Every day, Xiao Jingting would pass a portion of the pills over to the people of the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion to sell on his behalf and the two sides maintained a friendly exchange.

From the people of Spiritual Treasure Pavilion, Xiao Jingting learned that the young master who was bitten by a golden-topped red-tailed scorpion, had woken up and already recovered.

People from Spiritual Treasure Pavilion seemed to be in awe of Xiao Jingting’s ability to work out the antidote formula.

Xiao Jingting had no words to say to the other side’s words of admiration. Since he rarely encountered such a good opportunity, he decided to sell all the pills in his stock. In order to maintain his profound image, Xiao Jingting falsely claimed that all those pills that were not of not good enough quality were refined by his disciple.

During this period of time, Xiao Jingting got nearly two thousand medium-grade spirit stones from the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion and his shrunken coffers finally filled up again.

Zhou Lan looked at the pills in his hand and pondered.

“Elder martial brother, did the elder send pills again?” Zhang Qing walked into the room and asked.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, “Yes, a lot of them.”

“What’s wrong?” Zhang Qing asked.

“Nothing. It’s just a little strange. Look at these three stripes on the Blood Linking Pill. It should be made from hundred-year-old Blood Poria, but Blood Poria are very rare! However, this master had already sent seven or eight bottles,” Zhou Lan said.

“What’s so strange about this? Maybe he had specially acquired such a spiritual herb?” Zhang Qing said.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, “If there was only one of this kind of pill, it would be okay. However, there are many pills like this, many of which are made from very rare spiritual plants. This person has brought out a lot of pills and some of which are those that very few people knew the prescription of.”

Zhang Qing stroked his chin and said, “Elder martial brother, are you suspecting that the other party has a secret recipe for cultivating rare spiritual plants? There are also quite a few pill prescriptions in his possession.”

Zhou Lan nodded and said, “Yes! The other party hiding his track is very suspicious, since this guy can come in, this means his cultivation level is not high. Appearing so mysterious is most likely because he still has some worries and is afraid of people learning his secret. That’s why he did it in this way.”

Zhang Qing bowed his head. Although the other party had been kind to them, the secret of cultivating rare spiritual plants and rare pills was just too precious.

“Elder martial brother, can we find this man’s location relying on this teleportation box?” Zhang Qing asked with bright eyes.

“This teleportation box was originally created for the purpose of keeping the transaction secret. It’s not easy to find the other person’s position with just this teleportation box.” Zhou Lan shook his head and spoke.

Zhang Qing said with some regret, “If that’s the case, it’s a pity.”

Zhou Lan smiled and said, “There are not many people who can make this kind of teleportation box. This teleportation box should be made by some Mechanism master. Maybe if we find this Mechanism master, we can investigate which master made this teleportation box and who was it sold to.”

Zhang Qing said with excitement, “Good idea, elder martial brother. But isn’t it a bit too much of a fuss?”

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, “I don’t know but it’s a little strange that the other person could prepare the antidote so quickly.”

Zhou Lan and Zhang Qing were talking when the teleportation box suddenly set itself on fire.

“What’s going on?”

Zhou Lan frowned and said, “It should be the other side destroying the teleportation box. These teleportation boxes are a set, if one of them is destroyed, the other can also not stay.”

“The other side is really cautious!” Zhang Qing said.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, “Yes!”


Xiao Jingting’s side.

Xu Muan shook his head with some regret as he looked at the burnt-out teleportation box and said regretfully, “It’s a pity, such a teleportation box is worth a lot of money.”

Xiao Jingting looked at Xu Muan and said, “Don’t feel pity. We need to be careful.”

Xu Muan nodded and said, “That’s right.”

Xiao Jingting thought: He was also reluctant to ruin such a good thing, but in order to protect the jade pendant’s space, he could only do it. Selling so many pills could not help but make people suspicious!

“The pills have been almost sold out, so it was time to destroy the box,” Xiao Jingting said.

Xu Muan nodded and said, “That’s also right.” The two of them sold all the pills they couldn’t use and earned nearly three thousand medium grade spirit stones from the sale. Thinking of how fast Xiao Jingting spent the spirit stones, Xu Muan couldn’t help wondering how long it would take him to spend so many spirit stones.


“This Spiritual Treasure Pavilion is really good at doing business. They can really control the price.” Luo Yuting sold some spiritual plant in exchange for some pills from the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion.

Qiao Xiang nodded and said, “Yes! But, think about it. In this place, spiritual plants are useless but pills are useful.”

Luo Yuting nodded and said, “That’s right. I heard that a few days ago, a young master of Spiritual Treasure Pavilion who was bitten by a golden-topped red-tailed scorpion, was cured.”

“I’ve also heard that the person who cured him is very mysterious and is using the teleportation box to sell pills. I don’t know what kind of mystery he is playing at.” Following on Qiao Xiang’s side, a Peerless Set’s cultivator interjected.

“I also heard that the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion paid him a reward of top-quality spirit stone and later, this Pill Master took out a lot of pills and sold them to Spiritual Treasure Pavilion.”

“I’ve also heard about it. It is said that many pills sold by Spiritual Treasure Pavilion recently came from this Pill master. He must be a very powerful Pill master.”

“I heard from one of the servants of the Spiritual Treasure Pavilion that this Pill Master and Spiritual Treasure Pavilion traded more than two thousand medium-grade spiritual stones. Adding this top-quality spirit stone, this Pill master has a lot of wealth!”

“That Alchemist is really cautious but I can’t blame him for being cautious. The top-quality spirit stone is eye-catching enough. If this person’s identity is exposed, he might be killed and robbed. The alchemists have a noble status outside but who could care about them in this forsaken place?”

“This person is really powerful, but we don’t know what kind of person he is.”

Qiao Xiang listened to the comments of several elder martial brothers and sisters around him, full of jealousy. Originally, Qiao Xiang thought he was still of some importance, but after coming in, he saw a person casually spent 2000 spirit stones on buying the right to use time cultivation room for three months and another who casually saved a person and got a top quality spirit stone. He felt really uneasy.

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