“Steward Qiu, long time no see!” Xiao Jinting smiled when he saw Qiu Yun.

Qiu Yun rolled his eyes and said, “Mr. Xiao, you are now First Elder of the sect. Don’t call me Steward Qiu. I’m too flattered.”

“How are you doing these days?” asked Xiao Jinting.


Xiao Jinting was speechless.

“After you left, Mr. Chen came to see me all the time as well as Heavenly God Sect. I am not a good friend of you. Why did they all come to me?”

Xiao Jinting was lost for words.

Gu Yun clenched his fists. He had been living a quiet life, but his identity was exposed after Xiao Jinting made a ruckus. Dongcheng Yang must have known his identity, but he had kept silent. Spiritual Medicine Sect probably knew his identity, but it was not a glorious thing for them to have a traitor. Besides, there was Mu Yun. The elders of Spiritual Medicine Sect chose to turn a blind eye.

Xiao Jinting said awkwardly, “I’m sorry.”

Gu Yun snorted softly. “You’ve been away for so many years. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine.”

Gu Yun smiled. Xiao Jinting looked at him and felt weird.

“What’s the matter?” Xiao Jinting asked dryly.

“Fine? You fled from Cloud Continent and destroyed the teleportation array because you were afraid that Heavenly God Sect and Yin Ghost Sect would chase after you. I heard that you damaged the teleportation array here right after you land in Cloud Continent. Did you cause a bigger trouble there and flee back here?” Qiu Yun asked.

Xiao Jinting was speechless. Qiu Yun was smart. No wonder Mu Yun the idiot couldn’t get him after chasing him for so many years.

“What trouble could I cause as a Golden Core?”

Gu Yun shrugged and said, “It’s hard to say. I have to fix the teleportation array first. I’ll know after I go to that place.”

Xiao Jinting was speechless. If the teleportation array was fixed, he would be in trouble.

Heavenly God Sect let him off because the treasures that he got from the secret realm were not useful to Golden Cores except for the Heaven Demon Body Refining Manual. The big tripod that he got in Nebula appealed to Nascent Souls.

Qiu Yun tilted his head and looked at Xiao Jinting, saying, “If my guess is right, you must have offended the Nascent Souls there. That’s why you hurried back.”

Xiao Jinting laughed dryly, “Mr. Qiu, let’s drink the wine.”

Qiu Yun took a sip and said, “Mr. Xiao, your wine is not bad. It seems to have the effect of improving cultivation.”

Xiao Jinting smiled and said, “Mr. Qiu, if you like, I’ll give you eight jars.”

Qiu Yun smiled and said, “Mr. Xiao, it’s generous of you. Thank you. By the way, I heard that you are leading the team to Cloud Prairie. Have a good journey.”

Xiao Jinting was lost for words.

Xu Muan entered the room and asked, “What has Qiu Yun come for?”

Xiao Jinting smiled bitterly and said, “He complained about the troubles that I caused him.”

“When are you setting off with the team?” asked Xu Muan.

“Probably in two days,” Xiao Jinting said.

“I’ll go with you.”

Xiao Jinting nodded and said, “Okay. Dongcheng Young went back on his words. He told me that I didn’t have to do anything. Now he assigns me a task right after I take up the position.” This was cheating.

“He doesn’t have to choose you to lead the team. I guess he has another purpose,” Xu Muan said.

“He is an old fox. Forget it. I’ll just go.”

Xiao Jinting went to a square in Green Cloud Immortal Sec. Dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators were waiting for him. Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai in the uniforms of Green Cloud Immortal Sect stood in the crowd.

Xiao Jinting suddenly remembered that many years ago, he had followed the Golden Cores on missions. Many years had passed, and he was now the leader of the team. Most of his companions died. Things changed.

Xiao Jinting released a ship and told the Foundation Establishment cultivators, “Get onboard.”

After everyone boarded the ship, he steered towards the destination.

Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai spent most of their time cultivating in the cabin and occasionally came out to ask Xiao Jinting some questions.

Xiao Jinting didn’t have many children. He adored Xiao Fu and Xu Kai, answering all their questions. Xiao Fu and Xu Kai benefited greatly from it.

After Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai entered the sect, they were doing well because of Xiao Jinting.

The disciples of Green Cloud Immortal Sect didn’t dare to directly ask Xiao Jinting questions, so they asked Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai to help them out.

Xiao Jinting knew their secret and turned a blind eye to it as it was not something serious.

Not long after they set off, they met the team of Spiritual Medicine Sect.

“Mr. Xiao, long time no see,” Xie Wanran called out.

Xiao Jinting smiled at her and said, “Long time no see.”

“Are you leading the team this time?” Xie Wanran asked.

Xiao Jinting nodded, “Yeah!”

There were many cultivators surrounding Xie Wanran. Xiao Jinting noticed that two cultivators looked embarrassed, so did Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai.

After Xiao Jingfeng joined the Green Cloud Immortal Sect, Xiao Jinting did not investigate on his past life. However, those who wanted to please him told him what Xiao Jingfeng and his family had experienced.

Xiao Jinting didn’t do anything, because it was the business of the Xu family, and it was up to Xu Kai and Xiao Xiaofu to take revenge.

Xie Wanran looked at Xiao Xiaofu and said, “Are these two cultivators your nephews?”

“Yes. Xiaofu, Xu Kai, say hello to Miss Xie,” Xiao Jinting said.

Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai hurried over and greeted her.

“Mr. Xiao, you’re so lucky! Not only your sons but also your nephews have great potentials.” Xie Wanran complimented.

Xiao Jinting smiled and said, “Thank you, Miss Xie.”

“I haven’t prepared decent gifts for meeting you the first time. Please take these two magic weapons.” Xie Wanran tossed a pair of spiritual rhino pendants at Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai. The Foundation Establishment cultivators on her team were envious.

Xiao Xiaofu and Xu Kai took the gifts respectfully. A month ago, the two of them had very few opportunities to see such good things, but now they had received so many magic weapons that they were unruffled.

“Thank you for your kindness, Miss Xie.”

“Don’t mention it,” Xie Wanran said.

Xu Jin and Li Shuangshuang stayed with the other cultivators and watched Xie Wanran and Xiao Jinting exchange pleasantries without coming up to say hello. Li Shuangshuang looked at the pendants with jealousy. The spiritual rhino pendants had a strong protective effect, and it could also improve the tacit understanding between the two users. They were precious.

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