“That golden-topped red-tailed scorpion seems to be a good thing,” Xiao Jingting said.

Chen Xu nodded and said, “Yes! The golden-topped red-tailed scorpion ranks eighth on the list of Spiritual Insect. Several insects from the spiritual insect list are already extinct so even rank eight is not easy to obtain. The golden-topped red-tailed scorpion is fierce and highly toxic, so it’s not easy to catch it and raise.”

“How do you detoxify the poison of golden-topped red-tailed scorpion?” Xiao Jingting asked.

Chen Xu shook his head and said, “Well, I only know one way, finding a cultivator at Nascent Soul who will force the poison out. However, there are no Nascent Soul cultivators here and even Golden Core aren’t here.”

Xiao Jingting, “…”

“There is no other way?” Xiao Jingting asked.

Chen Xu thought about it and said, “There should be several pill prescriptions that can detoxify it. However, I don’t know any of them. The cultivation world has developed to the point where many spiritual herbs are extinct, so even having pill prescriptions may not work.”

“Let’s go and see the golden-topped red-tailed scorpion first,” Xiao Jingting pondered.

“Father, you are interested in the golden-topped red-tailed scorpion?” Xiao Xiaodong asked.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Yes! You raise a chicken and your brother raised a nest of worms, so I, as your father, also want to raise something.”

Xiao Xiaodong, “…”

Chen Xu looked at Xiao Jingting and said, “Uncle Xiao, this spirit insect is not easy to tame. Moreover, once it bites you, it’s a matter of life and death.”

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Well, so we will have to take a long-term view. We can first go to the nest of the golden-topped red-tailed scorpion and take a look first. Generally speaking, in a place where such highly poisonous insects grow, there would be spiritual plants restraining them.” He better research the antidote first, before he goes to find that scorpion.

“There are already many people who have been there,” Xiao Xiaodong said.

Xiao Jingting smiled bitterly and said, “It seems that there is more than one smart person! I hope that the nest of golden-topped red-tailed scorpion hasn’t been damaged too seriously. Let’s go there without delay. ”

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and said, “Good!”

Xiao Jingting and his group of four people soon found the vicinity of the golden-topped red-tailed scorpion nest.

Xiao Jingting found several blackened corpses near the nest, however their space rings were already not there.

“Many people have died,” Xiao Jingting said.

“There are already many experts in Spiritual Treasure Pavilion, so if this matter was so easy to solve, they would not issue a reward.” Chen Xu said.

Xiao Jingting walked around the outside of the cave and listened to the alarm of the jade pendant space.

Sure enough, he heard that the jade pendant space could detoxify with the use of spirit plant but this spirit plant looked like a weed and it’s appearance was not very good.

Xiao Jingting planted this spirit plant into his jade pendant space like a treasure.


Xiao Xiaodong went out to inquire around and then returned to the cave where Xiao Jingting stayed.

“Father, I have inquired about it. The young master of Spiritual Treasure Pavilion is not in good condition. It also seems that many people who were poisoned by golden-topped red-tailed scorpion have gathered around the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion’s people. If you want to treat the young master, you will need to treat people outside first and only if the cure works, will it reach the young master. “

Xiao Jingting was a little surprised as he said, “Many people have been poisoned by the golden-topped red-tailed scorpion?”

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and said, “Yes! Didn’t many people want to receive the reward from the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion? But as a result, they also let that scorpion bite them.”

Xiao Jingting, “…” Was the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion doing this on purpose?! Deliberately issuing such a high reward and attracting so many people.

Anyway, Xiao Jingting followed the antidote prescription given by the jade pendant space and prepared the antidote.

At the premises of Spiritual Treasure Pavilion, nearly a hundred Foundation Building cultivators were gathered.

“Elder martial brother, younger martial brother Yun’s illness is getting worse.” Zhang Qing said to Zhou Lan with a sad expression.

Zhou Lan nodded and sighed, “Yes! If we can’t find a way, I’m afraid senior brother won’t be able to make it.”

If Yun Beixin could not be saved, all of them would need to eat their own words. The young master was originally not on the list of people participating in the secret realm trial, but since he came in, if something happened to him, they would be the ones to suffer.

“Such a big reward was announced but as a result there was not even a single useful person.” Zhou Lan said, full of anger.

“Two elder martial brothers, someone sent this box and a letter over.” A cultivator walked in and said.

“Where is that person?”

“That person left after leaving the box and letter.” The person who came in to report said.

Zhou Lan opened the letter and looked at it, his eyes flashing with doubt.

Zhang Qing asked Zhou Lan, “Elder martial brother, what does this letter say?”

“The letter says that there is a pill in this box, which can detoxify the poison. However, you need to take 12 pills in succession to completely detoxify the toxin. But even taking one pill can show some improvement. But if we want the rest of the pills, we have to put the top-quality spirit stone into the box and transmit it over and he will transmit the rest of the pills.” Zhou Lan said.

Zhang Qing grabbed the person who came to deliver the latter and asked, “Who is the person that came? What’s the origin? ”

“The man covered his head and face so I couldn’t tell where he came from.”

“Where is the man?” Zhang Qing asked.

“He’s gone.” The disciple who came in to deliver the letter said with some fear.

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