Looking at the secret realm in the sky, Xiao Jinting was excited.

Li Yi said longingly, ???The spiritual Qi is getting richer. I wonder how rich it is in the secret realm.???

Xu Lingfeng said, ???We soon can enter the secret realm.???

He looked around and saw various monsters, amazed by the number of competitors. After the secret realm appeared, various cultivators came to explore it.

Xu Muan looked up at the secret realm, where there were high mountain ranges. The whole realm was shrouded in a layer of mist, and they couldn???t see what was inside.

The secret realm moved slowly. A few days later, it glowed with strong rays of light.

???The secret realm has opened.???

The crowd dashed toward the secret realm in the sky.

Xu Lingfeng glanced at Xiao Jinting and said, ???Let???s go.???

Instead of going with the Xu family, he led Li Yi, Xiao Jinting, and Xu Muan into the secret realm.

Once they entered the secret realm, they felt the rich spiritual Qi. Xiao Jinting worked up his internal power and absorbed the spiritual Qi, surprise in his eyes. ???We must be in the fragments of the immortal world. I feel like I???m cultivating with upper-grade spiritual stones.???

He was shocked. The cultivators in the immortal world lived in the rich spiritual Qi, and they must make faster advancements.

Li Yi pointed ahead and said, ???Look!???

Xiao Jinting looked up and saw a spiritual mountain was cut off in the middle. It was weird.

Li Yi said, ???There must have been a fierce fight, which shattered the mountain.???

Xu Lingfeng nodded and said, ???It???s likely.???

After they walked for a while, they set foot in a burnt land, which had a deathly air. The ground was furrowed.

Xu Lingfeng said with a complicated expression, ???This creek seems to be made by the sword of a cultivator, who might be stronger than a Deity Transformation.???

Suddenly, they heard a scream.

Xiao Jinting quickly scanned the place with his soul force. A Nascent Soul fell on the ground with a purple face. He soon died.

Li Yi said solemnly, ???What???s going on????

He scanned the dead cultivator and felt heavy. The cultivator seemed to die of poison. But who attacked him?

Xiao Jinting said, ???Watch out for the insects.???

Li Yi asked in confusion, ???Insects????

Xiao Jinting???s words alarmed Xu Lingfeng, who figured out what had happened. ???That guy seemed to have stepped on a venomous insect and got poisoned.???

Li Yi tensed up, scanning around with his soul force. A black insect the size of a fingernail hid on the ground, and it seemed to be merged into the soil. Suddenly, it fluttered its wings and flew away. Li Yi broke out in cold sweat.

He said, ???A small insect has killed a Nascent Soul.???

Xu Lingfeng said with a grave face, ???If this place is formed by fragments of the immortal world, it???s not strange.???

Li Yi nodded slowly and said, ???You are right.??? The insects from the immortal world were naturally different from other places.

They went up to the dead cultivator and examined him. He died of poison as expected.

Xiao Jinting said, ???The poison got in from his foot and spread through his body.???

Seeing a Nascent Soul killed quietly, Xu Lingfeng was deflated. His confidence obtained from his advancement was shattered.


Although it was dangerous, they didn???t flinch.

The secret realm was big. Xu Lingfeng found two spiritual herbs of ten thousand years. Apart from that, they didn???t harvest much.

Xiao Jinting picked quite some spiritual herbs. There were various herbs in the immortal world, so they could see a lot of rare herbs in the secret realm.

Suddenly, they saw a spiritual tree.

It looked like a willow. Countless branches hung down, and they saw fruits growing on eighty-one branches.

The tree looked crystal like a fine jade and gave off rich spiritual Qi. The green fruits were shining, looking tempting.

???It???s Spirit Advancing Tree, and you can make Spirit Advancing Fruits, which help advancements.???

Xiao Jinting heard the prompt from the jade space. ???The Spirit Advancing Tree has eighty-one fruits every time.???

Xiao Jinting stopped Xu Muan. ???Don???t get near it.???

Xu Muan asked in confusion, ???What???s wrong????

Xiao Jinting said alertly, ???There are footprints. Someone has come here, but none of the fruits are gone from the tree.???

The spiritual trees in the immortal world were much different from those in their world.

Li Yi paused. He thought of asking why Xiao Jinting thought none of the fruits were picked, but he checked himself.

Xiao Jinting took out a Golden Scorpion, which flew toward the tree. Suddenly, a tree branch curled up and the scorpion got caught and disappeared into the ground. Xiao Jinting instantly felt the scorpion was dead.

Xu Lingfeng turned pale and panted heavily.

Li Yi asked in bewilderment, ???What???s wrong????

Xu Lingfeng said in a panic, ???There are five corpses near the roots under the ground.???

He didn???t find anything at first. After Xiao Jinting let out the scorpion, the tree moved and attacked it. At the same time, the scent from the underground leaked out. It was a very short time, but Xu Lingfeng saw clearly what was underground.

The roots of the tree pierced through the five messy bodies. The essence in the flesh had vanished.

The Spirit Advancing Tree stood there quietly and innocently, but to Xu Lingfeng, this beautiful spiritual tree had suddenly turned into a ferocious monster.

Xiao Jinting pondered and suddenly felt the tree look familiar.

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