580. The Powerful Parents (2)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Long Yu stood in front of a giant with clothes on and burnt it with fire.

He said sullenly, “This damn kid is awful. He dared to fool me.”

Feng Su crossed her arms and said lazily, “Did the False Immortal with Jingtian say Jingtian gave the belt to me?”

Long Yu nodded. “Yes. That False Immortal looks honest, but he is evil. How can Jingtian fall for such a jerk?”

Feng Su sneered. “You enjoyed the fibs he told. Like father, like son. You damn long worm is bad, so is your son.”

Long Yu frowned. “Why do you say I like lies? Don’t sling mud at me.”

Feng Su said mockingly, “Don’t you like people to say you are the most handsome, the smartest, and the wisest?”

Long Yu said seriously, “These are not lies but facts.”

Feng Su sneered. “How can you say you are wise after you were fooled by a False Immortal? How ridiculous!”

Long Yu said awkwardly, “How could I know he was cunning? Other False Immortals are scared out of their wits at the sight of me, but this False Immortal with two legs is scheming.”

Feng Su glanced at Long Yu and said, “I guessed you drank too much wine. You are slow.”

Long Yu said longingly, “I wonder where these two damn kids have gone. Long Jingtian is blessed. The freak with two legs is a good cook.” He glanced at Feng Su and said, “You will have suitors if you cook half as well as that freak.”

Feng Su stared at Long Yu with dark eyes. “Mind your tongue. If I want men, thousands of them will queue up to court me. I’m not like you. You have to force the females.”

Long Yu said sullenly, “Who forced the females?”

Feng Su giggled at Long Yu. “How could you get injured in bed if you didn’t force them? Since you practice Heavenly Dragon Cycle Method, behave yourself when you are in the cycle. Stay with the Dragon tribe instead of flirting with females. Jingtian has a soft heart. If he had attacked you when he robbed you, you would have died.”

Long Yu was speechless.

Xiao Xiaojin sprayed something at Long Jingtian.

Long Jingtian said irritably, “What is that? It has an odd smell.”

Xiao Xiaojin said without thinking, “Fox odor.”

Long Jingtian glared at Xiao Xiaojin and said in anger, “Are you out of your mind? I hate Foxes the most. The smell is disgusting.”

Xiao Xiaojin soothed him. “Endure it. You are pretending to be a fox? How can you not smell like one?”

Long Jingtian said in disgust, “Stop it.”

Xiao Xiaojin withdrew his hand and said, “All right. I’m trying to reduce your chance of being discovered.”

Long Jingtian said resentfully, “You are an idiot. You gave my food to that woman, and you gave the ice cream and wine to the old man.”

Xiao Xiaojin looked at Long Jingtian and said helplessly, “I have no other choices. You are not your father’s rival.”

Long Jingtian said sullenly, “He is only a few years older than me. When I am at his age, I will trample him under my feet.”

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said, “Yeah, let’s see if you can live to his age.”

Long Jingtian was speechless.

He glared at Xiao Xiaojin and complained, “I haven’t tasted the wine that you gave the old man.”

Xiao Xiaojin shook his head and said ruefully, “What do you know? I was thinking of getting him drunk so that we could run away. I didn’t expect him to be a heavy drinker. He kept drinking the wine, but he didn’t get drunk. I took pains to make the spiritual wine, and it was such a waste.”

Long Jingtian rolled his eyes. “You made a mistake. We Dragons don’t get drunk.”

Xiao Xiaojin said suspiciously, “Really?”

Long Jingtian said, “Yes. If you don’t believe me, bring me the wine. I’ll show you.”

Xiao Xiaojin was speechless.

Long Jingtian looked at him and frowned. “Bring me the wine.”

Xiao Xiaojin pursed his lips, thinking, “If you want to drink the wine, tell me. Don’t beat around the bush.”

Xiao Xiaojin helplessly took out the spiritual wine from his space ring.

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