Xu Muan and his group found a place to sleep.

Xu Muan looked at Xiao Jingting and said, “Did you think of something? That was hard to say with young master Chen around during the day?”

Xiao Jingting smiled and said, “Muan, you really know me.”

“Has it something to do with the honey of the golden bee?” Xu Muan continued to ask.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said with glittering eyes, “Yes! According to Chen Xu, the honey of golden bees queen is something excellent and great.”

Xu Muan shook his head helplessly. “That’s right, but, Chen Xu also said that the hive of the queen bee is guarded by many golden bees at the Foundation Building realm, so there’s no way to get close.”

“I heard that the reason why Qiao Xiang and the others were chased by that swarm of golden bees and many people died was because of this honey.”

“This guy Qiao Xiang is extremely discerning, if it’s not something good, this guy will not risk his life.”

“I also heard that they only got the honey made by the ordinary worker bees. Although considering the honey made by golden bee queen, it is not comparable but even ordinary worker bees’ honey is precious. So how expensive is golden bee queen’s honey?!”

Xu Muan looked at the gushing Xiao Jingting and said, “It’s really good stuff, but it’s not easy to get!”

“It’s true, but it would be such a pity if such a good thing was missed. I was thinking if I hide in jade space and then let the scorpion king infiltrate the golden bees hive from it, if the situation allows, I might get some honey into the jade pendant space.”

Xu Muan frowned and said, “But, you can’t use cultivation techniques from the jade pendant space, so you can’t move the honey into the space!”

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Yes! That’s why I need to come out.”

Xu Muan looked at Xiao Jingting and said in a good-natured manner, “You are crazy, if you come out of jade pendant space in the nest of golden bee, isn’t that courting death?”

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Under normal circumstances, yes, but there is still the Rock Talisman! After using the Rock Talisman, a thick layer of rock-like substance will form on the entire human body and golden bees will not be able to feel the person’s life force at all. Moreover, at the stage when Rock Talisman is still taking effect, even if I get stung I will not be poisoned too deeply.”

Xu Muan looked at Xiao Jingting and said, “The Rock Talisman has been extinct for many years, so its effectiveness cannot be determined.”

Xiao Jingting narrowed his eyes and said, “To achieve great things, you always need to take some risk, wealth comes from risk. ”

“You made up your mind?” Xu Muan asked.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Yes! Such a good opportunity, if I don’t seize it, then I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Xu Muan hesitated for a moment and said, “Otherwise, I will go?”

Xiao Jingting shook his head and said, “No, stay here and watch over Xiaodong and Chen Xu, I will return.”


Xiao Jingting waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry, if it can’t be done, I will not force it.”


Early in the morning, Xu Muan left the territory of the golden bees with Xiao Xiaodong and Chen Xu.

Xiao Xiaodong looked at Xu Muan and asked, “Daddy, where did father go?”

Xu Muan smiled and said, “He wants to go to that spot, don’t worry about him.”

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and gave an, “oh.”

Xiao Xiaodong knew that Xiao Jingting had a jade pendant space, so if he encountered a problem that could not be solved, he could hide in the jade pendant space so he was not too worried about him.

Chen Xu looked at Xu Muan and said, “Uncle Xu, why do we have to leave the golden bee territory?”

“The golden bees are not very peaceful lately, so I am worried that something will happen to you guys.” Xu Muan thought: Xiao Jingting was after the golden bee queen’s honey, if he really got it, those golden bees might riot. If so, it would be too dangerous for them to stay in golden bees’ territory.

Xu Muan pursed his lips and secretly worried about Xiao Jingting’s situation.

The Scorpion King with the jade pendant wrapped around his body quickly traveled through golden bees’ territory. Seeing that the scorpion king was an intruder, some golden bees could not stop firing poisonous needles at the scorpion king but the poison needles falling on the scorpion king were like scratching an itchy spot, which was not an obstacle to the scorpion king’s action.

Xiao Jingting who hid in the jade pendant space felt pleased as he thought he had collected a powerful thing.

Xiao Jingting found an opportunity on the way to transplant a large number of Prosperous Star Flower into the space.

The Scorpion King broke into the golden bees’ nest like it was nobody’s business. Xiao Jingting saw a huge beehive in the nest, the diameter of the largest reaching six meters. Xiao Jingting looked at the huge beehive, his eyes becoming red from the excitement.

Across the jade pendant, Xiao Jingting seemed to smell the sweetness of honey.

In the jade pendant space, Xiao Jingting used the rock talisman.

As soon as the rock talisman was activated, Xiao Jingting felt that almost ten centimeters of rock-like material had grown all over his body. His eyesight could be blocked, but his soul power could still be used. Xiao Jingting found that his heartbeat gradually slowed down and his whole body seemed to really become a rock.

Knowing that the Rock talisman had a limited duration of effectiveness, Xiao Jingting quickly flew out of the jade pendant space and transferred several large pieces of honeycomb into the jade pendant space.

Xiao Jingting’s stealing sparked the wrath of the swarm as golden bees in the honeycomb roared in annoyance.

Xiao Jingting removed a few large honeycombs and saw golden bees collectively storming out, immediately jumping into the space he let Scorpion King help him escape.

Scorpion King quickly escaped with Xiao Jingting. Although Scorpio King was not afraid of bee stings, after being chased by a group of angry golden bees, Scorpion King also became a little afraid.

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