Dongcheng Yang looked in the direction of Xiao Jinting???s seclusion cave with a complicated expression.

Lin Xue???e couldn???t help saying, ???Elder Xiao has come out of seclusion. It???s been less than twenty years.???

???Something has happened, and he can???t continue his seclusion.???

Lin Xue???e asked, ???Is Xu Muan advancing to Nascent Soul? It doesn???t look that way.???

Dongcheng Yang shook his head and said, ???No. It looks like the advancement of a demonic beast. Don???t you find the demonic beasts in the zoo are restless? Besides, the thunder retribution of a demonic beast is different from that of a cultivator.???

Lin Xue???e said in surprise, ???Is the First Elder???s demonic beast going to advance? They don???t look conspicuous.???

The sons of Xiao Jinting kept weird creatures. Xiao Jinting kept some demonic beasts, but he kept a low profile.

Dongcheng Yang said, ???Xiao Jinting seems to keep a nest of bees and a batch of scorpions.???

Lin Xue???e couldn???t help saying, ???How does Elder Xiao raise the demonic beasts? He???s going to have a Nascent Soul beast. It???s very fast.???

Dongcheng Yang narrowed his eyes. Not only the beasts but also the Xiao family made fast advancements. There must be other reasons than the Spirit Cleansing Pills. However, no one would act recklessly when Li Yi and Xu Lingfeng were around.

In the zoo, the disciples were busy.

???These damn beasts have gone made. They are trying to escape.???

???What is the First Elder doing? What a commotion!???

???I heard that his demonic beast is going to advance to Nascent Soul.???

???He???s awesome! If his demonic beast advances to Nascent Soul, we will have one more ancestor.???

Suddenly, all the beasts screamed, and several cultivators spit out blood.

The zoo turned chaotic. The irritated beasts started to attack the disciples. Several elders tried to keep everything in order but failed.

Xiao Xiaodong rushed over and said to the pheasant, ???Go ask them to stop.???

The pheasant gave him an angry look. ???Bastard, you like to order me.???

As it complained, it roared and turned into a dragon. All the clattering beasts suddenly got quiet.

The pheasant lay lazily on Xiao Xiaodong???s shoulder and said, ???These lame ducks shout for nothing.???

The director of the zoo went up to Xiao Xiaodong and greeted respectfully, ???Hello, Elder Xiao.???

Xiao Xiaodong nodded slightly.

The director turned to the pheasant and said, ???Good day, Dragon God.???

Xiao Xiaodong???s face darkened. He was surprised that the director treated the pheasant more respectfully.

He asked, ???When do you become a Dragon God????

The pheasant fluttered its wings proudly and said, ???I???ve always been the Dragon God. Don???t you know about it? You are ignorant.???

Xiao Xiaodong said, ???I didn???t know that.???

The pheasant said, ???You are blind.???

Xiao Xiaodong was speechless.

Xiao Xiaodong looked at the zoo staff, who seemed to be awed by the pheasant. He felt weird.

He said, ???Take good care of the beasts. I???ll be off.??? He turned to leave.

???Yes.??? The staff was relieved to see him leave.

???Elder Xiaodong???s pheasant is getting more powerful.???

???Yeah. Will his appetite grow as well???? They all shuddered.

After they left the zoo, Xiao Xiaodong asked, ???What have you done to them? Why are they scared of you????

The pheasant fluttered its wings in high spirit and said, ???I???m powerful, and they are awed.???

Xiao Xiaodong said sulkily, ???Tell me the truth.???

The pheasant snorted softly. ???I ate a few demonic beasts in the zoo. They are scared of me because of that. They are not as generous as your grandpa. They cried when I ate the beasts. What a big difference.???

Xiao Xiaodong asked sullenly, ???What on earth did you eat????

The pheasant fluttered its wings and said, ???I ate two Golden Core demonic beasts, which said to be the most precious beasts in the zoo. They were so weak that I swallowed them in one gulp.???

Xiao Xiaodong was speechless, thinking he should catch two Golden Core beasts and give them back to the zoo.

He said in a serious tone, ???Don???t eat any of the demonic beasts in the zoo.???

???Okay.??? The pheasant looked in the direction of Xiao Jinting???s seclusion cave and felt depressed. ???I???m jealous. Those little bugs stay with your father and eat whatever they like, while I can???t do that with you.???

Xiao Xiaodong shouted, ???Shut up.???

The pheasant fell silent.

Xiao Xiaodong looked in the direction of Xiao Jinting???s seclusion cave and narrowed his eyes. ???Father???s demonic beast seems to have made it.???

The pheasant nodded and said, ???Yeah, it???s going to make it.???

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