Xiao Xiaojin was worried about the safety of Xiao Jinting. After he knew that Xiao Jinting might pretend to be Zhang Tianyi, he left the territory of New Moon Mansion with Long Jingtian, who could get Xiao Jinting in danger.

Long Jingtian happily left with Xiao Xiaojin, who kept watching over New Moon Mansion even though he had left.

In the wilderness, Xiao Xiaojin was roasting a Golden Sheep. A rabbit stood by the fire, its mouth watering.

Long Jingtian asked, “Is it ready?”

Xiao Xiaojin said, “Not yet.”

Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Xiaojin with disdain. “Why do you like to dawdle? No wonder you remain a False Immortal. Because you are lazy.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless. It was exceptional to become a False Immortal at his age. Long Jingtian was born earlier than him. Did this dragon have to be so rude?”

Xiao Xiaojin looked at Long Jingtian and nodded, saying absently, “Yeah, I’m not as efficient as you.”

Long Jingtian said solemnly, “You should correct your mistake instead of loafing around.”

Xiao Xiaojin looked at the rabbit, wishing to trample it.

Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Xiaojin and asked, “Why do you look at me like that?”

Xiao Xiaojin said, “You look cute.”

Long Jingtian snorted softly and said sulkily, “Why do you ask me to transform into such a stupid rabbit?”

As Xiao Xiaojin roasted the lamb, a group of people came over.

Zhang Yuxue was leading the group. When she saw Xiao Xiaojin, she asked, “Hello, have you seen a snake-like demonic beast with wings?”

Xiao Xiaojin had been watching over Xiao Jinting. When Zhang Yuxue spoke, he recognized her.

Xiao Xiaojin said, “No. Miss, are you looking for Long Jingtian, the son of Long Yu? If I had seen him, I would have made a fortune instead of ending up here.”

Long Jingtian stayed at Xiao Xiaojin’s feet and bit the corner of his clothes resentfully.

Xiao Xiaojin grabbed the rabbit tail and picked up Long Jingtian, who struggled with four paws and ferocious red eyes.

“Your rabbit is cute.” Girls liked cute things, and Zhang Yuxue was no exception.

Xiao Xiaojin held the rabbit in his arms and said, “It’s not that cute. It’s naughty. It likes to bite me. It’s a fussy eater.”

Zhang Yuxue looked at the roasted lamb. “The roasted lamb looks appetizing.”

Xiao Xiaojin smiled and said, “Miss, would you like to have a taste?”

“Yes, please.”

The rabbit in Xiao Xiaojin’s arms exploded and waved its paws to scratch Xiao Xiaojin, who stopped it without mercy.

Zhang Tianhao hurried over and cut a piece of lamb off with a knife, putting it in a jade plate and handing it to Zhang Yuxue.

Zhang Fang and Zhang Bei tried to serve Zhang Yuxue as well.

Xiao Xiaojin tried to calm down the angry rabbit and was pushed aside.

Zhang Yuxue glanced at Xiao Xiaojin and said, “You are a good cook. I have never tasted such delicious lamb.”

Xiao Xiaojin smiled and bowed. “I’m glad you like it.”

After Zhang Yuxue ate the lamb, she took out a formation disc and worked on it. Xiao Xiaojin looked at the dis curiously.

He asked, “Miss, your disc looks special.”

Zhang Yuxue held her head high and said proudly, “It’s an invaluable treasure of the family.”

Zhang Yuxue scanned around for a long while but in vain. She was disappointed.

After they rested for a while, they left.

Before Zhang Tianhao left, he tossed a bag of Immortal Crystal at Xiao Xiaojin as a reward.

Xiao Xiaojin opened the bag and counted. “This guy is mean. He gave me only one hundred thousand pieces of Immortal Crystal.”

Long Jingtian glared at Xiao Xiaojin. “Are you stupid? That was my food. Did you give it to that woman? Do you fancy her?”

Xiao Xiaojin looked at Long Jingtian and said, “What are you talking about? I don’t know her. How can I fancy her? I was afraid she would find out. It was only roasted lamb.”

Long Jingtian bounced around. “How dare you say that? You kept telling me that it was not ready, but you gave it away when it was ready.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless. Was he to be blamed? Zhang Yuxue chanced to arrive when the roasted lamb was ready.

“You had the nerve to grab my tail. Are you an idiot? Can’t you behave yourself?” Long Jingtian was so angry that he bounced around without stopping.

Xiao Xiaojin tactfully changed the subject. “What is the formation disc that the woman held in her hands?”

Long Jingtian muttered, “It should be the Dragon Locating Disc of the Zhang family. I didn’t expect that woman to bring it here.”

Xia Xiaojin asked, “What is the use of the disc?”

Long Jingtian glanced at Xiao Xiaojin sulkily and said, “Are you an idiot? The Dragon Locating Disc is used to look for the Dragon.”

Xiao Xiaojin pursed his lips and said, “Does it work? It didn’t detect your presence just now.”

Long Jingtian screwed up his eyes and said, “It works, but I happen to have the Invisible Talisman on me, so it failed to detect my presence. Otherwise, I would have been found.”

Xiao Xiaojin said, “You are lucky. If it weren’t for the talisman, you might have got killed.”

Long Jingtian snorted contemptuously. “You have thought too much. How can I die so easily? They are losers, and I can kill half of them with a swing of my tail. If I gave them two swings, there might have been a few survivors. With the third swing of my tail, they all would have died. If I had not been worried that the commotion would attract the masters, I would have let those guys eat my roasted lamb.”

Xiao Xiaojin smiled and stroked Long Jingtian’s head. “You know you have endured the pain, but it is dangerous now. Please endure some more time.”

Long Jingtian snorted softly and said sulkily, “Stop touching my head. You are shameless. How can you touch a dragon’s head?”

Xiao Xiaojin pursed his lips and said, “You Dragons are freaks.”

Long Jingtian was speechless.

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