At Green Cloud Immortal Sect.

“Second Brother, when did you arrive at Cloud Continent?” asked Xiao Jinting as he poured a glass of wine for Xiao Jingfeng.

Xiao Jingfeng smiled and said, “It’s been a few years. When I arrived, I was shocked after I inquired about you.”

Xiao Jinting smiled awkwardly, “Really?”

Back then, the mess he left behind was really big. If it weren’t for Chen Lifeng’s mediation, he wouldn’t have escaped so easily.

“Thanks to Xiaodong, I could pay back such a large amount of spiritual stones,” Xiao Jingfeng said awkwardly.

Xiao Jinting knew well how difficult it was for free-lance cultivators, but Xiao Jingfeng’s wretched life made a strong visual impact.

Xiao Jinting rubbed his nose. He didn’t use medium spiritual stones anymore. Instead, he used top-grade spiritual stones. Different cultivation level resulted in different life. Xiao Jinting thought he was lucky after he knew the poor life of Xiao Jingfeng.

If he hadn’t had the jade space, he would struggle for a few spiritual stones like Xiao Jingfeng.

“Two thousand medium spiritual stones are nothing. Second Brother, stay in Green Cloud Immortal Sect,” Xiao Jinting said lightly.

Xiao Jingfeng nodded and said, “Thank you!”

“Don’t mention it. We are brothers, and we should help each other. By the way, I wonder how our family is doing,” Xiao Jinting said.

“When I left home, the Xiao family had become one of the wealthiest families in Barbarian Continent. Father and Mother had advanced to Foundation Establishment with the help of the resources that you left behind,” Xiao Jingfeng said.

Xiao Jinting nodded and said, “That’s good.”

Xiao Jinting didn’t have much affection for the original host’s parents. He only felt that he owed them the favor of bringing the original host up. However, he had deeper affection for Xiao Jingfeng, who had fought together with him. Xiao Jinting was relieved to hear that the Xiao family was doing well.

Xiao Xiaofu entered the room. Xu Kai stood up and said, “Are you alright?”

Xiao Xiaofu nodded and said, “Yes.”

His cousins and their husbands treated him very well and gave him quite some valuable presents.

A month ago, he was struggling with a few spiritual stone. Now that he had all kinds of costly gifts, Xiao Xiaofu felt unreal.

“Your family is awesome!” Xu Kai couldn’t help but say.

The Xu family had a Golden Core and thus had some influence. However, it was too weak compared to the Xiao family. Xu Kai didn’t expect this big trouble to be resolved so easily.

Xiao Xiaofu nodded and said, “Yes, they are powerful.”

“By the way, the steward of Yellow Crane came to apologize with a gift,” Xu Kai said.

Xiao Xiaofu frowned with anger.

“He says they had fired Li Feng, who was instigated by Xu Jin and Li Shuangshuang,” Xu Kai said.

Xiao Xiaofu sighed. He was tired of the internal strife in wealthy families.

“Your cousin is petty,” Xiao Xiaofu said discontentedly.

Xu Kai agreed, but he didn’t know what to say.

Xiao Xiaofu looked at Xu Kai and said, “My uncle asks us to settle down in Green Cloud Immortal Sect. I was thinking of sending Wenzhe to Spiritual Medicine Sect, but now that my uncle is the First Elder of Green Cloud Immortal Sect, we should stay with him.”

Xu Kai nodded and said, “That’s great.”

At the Xu house.

“He is Xiao Jinting’s brother?” Li Shuangshuang asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, Xiao Jingfeng is Xiao Jinting’s brother. When Xiao Jingfeng was attacked by Li Feng, Xiao Xiaodong came to the rescue. He seemed close with Xiao Jingfeng.”

Li Shuangshuang widened her eyes in disbelief, “How is that possible?”

Li Shuangshuang despised Xiao Xiaofu, and she held grudges towards him when Xu Kai chose him over her.

Li Shuangshuang had never expected Xiao Xiaofu to have such a powerful relative. If she had known about this, she would not have caused the trouble.

Xu Jin frowned and said, “Now, they are staying at Green Cloud Immortal Sect.”

When a man attained the Tao, even his pets ascended to heaven. Xiao Jinting was at the advanced level of Golden Core, and he was the First Elder of Green Cloud Immortal Sect. Xiao Jingfeng was his brother and would be well protected.

Li Shuangshuang tugged at her sleeves. The Xu family and Li family each had only one Golden Core at the preliminary level, and they were far inferior to the Xiao family.

Xu Chang entered the room. Xu Jin rose quickly.

“Ancestor, why are you here?” Xu Jin smiled.

“I heard that the former guard of our family, Xiao Jingfeng, is the elder brother of Xiao Jinting, the First Elder of Green Cloud Immortal Sect. Do you know about that?” Xu Chang said.

Li Shuangshuang smiled awkwardly and said, “We just heard the news.”

“Back then, they were chased out because of a small misunderstanding. However, they are our acquaintance, and we can get in touch with them,” Xu Chang said.

Li Shuangshuang forced a smile and said, “You are right.” Although she replied respectfully, she cursed Xu Chang inwardly.

After Xu Chang left, Li Shuangshuang could not help but feel angry. She thought to herself, “Xu Chang cares about nothing but profits. If he knows what we have done, he might sacrifice us to please Xiao Jingfeng.”

Xu Jin said with a worried look, “What shall we do?” Xu Kai should know that they were behind all this, and they would be in hot water if he would not let them off.

Xu Jin frowned. After Xu Kai was expelled by the Xu family, Xu Jin did not intend to make things difficult for him, but Li Shuangshuang insisted on that, and Xu Jin gave in. Now…

Xu Jin sighed. When Xiao Jingfeng was working at the Xu house, he was not well treated. It would be difficult to develop their acquaintance further.

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