551. Xiaojin Arrives (1)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

At Green Cloud Immortal Sect.

Xiao Xiaofan frowned and dashed into Xiao Xiaodong’s cultivation room. “Xiaodong, Xiaojin is missing.”

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and said slowly, “I know. He should have ascended to the Immortal World. I went to check his soul light, and it didn’t go off. I guess he either got stuck somewhere or went to the Immortal World. The secret realm that Xiaojin went to was said to be the last passage of the Dragon Tribe to the Immortal World. I think he found the passage there.”

Xiao Xiaofan thought for a while and said, “I hope so. Xiaojin has been looking for someone more powerful than him. The bold ones who chased him were beaten up by him and scared away. There should be many cultivators that could defeat Xiaojin in the Immortal World.”

Xiao Xiaodong said, “Yeah. I hope he can find the one in the Immortal World.” Xiao Xiaojin was old enough to get married.

Xiao Xiaofan said sullenly, “Xiaojin is such a good cook. I wonder which bastard will be the lucky one.”

Xiao Xiaodong was speechless.

Xiao Xiaofan said worriedly, “I wonder how our parents are doing in the Immortal World.”

Xiao Xiaodong rubbed his fingers and said, “They should be fine. They ascended to the Immortal World together.” They could take care of each other.

At Moon Dusk in the Lower District.

Xiao Xiaojin was roasting meat diligently. A young man in a golden robe paced up and down. “Are you done? Hurry up.”

Xiao Xiaojin frowned and said, “Almost. Stop pressing me.”

The young man said sullenly, “You are slow.”

Xiao Xiaojin said sulkily, “I’m not slow, but you eat too fast.”

The meat that he roasted for half an hour was devoured by the young man in one minute.

The young man looked at Xiao Xiaojin and said, “Brat, are you accusing me?”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless. Why did the young man call him brat? He looked younger than him.

Xiao Xiaojin took a deep breath and blamed it on his bad luck. He entered a secret realm of the Dragon Tribe in the Spiritual World and ascended to the Immortal World by chance.

After he arrived at the Immortal World, he saw a unicorn and killed it to roast meat.

Suddenly, Long Jingtian dashed up to him and claimed that the unicorn was his, asking Xiao Xiaojin to pay him back. Xiao Xiaojin couldn’t afford it, so Long Jingtian asked Xiaojin to work for him.

Xiao Xiaojin glanced at Long Jingtian and thought he was lying.

Long Jingtian had wings and could fly. He didn’t need to ride on a unicorn. Besides, Long Jingtian had an overwhelming power, which could have scared the unicorn to death.

Long Jingtian must have been attracted by the delicious smell of the roasted meat, and he found an excuse to snatch the meat and force Xiao Xiaojin to cook for him.

Long Jingtian had a special background. He was the mixed-blood of the Dragon and Phoenix, and he had a dragon body and phoenix wings.

The Dragon and the Phoenix were bitter enemies, but his horny dad and mom hit it off when they met.

However, they broke up peacefully after their love wore off.

Long Jingtian was despised by both the Dragon and Phoenix because of his unique appearance, and he got abandoned.

When he was small, he started to take adventures alone.

Many cultivators wanted to catch Long Jingtian and refine him into pills because of his pure blood of dragon and phoenix, but most of them got killed by him.

He had inherited the ability to teleport, which only a few dragons possessed, and he could escape from the danger.

Long Jingtian said, “You cook well.”

Xiao Xiaojin said, “Everyone says so.”

Long Jinting said, “You are plain, and your cultivator level is low. If you are not good at cooking, you won’t get married.”

Xiao Xiaojin glanced at Long Jingtian and said, “Mind your own business. There used to be countless cultivators trying to marry me, but I didn’t fancy any of them.”

Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Xiaojin suspiciously and said, “I didn’t know that you were popular.”

Xiao Jinting said, “I was very popular.”

Long Jinting pointed at the hill nearby and said, “Brat, I want to eat some cake. The one you made me last time was too small. You have to make me a cake the size of the hill.”

Xiao Xiaojin looked at the hill that rising into the clouds and thought Long Jingtian was a bottomless pit.

He said flatly, “No.”

Long Jingtian asked, “Why?”

Xiao Xiaojin said sullenly, “I will be tired to death if I have to make such a big cake.”

Long Jingtian looked at him and said, “Humans are useless. Making such a small cake can exhaust you. You are worthless.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless.

Long Jingtian looked at him sullenly and grunted.

Xiao Xiaojin tossed him a tart the size of a football and calmed him down.

Xiao Xiaojin said lightly, “I want to find my father first.”

“Brat, are you a baby. You talk about looking for your parents all the time. I never looked for my parents.” Long Jingtian wondered if his father was sleeping with some woman and if his mother was flirting with some handsome guy.

Xiao Xiaojin glanced at Long Jingtian and said, “You help me look for them, and I will cook for you.”

Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Xiaojin and thought for a while before he said, “I’ll help you if you make me the ice cream.”

Xiao Xiaojin said without any demur, “Okay.” He glanced at Long Jingtian and thought he had a sweet tooth.

After a short time, Xiao Xiaojin gave Long Jingtian a bucket of ice cream.

Long Jingtian ate the ice cream with gusto and said contentedly, “Let’s go.”

Xiao Xiaojin lay on Long Jingtian’s back and wondered why he didn’t have cavities.


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