567. The Golden Viagra (1)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

After Xiao Jinting walked around and inspected the mansion, he went back to his courtyard.

A guard went to Wei Liao.

“Steward Wei, the young master has a bad temper.”

Wei Liao said coldly, “He’s the young master. Even Master treats him respectfully.”

The guard smiled and said, “Master treats him respectfully, but the lady doesn’t take him seriously.”

Wei Liao narrowed his eyes and said, “Master adores the young master, and the lady has to show due respect to him.”

Wei Liao looked at Xiao Jinting’s back bitterly. Zhang Tianyi was talented in alchemy, so the master wanted to send him to learn from a great alchemist.

The lady wanted to assign Zhang Tianyi to a remote mansion, lest he outshined her son Zhang Tianhao.

The master didn’t get angry after the lady killed several sons of the concubines. However, the master adored Zhang Tianyi and had a big fight with the lady. Although the master gave in to the lady, the lady promised that she wouldn’t do extra things to Zhang Tianyi.

If anything happened to the Zhang Tianyi, the master would fall out with the lady.

Wei Liao’s task was to watch over the young master. If the master didn’t pay much attention to the young master several decades later, Wei Liao would look for a chance to kill the young master.

The guard said indignantly, “Steward Wei, the young master is bad-tempered. I feel sorry for you.”

Wei Liao smiled and said, “I’m only a servant. I’m not upset about it.”

Wei Liao was the confidant of Wei Fan, who sent him to watch over Zhang Tianyi. She asked Wei Liao not to miss a single movement of Zhang Tianyi.

Wei Fan would have killed Zhang Tianyi if it weren’t for her husband.

Zhang Yuanzhi grew angry with her movements and had a big fight with her.

Wei Fan didn’t want to humiliate her husband, so she asked Wei Liao to spoil Zhang Tianyi. If Zhang Tianyi didn’t make any special moves after he went to the mansion, she would bear with him.

The family was wealthy, and she didn’t mind providing for a loser.

Wei Liao Frowned. He somehow thought the young master was queer, but he couldn’t figure out why. He felt that Xiao Jinting seemed interested in Long Yu and Long Jingtian, so he asked Xiao Jinting tentatively, but he didn’t find anything suspicious.

Xiao Jinting entered the cultivation room. Xu Muan looked at him and asked, “Are you okay?”

Xiao Jinting said, “I’m okay. I think Wei Liao is suspicious of me.”

Xu Muan clenched his fists. “We could do nothing about it. Although you look like Zhang Tianyi, you are not him.” Besides, Zhang He evidently was holding something back from them. “But he won’t say anything unless he has solid evidence.”

Xiao Jinting nodded and said, “You are right. But we need to be more careful.”

Xiao Xiaojin carried a rabbit and stood in front of a collapsed building.

He said to the rabbit, “Look. Your father did it.”

After Long Yu restored his strength, he couldn’t find Long Jingtian, so he caused trouble everywhere. The great forces hated him.

Long Jingtian said firmly, “One day… I’ll do the same thing!”

Xiao Xiaojin thought, “Young man, you are ambitious.”

Long Jingtian looked at the destroyed building and said sulkily, “This is what the old man has been planning to do, but he didn’t find a chance. The incident gave him an excuse, and he did it. He’s a bastard. This is what he wanted to do, but he made me a scapegoat.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless.

He said, “After your father did it, you have more enemies.” Xiao Xiaojin thought Long Jingtian was hated by everyone, but he was not able to protect him. He was worried.

Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Xiaojin and said, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m worried.” Xiao Xiaojin felt that he was like a toddler walking on the street with a piece of gold in his hand.

He involuntarily held the rabbit tightly and clutched at the rabbit’s hair.

Long Jingtian said in anger, “Idiot, you are strangling me.”

Xiao Xiaojin loosened the rabbit and said apologetically, “I’m sorry. I was careless.”

Long Jingtian snorted softly as if saying, “Idiot, I will forgive you because I’m broad-minded.”

He looked at Xiao Xiaojin and said, “Brat, are you frightened?”

“A little bit.” Xiao Xiaojin swallowed hard.

His father used to be hunted down in the Spiritual World, but it was not as serious as what Long Jingtian was experiencing.

Xiao Xiaojin looked around. If anyone knew that the rabbit in his hand was the trouble-making Long Jingtian, he would be killed.

Long Jingtian looked at the frightened face of Xiao Xiaojin and snorted softly with disdain. “It’s no big deal. You are inexperienced. I’ve seen a lot of this. I have been hunted down since I was small. Look, I’m safe and sound.”

Xiao Xiaojin was lost for words.

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