536. The Steward of the Mansion (2)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Xiao Jinting moved into his house and tried to release his soul force. He was surprised to find three Nascent Souls gathered together.

He heard their conversation. “Mr. Wang, is it all right to do this?”

Wang Hua said confidently, “Don’t worry. I’ve inquired about the new steward. He is a cultivator that has just ascended from the Spiritual World. His soul has not turned immortal. He doesn’t know about the Immortal World. He won’t find out.”

Xiao Jinting narrowed his eyes, which turned cold.

Luo Bin said worriedly, “Will we get in trouble if we can’t turn in so many turnips after selling the purple and green turnips?”

Wang Hua said with bright eyes, “What are you afraid of? Usually we harvest more turnips, but the previous stewards took away the extra turnips, and we didn’t get anything. Now that an idiot comes to be the steward, we should grasp the opportunity and exchange the turnips for more cultivation resources.”

Luo Bin said, “I find that the turnips are not growing as well as before. We can’t turn in enough turnips even if we don’t sell them.”

Wang Hua said gloatingly, “Don’t worry. It’s not our business. I heard that Ms Zi Yu will kill the new steward if he can’t turn in one hundred purple turnips.”

Guan Fei said with disdain, “Qi Cheng is a brown noser. He went to flatter the new steward at the sight of him. The previous stewards died in various accidents. The new steward hasn’t turned his soul into an immortal soul. He might not rival cultivators at the peak of Nascent Soul stage in our world. He looks weak. Perhaps he will die soon.”

Xiao Jinting drummed the table with his fingers, feeling depressed.

Flame looked at him with a smile. “Master, you seem to be fooled.”

Xiao Jinting narrowed his eyes, a hint of murderous intent flashing across his eyes. “Shut up.”

Flame said sullenly, “You are tricked by them, but you don’t allow me to talk about it. They think you are idiotic. You are pitiful.”

Xiao Jinting took a deep breath, thinking the guys in the Immortal World felt superior and looked down on him.

He rubbed his chin and muttered, “Qi Cheng didn’t lie when he showed me around the fields. Something is wrong.”

Qi Cheng hinted that Xiao Jinting could buy the purple turnips with Immortal Crystal if he failed to produce enough turnips. However, he sounded weak when he said that. Qi Cheng knew that Xiao Jinting was too poor to do that.

Xiao Jinting had ten subordinates in the mansion, but not all of them sold the turnips secretly.

Xiao Jinting thought he should deal with the bad guys before he figured out why the mutation of the turnips decreased. Otherwise, all his efforts would be wasted.

He summoned all ten subordinates, and soon they arrived.

Xiao Jinting took out his spiritual swords and beat up the three guys that sold the turnips, asking them to return the turnips.

Xiao Jinting came from the Spiritual World, and his subordinates thought he was inferior to local cultivators. After he fiercely punished the three subordinates, he gained his authority.

In order to intimidate his subordinates, he hit the three guys hard.

It worked. All his subordinates knew that he was not to be messed with even though he was a cultivator from the Spiritual World.

The stealing subordinates soon returned the turnips that they sold. Xiao Jinting was not sure if they returned enough turnips, but he thought they would not deceive him.

Qi Cheng said gingerly, “Mr. Xiao, we work hard, but there’s something wrong with the spiritual fields. The mutated turnips have been decreasing for some unknown reason.”

Xiao Jinting nodded and said, “I know. You can leave. I’ll take a walk on my own.”

Flame came out and said, “Brat, you are not lucky. That guy said that usually the harvest of the purple turnip could reach fifty to sixty-five kilograms. You are so unlucky that you encounter a bad harvest. I guess you will turn into fertilizer. How wretched.”

Xiao Jinting said sulkily, “Shut up.” He was the master of growing spiritual plants. The turnips couldn’t baffle him.

As he walked in the fields, the gardeners greeted him respectfully.

Flame said, “You’ve gained your authority. On the first day you arrived, they ignored you.”

Xiao Jinting crossed his arms and thought that power ruled in both the Spiritual World and the Immortal World.

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