“You bastard.” Elder Yuyao roared, and three demonic beasts appeared in the arena.

There were a python, an earth dragon, and a toad covered with lumps.

Xiao Jinting threw out a bunch of magic discs and bombarded the beasts.

Ye Jinlan frowned and whispered, “Where did Xiao Jinting get so many powerful disposable magic weapons?” Although this method was simple, the magic discs were so powerful that he might defeat Elder Yuyao.

Ye Jinlan felt regretfully. If she had known that Xiao Jinting had such powerful magic discs, she should have bought some from him. This way, they might have won the first round.

After Xiao Jinting threw out seven magic discs, he finally stopped.

In the arena, the three demonic beasts released by Elder Yuyao were injured under Xiao Jinting’s violent attack.

“What is that?” After the smoke disappeared, Ye Jinlan saw that the demonic beasts were entangled by a group of scorpions. The toad in particular had lost most of its body.

Elder Yuyao’s toad was extremely poisonous. Every time when Elder Yuyao met an opponent, the toad would spit out poisonous mist, and the opponent would get dizzy. However, the toad was being eaten now. Two scorpions surrounded the toad and ate it with relish.

“They are the Golden-head Scorpions with Red Tails,” said Ye Mi in surprise.

Ye Jinlan turned to him and asked, “Grandfather, what are they?”

“They are famous for the poison. The toad is extremely poisonous, but the scorpions are far more poisonous than it. These scorpions have got extinct for several thousand years, and I only saw them in the ancient books,” Ye Mi said.

Ye Jinlan looked at Xiao Jinting in the arena, and it suddenly dawned on her. There had been various phenomena on the hill where Xiao Jinting lived, and many people thought that those were phenomena of Golden Core advancement. However, the number didn’t match. Now Ye Jinlan realized that the phenomena were not only for humans but for demonic beasts.

“Xiao Jinting alone can control so many demonic beasts,” Ye Mi said in surprise.

Ye Jinlan looked at Xiao Jinting with admiration.

The flying bear sprawled on Xiao Xiaojin’s head and covered his eyes with his paws, groaning. “Your father raises so many insects. He is gross.”

Xiao Xiaojin grabbed the bear and rubbed it in his hand. Although he agreed with it, he would not allow the stupid bear to ridicule his father.

The flying bear was fiercely rubbed and thought angrily, “Your father has a bad taste, and you don’t allow me to say that. It’s too much.”

The most powerful weapon of Elder Yuyao’s toad was poison. However, the scorpions were more poisonous than it. They quickly defeated the toad and ate it up.

The other two demonic beasts were seriously injured under the violent attack of Xiao Jinting. The scorpions easily injected the venom into the two demonic beasts.

Elder Yuyao looked at Xiao Jinting angrily. “You bastard.” He had spent a lot of effort on the three demonic beasts, which were either killed or injured by Xiao Jinting. He flew into a rage.

When he rushed to Xiao Jinting, the latter threw out a magic disc again.

Elder Yuyao was so angry that he got hit by the magic disc.

Previously, when Xiao Jinting stopped throwing the magic discs, everyone thought that he had run out of it. Now that he threw out a magic disc again, the audience was speechless.

The Hong family was in chaos.

“Who is this guy? Why didn’t we get any information beforehand?” The head of the Hong family asked angrily.

“This guy is a Medium Golden Core, and he seems to have been cultivating in seclusion. We didn’t pay attention to him because his level is low and the Ye family doesn’t seem to value him.”

“How stupid! You should have paid attention to him even he is a Medium Golden Core.” The head of the Hong family trembled in anger.

The Hong family had made too much effort for the competition. If the Hong family won the competition, the Ye family would decline and vice versa. The family who became a member of the Business Alliance would enjoy preferential treatments of the alliance.

“A few days ago, the Ye family brought him to the Ye house. We thought that the Ye family recruited him to make up for the number.”

The head of the Hong family was fuming. “What a bunch of lame ducks! You thought! How did you make the investigation?”

Xu Qingshan’s face darkened. The Hong family promised to give him the key to the Tower of Babel if they won the competition. If they lost this competition, he would get nothing. If the Ye family won, they would go after him for what he had done to them.

Looking at Xiao Jinting in the arena, Xu Qingshan felt rueful. He had thought that the Ye family was going down the hill, but he did not expect them to win the competition.

In the arena, Xiao Jinting stabbed Elder Yuyao’s chest with his sword and ended the battle.

The audience was strangely quiet. Countless eyes were fixed on Xiao Jinting in the center of the arena. Many cultivators couldn’t believe that Xiao Jinting had killed Elder Yuyao.

Xiao Jinting waved his sleeves and the two demonic beasts that had not been eaten yet, as well as the space ring of Elder Yuyao were taken.

Under everyone’s gaze, Xiao Jinting left the arena.

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