569. The Unexpected Visitors (1)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

One day.

Several unexpected visitors came to New Moon Mansion.

They were from the main family of the Zhang family in the Upper District. Instead of killing Long Jingtian, they offended a nest of Colorful Crystal Boas.

The Colorful Crystal Boas were unusual species from ancient times with some dragon blood. Clothes made from their skin were beautiful and dazzling, so they were popular.

The blood and core of a Colorful Crystal Boa were invaluable, but the boa was extremely poisonous and dangerous.

Zhang He said anxiously, “Young Master, what shall we do?”

Zhang Yuxue from the Upper District got poisoned in the fight with the Colorful Crystal Boa and was now lying in the guest room of New Moon Mansion.

“If anything happens to Miss Zhang in our territory, the whole family will get in big trouble.” Zhang He paced up and down like an ant in a hot pan.

Xiao Jinting crossed his arms and said lightly, “In this case, go buy the antidote.”

Zhang He shook his head and said anxiously, “I’ve asked everywhere. There is no antidote for the poison.”

Xiao Jinting glanced at Zhang He and said, “Then we can do nothing about it.”

Zhang He looked at Xiao Jinting with anticipation and said, “Young Master, can you make the antidote?”

Xiao Jinting said helplessly, “Steward Zhang, you are pulling my leg. How can I become a four-grade alchemist so soon? The book that you gave me is too deep for me to understand. I think the gap between third-grade and four-grade alchemists is too big. The real Zhang Tianyi is a genius.”

Zhang He’s face contorted. After all, Xiao Jinting was not the real Zhang Tianyi. Zhang He had fooled Xiao Jinting when he gave the latter the book on alchemy. He didn’t expect Xiao Jinting to find out so soon.

Xiao Jinting’s face darkened. The book given by Zhang He was difficult. Xiao Jinting had thought he was too dumb to understand it. Therefore, he made a few Intelligence Pills to make himself smarter. After unremitting efforts, Xiao Jinting managed to understand some of the alchemy knowledge in the book.

Xu Muan learned by accident that the book given by Zhang He was written by a pill maniac, who went mad in the end. Spiritual Alchemy was only a concept of the maniac. Many alchemists studied the book, but most of them gave up quickly.

When Xiao Jinting knew about this, he was angry.

However, he felt he was lucky. After he understood some of the Spiritual Alchemy in the book, it became easy for him to understand the other alchemy books.

Zhang Fang went up to Xiao Jinting with a long face. “Are you Zhang Tianyi?”

Xiao Jinting nodded. “Yes.”

Zhang Fang said irritably, “Aren’t you a fourth-grade alchemist? Hurry up and make the antidote. It’s urgent.”

Xiao Jinting frowned. “I’m not good enough to make the antidote. Why don’t you get a fifth-grade alchemist?”

“Do you think I didn’t think of that? There are few fourth-grade alchemists in this shitty place, let alone a fifth-grade one.”

Zhang Fang said arrogantly, “The poison is spreading swiftly in Yuxue’s body. If you don’t hurry up, she will die. If anything happens to her, the Zhang family in the Middle District will be in big trouble.”

Xiao Jinting frowned, thinking Zhang Fang was rude. The Zhang family in the Middle District didn’t have anything to do with Zhang Yuxue’s injury.

Three people came from the Upper District, Zhang Yuxue, Zhang Fang, and Zhang Bei. Zhang Yuxue had a higher status than the two men, who seemed to be courting her.

Xiao Jinting guessed that Zhang Fang and Zhang Bei would be blamed if anything happened to Zhang Yuxue. To escape from the accusation, they might let the Zhang family take the blame.

Xiao Jinting looked at Zhang Fang and said, “My alchemy is not very good, but I can give it a try.”

Zhang Fang snorted softly and said contemptuously, “The Zhang family says that you are a talented alchemist. It turns out to be a lie.”

Xiao Jinting put his hands behind himself and said, “I’m far inferior to you. You come from the Upper District and should have high alchemy skills. Why don’t you make the pills if you are worried about Miss Zhang? You can use my alchemy room.”

Zhang Fang blushed and stared at Xiao Jinting. “I’m not an alchemist.”

Xiao Jinting said, “So you are not an alchemist. I heard that people from the Upper District know everything. It turns out to be a lie.”

Zhang Fang gritted his teeth and snarled. “Miss Zhang is a direct descendant of the family. If anything happens to her, your family will die.”

Xiao Jinting asked, “Why didn’t you protect her from the danger since she has such a high status?”

Zhang Fang said in anger, “Zhang Tianyi, what do you mean?”

Xiao Jinting smiled and said, “I’m telling the truth. I was wondering why you didn’t sacrifice yourself to save the young lady since you care about her.”

Zhang Fang snorted coldly and said weakly, “I could do nothing under that circumstance. What do you know?”

Xiao Jinting said with a vague smile, “Really? It turns out the young lady was unlucky. It’s not that you didn’t try your best to save her.”

Zhang Fang didn’t take any advantage of Xiao Jinting, and he left sulkily.

Zhang He looked at Xiao Jinting worriedly. “Young Master, is it proper to do that? He’s from the main family.”

Xiao Jinting said lightly, “There are many people in the main family. I guess this guy doesn’t have a high status in the main family. He tries hard to intimidate us. If we give in, he will think we are pushovers.”

As the saying went, “All lay load on the willing horse.” Although the Zhang family of the Upper District was powerful, they wouldn’t send people to complain for no reason since it was far away.

Zhang He lowered his head and said, “But he’s from the Upper District. We’d better not offend him.”

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