Long Jingtian put his hands on his hips and looked sullenly at the several stout men in front of him. “Who’s your boss?”

The knitted brows of Long Jingtian sent chills down Xiao Xiaojin’s spine. When Long Jingtian wore that look on his face, he would turn ferocious, and Xiao Xiaojin would have several more preys to handle than usual.

A man said sulkily, “Are you looking for me?”

The man was much bigger than the other stout men.

Xiao Xiaojin looked at him and took a deep breath, thinking, “What a big man! But he has no brains.”

The man had big eyes, and Xiao Xiaojin thought, “This man has big eyes, but he is blind to danger.”

Long Jingtian looked at the man and sneered. “Oh, you are a Flame Bear, which is big without wits. No wonder you dare to snatch my cabin. I won’t give you the cabin but my fist.”

Long Jingtian hit the man, who flew away.

Long Jingtian’s attack didn’t seem powerful, but Xiao Xiaojin could feel the intense murderous intent. Long Jingtian punched the stout man, who thumped to the ground and lay motionless.

When stout the man fell, there was a loud noise.

Xiao Xiaojin said in excitement, “Don’t kill him, or we will be fined.”

Long Jingtian withdrew his fist and said lightly, “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. I didn’t kill him. He’s still breathing.”

The cultivators who came to snatch the cabin looked at Long Jingtian in panic as if he was a ferocious beast.

Long Jingtian glared at them. “Get lost. You are lucky. Killing is not allowed on the ship. Any violation will be fined. If we were outside the ship, I would kill you and make you into food.” The bear palms were delicious. Long Jingtian felt rueful that he couldn’t eat them.

The cultivators quickly left. The man who got hit lay on the ground, and no one came to carry him away.

Xiao Xiaojin looked at Long Jingtian admiringly, “You are awesome.”

Long Jingtian clasped his hands behind himself and said proudly, “Yeah. You should thank me for coming along with you. If you had traveled alone, you might have been killed by these foolish bears.”

Xiao Xiaojin said flatteringly, “Yes, you are right. I would have died many times without your help.”

Long Jingtian grunted and said, “I’m glad that you know.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless.

The Flame Bear lay there motionless. Long Jingtian hesitated for a long time before he showed the mercy and threw the man away, fearing that he couldn’t resist the temptation of delicious bear palms.

The other cultivators soon knew about the incident. They heard that there was a ferocious cultivator in the corner cabin, so they didn’t dare to come. Xiao Xiaojin at last found some peace.

Long Jingtian held a bucket of ice cream and ate it with gusto.

He gave a reproachful look at Xiao Xiaojin. “I knew that you were hiding something good from me. If I hadn’t forced you, you wouldn’t have given it to me.”

Xiao Xiaojin pursed his lips and thought, “Long Jingtian is a bastard. He blames me when he is eating the delicious ice cream.”

He said, “You don’t know that ice cream is not healthy.”

Long Jingtian sneered. “What’s wrong with the ice cream? Are you going to tell me that I’ll have loose bowels, a cold, and a cavity? I can tell you that I’m different from you humans. I can kill you with a claw. I have a strong constitution.”

Xiao Xiaojin’s mouth twitched. “I know you are healthy with a good appetite, and you won’t get sick. However, you will put on weight if you eat so much sweet food. Women like skinny men these days. If you want to have a wife, you’d better lose some weight.”

Long Jingtian was enraged. “Who wants to have a wife? Do you? You are too young to think about this.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless. Was he too young? His people thought he should have got married long ago, but now Long Jingtian said he was young. Xiao Xiaojin was glad. He was just over three hundred years old, and he was as young as a new bud.

He giggled. “I was joking. Why are you so upset? Do you fancy someone?”

Long Jingtian snorted. “No. Do you?”

Xiao Xiaojin said honestly, “No. I have been looking for someone stronger than my father, but I haven’t found anyone yet.”

Long Jingtian stared at Xiao Xiaojin thoughtfully. “Really? I don’t fancy anyone. If I like someone that thinks I’m too fat and eat too much, I’ll swallow him and settle the matter.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless. Why did the stupid dragon stare at him and said the menacing words?

He changed the subject. “I wonder what the Middle District is like.”

Long Jingtian said, “I don’t see there is anything good.”

Xiao Xiaojin said, “There should be something good. Otherwise, people wouldn’t spend so much money traveling from the Lower District to the Middle District. I heard that the tickets for flying ships from the Middle District to the Lower District are very cheap, but no one takes them.”

Long Jingtian nodded. “There are advantages to the Middle District. For instance, the ingredients are abundant there. I don’t have to eat rabbit stew with turnips.”

Long Jingtian gritted his teeth with disdain at the mention of the rabbit stew.

He suddenly changed the subject. “However, there are disadvantages to the Middle District. For instance, many people there want to eat me.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless.

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