. However, the fruit given to them by Xiao Xiaodong had a function of helping them resist the miasma.

Xiao Xiaodong also discovered Lei Xuan’s discovery. Xiao Xiaodong told Xiao Jingting about it and Xiao Jingting realized that it should be the effect of spiritual spring. Then he gave spiritual spring water to Xiao Xiaodong to drink and Xiao Xiaodong really got much better.

After Xiao Jingting arrived, the situation of the three instantly became much better.

“Two younger martial brothers Xiao and Lei,” Li Liang’s call came from the doorway.

Lei Xuan moved the several large stones blocking the doorway out of the way. Blocking the doorway with stones was Xiao Xiaodong’s idea because he was worried about being discovered while eating.

“Elder martial brother Li! What brings you here?” Lei Xuan asked.

Li Liang smiled awkwardly and said, “Came to borrow some spirit stones.”

Lei Xuan pouted in his heart. It seemed that Li Liang got the habbit of borrowing spirit stones. He came here every few days. Xiao Xiaofan was gifted so it was not difficult for them to dig the spirit stones, so they did not particularly care.

Xiao Xiaodong took a small basket of spirit stones and gave it to Li Liang, who was frowning and said, “So little.”

“We don’t have a good harvest recently, either.” Xiao Xiaodong said without any change in his expression.

Recently their harvest was very good, Xiao Xiaofan, under Xiaodong’s supervision, found a lot of good places and dug out a lot of spirit stones. But those spirit stones were thrown into the jade space by Xiao Xiaodong.

“The younger martial brothers look good!” Li Liang said somewhat strangely.

Xiao Xiaodong frowned, after staying in the mine for a long time, people would start looking haggard because of the miasma. But with the nourishment of the spiritual spring, their bodies quickly recovered.

Xiao Xiaodong thought: Xiao Xiaofan had originally lost a lot of weight. But in recent days, his small face has become round again, which, to other people, seemed somewhat abrupt.

“Elder martial brother, is there anything going on in other mining areas recently? Did the demon corpses come out again?” Xiao Xiaodong changed the topic and asked.

Li Liang shook his head and said, “This is not true. After the last siege, the demon corpses seem to have subsided a bit. Recently, I heard that two days ago, two spies have snuck into the island.”

Xiao Xiaodong could not help cheering up. “Spies?”

Li Liang nodded and said, “Yes!”

“Do you know where the scouts came from?” Xiao Xiaodong asked.

Li Liang shook his head and said, “I don’t know yet! It might be from other sects. Devil Blood sect acted so arrogantly, so other sects will get the news sooner or later. Maybe they will send someone to rescue us soon.”

Xiao Xiaodong secretly rolled his eyes in his heart. The Devil’s Blood Sect was the top sect in the demonic path. Xiao Xiaodong also didn’t think that the Green Cloud Immortal sect would come here for the sake of a few cultivators at Foundation Building. However, money talked. Such a large piece of spiritual stone mine was already eye-catching and it was said that there might be other treasures under this spiritual stone mine. Perhaps other sects would become envious.

Since there were already spies on the island, there might be a steady stream of spies later. The more chaotic the situation on the island was, the better it would be for them.


Xu Muan looked at the spirit stones that were sent in and sighed lightly. His sons were so sensible, but he could only watch them suffer.

With the help of jade pendant space, Xiao Jingting spent a month to develop a formula for corroding the forbidden spirit ring.

Then Xiao Jingting continued his research for a few days and came up with a safe way to unlock the Forbidden Spirit Ring.

One night, Xiao Xiaodong called Xiao Xiaofan and Lei Xuan over.

Xiao Xiaofan could not help but be filled with surprise when he saw Xiao Xiaodong release his spiritual power. “Brother, you really broke the Forbidden Spiritual Ring!”

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and said, “Yes!”

“But the Forbidden Spiritual Ring on your hand still looks fine,” Xiao Xiaofan said.

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and said, “It looks intact but the structure inside has been altered. In this way, others won’t suspect anything.”

Xiao Xiaofan nodded and said with some admiration. “Brother, you’re so awesome, since you invented such powerful medicinal liquid.”

“I’m flattered,” Xiao Xiaodong said somewhat guiltily. This medicinal liquid was not invented by him, but by his father, so he did not dare to take the credit for it.

Xiao Xiaodong unlocked the Forbidden Spirit Ring for Xiao Xiaofan and Lei Xuan.

Feeling the disappeared spiritual energy return to his body, Xiao Xiaofan couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

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