Long Xue went up to Xiao Jinting and said, “You finally come back.”

Looking at her beautiful face, Xiao Jinting thought her pretty face was attractive regardless of her hot temper.

“What are you talking about? You seem to be talking about marrying.” She glanced at them, and that sent chills down Xiao Jinting’s spine.

Xiao Jinting said flatteringly, “We were just chatting. Ms. Long, I heard that someone is trying to win your affection. You are charming. You must be happy that someone has a sharp eye.”

Long Xue sneered. “I don’t find it pleasing to have an idiot chase me. He’s too weak.”

Xiao Jinting said awkwardly, “Ms. Long, you are too strong.”

Long Xue shook her head and said, “Really? I don’t think so. At least, I’m not your rival. If you chase me, I’ll be delighted.”

Xu Muan’s face fell.

Xiao Xiaojin crossed his arms and said sulkily, “My father is married.”

Long Xue nodded and said, “Yeah. What a pity. Mr. Xu, I envy your luck.”

Xu Muan said, “Ms. Long, don’t you consider marrying the son of the head of Heavenly God Sect? It’s not easy to find someone so passionate.” He thought, “That man is rare. He keeps coming back to her after being beaten up.”

Long Xue snorted softly and said, “Thankfully, there are few of them. I’ll be annoyed to death if there are many. If I had not learned that Deity Transformation elders would be offended if I killed him, I would have kicked him to death.”

Xu Muan was speechless. What did that guy see in Long Xue?

Xiao Jinting looked at Long Xue and said helplessly, “Ms. Long, how do you think of Green Cloud Immortal Sect?”

Long Xue’s face fell. She said angrily, “There are too few books in the library. I thought the methods of the sect are better than mine, but it’s not the case. I’m so disappointed. There are too few demonic beasts in the sect, and they are skinny and low-grade. We don’t have enough food. The pool of the sect is too small, and I guess it can only keep small fish there. Big fish can’t grow there. The palace of the sect is too shabby and rundown. My palace is much more magnificent…”

Looking at her contemptuous face, Xiao Jinting was speechless. It seemed that not only Dongcheng Yang was dissatisfied with Long Xue, but Long Xue also complained about Dongcheng Yang. Since they didn’t like each other, why didn’t they break up?

Dongcheng Yang said sullenly, “Ms. Long, I’m sorry that you don’t have a good time here.”

Long Xue snorted softly and said, “I’ll bear with it since I’m away from home.”

Dongcheng Yang pulled a long face with a sullen look.

Xiao Jinting raised his eyebrow. Long Xue was a newcomer, and the territories of the Cloud Continent had been divided between the sects. If Long Xue established a new sect, she might be attacked by local forces. It was a good choice to stay in Green Cloud Immortal Sect.

Xiao Jinting asked, “Ms. Long, do you know that the territories of Heavenly God Sect are larger than our sect? Moreover, they are more powerful than us.”

Dongcheng Yang said with enthusiasm, “Yeah. Ms. Long, Heavenly God Sect is a great sect with a Deity Transformation, and there are more demonic beasts. Your followers won’t worry about food if you go there.”

Long Xue looked at them sulkily and said, “What do you mean? I’m not a fickle person.”

Dongcheng Yang was speechless.

Long Xue said, “Mr. Xiao, you have been to the secret realm formed by fragments of the Immortal World. I heard that it was an interesting place.”

Xiao Jinting nodded and said, “It’s interesting, but it’s dangerous.”

Dongcheng Yang said, “Ms. Long, are you interested in the secret realm? I have a jade map?”

Long Xue stared at him and said, “Mr. Dongcheng, do you want me to go there?”

Dongcheng Yang said seriously, “The secret realm is too dangerous. To be frank, I don’t want you to take risks, but I know you are ambitious and will go there. Being the sect head, I won’t stop you from advancing to Deity Transformation. I will help you.”

Long Xue took the jade map and said with a sneer, “Thank you, Mr. Dongcheng.”

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