Red Fire Monster took out a variety of magic weapons and constantly bombarded the array, which shook under the attack.

Although it shook, the array was pliable and strong, and it was not damaged under the attack of Red Fire Monster.

Rays of golden light glowed, and the rich spiritual Qi poured down. Xu Muan and the others in the array suddenly felt refreshed.

After the Gold Core cultivator successfully formed a gold core, there would be a shower of spiritual Qi, and those who stayed near the Gold Core cultivator could be benefited.

“Father has become a Gold Core. Father has become a Gold Core. He is coming to help us,” Xiao Xiaofan said excitedly.

Red Fire Monster sneered at Xiao Xiaofan’s excitement. “So what if your father becomes a Golden Core? He’s just at the preliminary level.”

There was a flash of light in the array, where the spiritual power was gathered together and blasted at Red Fire Monster with the suddenness of thunder bolts. Hundreds of Thunder Flame Walnuts exploded at the same time, and the monster was blown away.

As soon as Xiao Jinting came out of seclusion, he took over the array from Xu Muan.

Xu Muan and Xiao Jinting cooperated well, and in the blink of an eye they completed the transfer of the right to use the big array.

As soon as Xiao Jinting took over the array, he immediately launched an attack, in which the monster suffered a loss due to his underestimation.

When the monster was blown away by the array, Xiao Jinting didn’t relax, quickly chasing after.

“Bastard.” Red Fire Monster roared angrily and took out Fire Cloud Flag, waving it at Xiao Jinting.

The Fire Cloud Flag was the monster’s life magic weapon, in which he hid several spiritual powers that he had made painstaking efforts to obtain. A strong heat wave rushed towards Xiao Jinting.

Xiao Jinting felt like he had fallen into a volcano all of a sudden. It was similar to the passage of fire in the secret realm.

However, the heat was much stronger than that of the secret realm. His clothes made from the Green Vigorous Spirit Bamboo protected him well. Xiao Jinting thought that he would have been burned to death if it weren’t for the special clothes.

Xiao Jinting threw a dozen talismans at Red Fire Monster.

The monster was surprised to see that Xiao Jinting was able to launch an attack under the Fire Cloud Flag, because in the past, the cultivators at preliminary level of Golden Core would beg for his mercy under his first attack. He regretted underestimating Xiao Jinting, as his injury hindered him from taking full advantage of Fire Cloud Flag.

Xu Muan protected the young men and watched the battle between Xiao Jinting and the monster.

Xiao Xiaofan pursed his lips and looked at Xu Muan. “Daddy, will Father win?”

Xu Muan frowned, as he wasn’t sure of that. Xiao Jinting was just a new Golden Core cultivator, while the monster was at the advanced level of Golden Core. Therefore, Xiao Jinting was far inferior in terms of strength and combat experience.

Xiao Jinting threw out five spiritual swords of a thousand years and attacked Red Fire Monster.

When the monster saw the spiritual swords, he was more surprised. He had thought Xiao Jinting was just a newbie who might not have refined his magic weapons, but Xiao Jinting summoned five swards of a thousand years.

“Who are you? Did you take the Soul Refining Water in the secret realm?” The monster asked.

Xiao Jinting didn’t bother to answer him, intensifying his attack.

Red Fire Monster was an advanced Golden Core, and Xiao Jinting was far inferior. Fortunately, at the beginning of the battle, Xiao Jinting seriously injured the monster with the array. Otherwise, He would be in danger.

Suddenly the monster let out a miserable scream. “What is it?”

Xiao Jinting smiled and said inwardly, “It works.”

When Xiao Jinting advanced to Golden Core, the Scorpion King he had previously tamed in the secret realm had also advanced to Golden Core. Just now, Xiao Jinting deliberately released the Scorpion King when he fought with the monster.

The Scorpion King bit the monster, whose face instantly turned green.

Xiao Jinting took the chance and exploded more than a dozen magic weapons. After the journey in the secret realm, Xiao Jinting got a lot of magic weapons. He didn’t dare to sell some of them, so he used them on the monster. These weapons were good, but he didn’t value them.

The monster fell to the ground, where Xu Muan and Xiao Xiaodong had been waiting. They swarmed up and attacked him.

The monster was fuming as he saw a group of Foundation Establishment cultivators attacking him. However, he was too weak to fight back.

He was an advanced Golden Core cultivator, but he got killed by several Foundation Establishment cultivators.

“Father, he is dead,” Xiao Xiaodong said.

Xiao Jinting quickly removed the space ring from the hand of the monster and said, “It’s not safe here. Let’s leave now.” The monster could find them here, so could others. Besides, the monster had known Xiao Jinting took the Soul Refining Water. If they stayed here, Nascent Soul cultivators might come.

Xu Muan gathered the Qi cultivators on the island and gave them some magic weapons, asking them to escape.

“Father, where are we going?” Xiao Xiaodong asked.

“Haven’ you planned? Lead the way.” Xiao Jinting said.

Xiao Xiaodong smiled awkwardly and quickly headed to the location of the teleportation array.

Xiao Xiaodong had encouraged Xiao Xiaofan to take this mission because Fufeng Island was remote and there was an abandoned teleportation array leading to the unknown overseas. Xiao Xiaodong got this information in a chat with Chen Xu, and later he went to look it up in the ancient books.

Xiao Xiaodong had been thinking that they were exposed too much in the secret realm, so he had thought of the way out.

“It’s here. It’s fixed,” Xiao Xiaodong said.

“Leave now,” Xiao Jinting said with a tense expression.

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