Xiao Jinting asked in confusion, “Prolong their life?”

Chen Lifeng nodded and said, “Yes, Sacred Sect claims it can turn one into an immortal. A Deity Transformation cultivator could live no longer than four thousand years, and most cultivators couldn’t make it to that age. However, a Nascent Soul cultivator of Sacred Sect could live much longer.”

Xiao Jinting was confused. “Why is that?”

“Actually, they are not human. The cultivation method of Sacred Sect turns one into a zombie,” said Immortal Flying Hawk.

Kong Que covered her mouth and said, “Why does this evil cultivation method spread out?”

“Because it can prolong one’s life. Back then, many Golden Cores and Nascent Souls who was reaching the end of their life were reluctant to die, so they joined Sacred Sect and learned the cultivation method for the purpose of prolonging their life. That was a dark time. Their cultivation needed corpse Qi, so they spread it everywhere and turned people into corpse.”

Xiao Jinting frowned and said, “Mr. Chen, does the cultivator who practices this method keep a clear head?”

“Generally speaking, cultivators who practice this method maintain their previous memories, but their minds will change greatly. After some cultivator practiced the method of Sacred Sect, he not only turned into a zombie, but he spread corpse Qi in his family for the purpose of helping them become immortal.”

Xiao Jinting was surprised.

“Back then, Sacred Sect was attacked by the joint forces of the major sects, which had suffered heavy losses. However, it was destroyed by internal strife.”

“Internal strife?”

Chen Lifeng nodded and said, “Yeah. The Sacred Sect in its prime time had three Deity Transformation cultivators and one hundred and eight Nascent Souls. However, it started to go downhill. To the cultivators of Sacred Sect, their mates were the best tonic.”

Xiao Jinting was shocked.

“Sacred Sect suffered huge losses because of the internal strife, and it was destroyed later by the joint forces of the major sects. However, the survivors of Sacred Sect had been trying to restore their sect for ten thousand years. There are always some cultivators who could not resist the temptation of an extended lifespan and cultivate the method of Sacred Sect.”

“Afraid that the survivors of Sacred Sect will revive, all major sects have rewards for hunting them down.”

Xiao Jinting asked strangely, “Mr. Chen, does the method of Sacred Sect help prolong one’s life?”

Chen Lifeng smiled and said, “Of course not. Only a real immortal won’t die. After cultivating the method of Sacred Sect, the cultivator becomes a zombie and his body will rot over time. Once it’s rotten, the soul will disappear as well. However, it’s said that this method could prolong the life of a Nascent Soul by a few hundred years.”

Xiao Jinting thought that it was tempting to Nascent Souls who was approaching the end of their lives.

Kong Que was amazed, saying, “Grandfather, let’s take a detour.”

Chen Lifeng nodded and said, “We shouldn’t get in trouble at a time like this. Let’s bypass them.”

Immortal Flying Hawk said with a serious expression, “Damn it. They are coming.”

Chen Lifeng’s face sank. They stayed here so long that they attracted the enemy’s attention.

“Let’s go.” Immortal Flying Hawk turned pale and tried to leap towards the east.

A man in black robes blocked their way.

Xiao Jinting looked at the man and felt a chill in his heart. The man had a weird air, which was like spiritual Qi and corpse Qi. His face was hollow and bony.

“Immortal Skeleton!” Immortal Flying Hawk couldn’t help but stare at him.

Xiao Jinting’s heart sank. After he became the First Elder of Green Cloud Immortal Sect, Xiao Jinting had spent time on reviewing the famous figures of the continents.

He had read about Immortal Skeleton, who used to be the elder of the Thousand Devil Sect and went into seclusion when he was reaching the read of his life four hundred years ago. Xiao Jinting thought that he had died long ago, but now this man was standing right in front of him. He wondered if he was really alive.

“Flying Hawk, it turns out to be you. That’s why you don’t fall for my trap,” said Immortal Skeleton in a hoarse voice.

He was very thin, which emphasized his big eyes. He looked terrible.

Immortal Flying Hawk turned grim. Hundreds of years ago, he was on friendly terms with Immortal Skeleton. At that time, he was just a Golden Core. He didn’t expect to see him like this.

“Immortal Skeleton, why do you reduce yourself to this? Cultivating that evil method and turning yourself into a zombie.” Immortal Flying Hawk sighed.

Immortal Skeleton snorted softly. “How can you mortals understand the power of the method? Now it’s impossible to become a real immortal, and this is the only way to live forever.”

Xiao Jinting’s heart gave a jump. It was said that one could ascend to the immortal world when he reached the advanced level of Deity Transformation in ancient times, but now the spiritual Qi in this world had changed hugely, and cultivators hardly made any advancement after they made it to Deity Transformation. Presently, the highest level in Cultivation World was the medium level of Deity Transformation.

“Skeleton, why are you talking to them? Finish the battle quickly. Don’t attract any attention,” said another cultivator in black.

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