At the secret realm formed by fragments of the Immortal World.

A strong fragrance came over. Xiao Jinting took a deep breath and felt refreshed.

Chen Lifeng said in excitement, “The fragrance is rich. A spiritual herb is ripening.”

The fragrance of the herb was refreshing, and Xiao Jinting suspected he could advance to Deity Transformation after eating the herb.

Xu Lingfeng asked, “Shall we go and take a look?” The rich scent might have tempted many demonic beasts and humans.

Xiao Jinting gritted his teeth and said, “Let’s go take a look. If things don’t work out, we have to run away quickly.”

Xu Lingfeng smiled happily.

Xiao Jinting looked at him and thought he was bold and adventurous.

They followed the scent and arrived at a lake, where there was a lotus with many layers of petals. It looked like a pagoda.

The jade space told Xiao Jinting that it was a Seven-layer Pagoda Lotus, which could be made into Seven-layer Pills with the effect of increasing the chance of Deity Transformation advancement.

When they arrived, quite some demonic beasts and cultivators gathered at the lakeside.

The lotus was not ripe yet. The demonic beasts and cultivators didn’t make any moves, and they guarded against each other.

Xiao Jinting spotted several acquaintances in the crowd. Bing Wu of Ice Palace was there, followed by Bing Ning.

Bing Wu glanced at Xiao Jinting with icy eyes.

Bing Ning looked at Xiao Jinting with a complicated expression.

Xu Lingfeng looked at the lake and said, “There are two Deity Transformation cultivators, and those demonic beasts are very difficult to deal with. It’s tough.”

“The Pagoda Lotus has one hundred and eight seeds, and we can target at the seeds. There are so many high-level demonic beasts and masters, and they will attack us if we take the lotus.” If he could have a seed, he might cultivate a Pagoda Lotus.

Flame perched on Xiao Jinting’s shoulder and muttered, “They look delicious. I want to swallow them up.”

Xiao Jinting was glad that Flame was cautious enough to send him a message. If it arrogantly shouted out its mind, both of them would get in big trouble.

“Little monster, you’ve got to know about your limitation. If you dare to swallow them, they will pull out your teeth. Behave yourself.”

“Toyboy, if only you could be more powerful and kill all the bastards here. I would be very happy to have so much food.” Flame licked its paws longingly.

Xiao Jinting said coldly, “If I were that powerful, I would kill you first.”

Flame was speechless.

A golden light came out, and the Pagoda Lotus glowed with rays of golden light.

One hundred and eight lotus seeds flew out of the lotus. “Get them.” The crowd swarmed up and fought for the seeds.

The quiet beasts turned ferocious, and the lakeside became a slaughterhouse.

Xiao Jinting waved his long sleeve, and six seeds went into his jade space.

After two Deity Transformation cultivators snatched a dozen of lotus seeds, they fought for the lotus.

In an instant, all the seeds were gone.

When someone attacked Xiao Jinting, he took the chance to dive into the lake. The jade space told him that the Pagoda Lotus bloomed and withered seven times, and it was the last time it ripened.

When the lotus ripened each time, its medical juice melted into the lake until it bloomed again in several decades. Therefore, the most precious treasure here was not the ripe Pagoda Lotus but the lake water, which was rich in medical juice. Xiao Jinting drained the water from the lake with the jade space.

He pretended to snatch the lotus flower and drained the water vigorously. He soon attracted much attention.

Many cultivators gave up the flower and started to drain the water. Xiao Jinting saw a bull demonic beast drain much water in one gulp.

The Deity Transformation cultivators also came to drain the water.

The huge lake was drained of water after both the cultivators and demonic beasts frantically took the water.

Once the water was gone, several top cultivators fought for the Pagoda Lotus again.

Xiao Jinting took the chance and grabbed a few leaves. Soon, the huge lotus was dug out together with its roots.

Seeing that nothing was left, the cultivators and demonic beasts surrounding the lake dispersed.

After that, many Golden Cores came to the lake and dug up the soil in the lake. Although most of the lotus juice melted in the water, the soil in the lake was valuable because a small part of the juice melted into the soil. Spiritual herbs grew much better in the soil.

Xu Lingfeng looked at Xiao Jinting delightfully. “Jinting, what have you got? I snatched eight seeds and a few leaves.”

Xu Lingfeng was punched by someone when fighting for the lotus, and he got a black eye, so he looked funny. Xiao Jinting didn’t laugh at him because Xu Lingfeng was his father-in-law.

“I’m happy with what I got.” After he put the lake water into the spiritual spring, the quality of the spring had improved a lot.

Xu Lingfeng generously gave the lotus seeds and leaves to Xiao Jinting. “Take them.”

“Father, I can’t accept them.”

Xu Lingfeng said indifferently, “I can’t take advantage of you all the time. Besides, only you can make full use of them.”

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