The Master of the City

Chapter 430: You shouldn't make such a choice

Selna, Byrne and others saw the Withered Bones asking for help in one direction, and they all looked together. When they saw Chu Tianzhi, they all felt shocked!

"He is not dead yet..."

"Moreover, there is no injury at all..."

Selna and others enlarged their eyes, and their eyes were horrified.

Together with the three gods who are fighting with the Withered Bones, their faces are all surprised and incredible at this moment.

In their perception, Chu Tian was just an ordinary person, and they simply regarded Chu Tian as non-existent!

Now, when they were fighting the Withered Bones, with such terrifying power, not only did Chu Tian not die, but he was still intact, and even the gods couldn't believe it.


The Divine Realm of the Guangming Temple suddenly noticed the name of Chutian by the Withered Bones, and said in surprise: "Could it be that he is a monk?"

The Blood God Realm and Dawei Auction House God Realm are also aware of this.

The two appeared surprised and suspicious one after another!

"Fellow Daoist, I have been dead for nearly a thousand years, and now only a weak soul remains..."

Withered bones trembled all over, bitterly resisting the combined attack of the three gods, looking at Chu Tian pleadingly, and said: "Now, he is dead, but he still has to suffer such humiliation..."

"To be wiped out by these people, and finally to dismember and dismember my jade bones, this is a great humiliation for our cultivators..."

"Boom..." As he spoke, the sound of his fighting against the three gods resounded through the space.

Withered bones made a creak of bones all over, as if they were about to disintegrate, and the white glow in his eye sockets was even weaker.

The Withered Bone Man continued to support Chu Tian: "Friends, when I have no chance to fly to the upper realm, it will be the sorrow of life..."

"Now after death, I still have to suffer from the destruction of the soul, the bones of jade and the dismemberment. This is even greater sorrow for a cultivator..."

"Friends, I beg you, help me..."

"You only need to lend me a little aura, you don't need to do anything."

He looked at Chu Tian pleadingly, and the words were filled with the great sorrow of the monks!

Chu Tian looked at the Withered Bones calmly, and finally, he nodded slightly.

The vast expanse of spiritual energy escaped from Chu Tian's body and rushed to the withered bone man.

"What kind of power is this..."

When seeing the power of Chu Tian emerge, the God Realm of Guangming Hall, the God Realm of Blood Race, and the God Realm of Dawei Auction House were suddenly shocked at the same time, and their expressions were full of shock!

They don't know the power of Chutian!

However, when Chu Tian's power emerged, they suddenly felt that Heaven and Earth's vitality felt a sense of vulnerability in front of Chu Tian's power!

Heaven and Earth's vitality, considered by the world to be the strongest strength, is actually inferior to the power emerging from Chu Tian at this moment!

Selna, Byrne and others were even more shocked!

"What kind of power is this, why this power makes my heart palpitations extremely, but also makes me extremely eager..."

"It's like, every cell in my body is eager for this kind of power..."

Selna, Byrne and others, can't believe that there is such a terrible and extremely powerful power in the world!

Even the strong kinsmen present have the same feeling!

"Om..." At this moment, strange fluctuations suddenly came from the space!

It was seen that after the Withered Bones received Chu Tian's aura, it was as if a metamorphosis occurred. The essence and blood qi of those strong men absorbed before disappeared, completely replaced by aura.

With the withered bones of the spiritual energy, the jade bones of the whole body, the light that shines, is even more miraculous!

It's like changing someone in an instant!

The whole body was shrouded in light, and in the eyes of Selna and others, it was as if a real **** had appeared!

Even the three divine realms, at this moment, felt the terrible changes of the withered bones, as if they saw the gods!

In particular, the coercion exuded by the Withered Bones at this moment is ten times stronger than before, and they all have a sense of powerlessness!

"No, he has restored his strength as a monk..."

"Hurry up..."

The God Realm of the Guangming Temple, the God Realm of the Blood Race, and the God Realm of the Dawei Auction House, it is impossible to believe that Chu Tian's power is so terrible that it can restore the strength of the Withered Bones.

Even if the Withered Bones did not recover their full strength, they could not be defeated!

The three divine realms, who were still invincible just now, were terrified at this moment. The three of them were originally in the state of divine souls, and they instantly turned into three plumes of blue smoke and fled to the distance.

"The three ants dared to make trouble in front of the deity..."


The Withered Bone Man looked at the three divine realms who had fled with contempt like a high god.

"Chang..." When the voice of the withered bone fell, a sword broke out of the ground under the feet of the withered bone.

"God, forgive me..."

Whether it is the God Realm of Dawei Auction House, the God Realm of the Guangming Temple, or the God Realm of the Blood Race, I was thinking of destroying the Divine Soul of the Withered Bone Man and dividing the Jade Bones of the Withered Bone Man. At this moment, I was begging for mercy with extreme fear.

In front of the cultivator's flying sword, they didn't even have a chance to escape.

"Shoo..." Withered Bone Man's flying sword did not stop at all, beheading the three spirits of the gods!

"God, the **** is dead..." Selna, Berne and others who watched this scene were all pale as paper, trembling in fear.

The three gods who were extremely powerful at the moment before are all dead at this moment!

"Is this the power of the monk..." Selna and the others, stiffening their necks, looked at the withered man like a god.

Everyone's expression is full of unspeakable fear!


At this moment, the Withered Bones laughed up to the sky.

The sound waves spread all over the sky so that the clouds in the sky were scattered.

"For thousands of years, I have waited for this moment for thousands of years, and finally I have waited for today..."

The Withered Bones looked up to the sky and screamed.

It seems that the emotions that have been squeezed for thousands of years are pouring out at this moment.

When the howling stopped, the Withered Bone Man looked at Chu Tian, ​​and the white glow in his eyes was so great, as if he was extremely excited and fiery. He slowly laughed and said, "Friends, thank you for your help!"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger.

"Shoo..." The flying swords that had just killed the three gods, exuding a sharp and terrifying sword light, instantly shot towards Chu Tian.

"The Withered Bones wanted to kill him..."

Seeing this scene, Selna, Byrne and others, who were still in fear, enlarged their eyes at this moment, and even they couldn't believe it!

Chu Tian had helped Wither Bones just now, but now he turned his head to kill Chu Tian!

Chu Tian was indifferent to the terrifying flying sword killed by the sharp icy cold behind him. He looked at the Withered Bone Man with a calm gaze, and slowly said, "You shouldn't make such a choice."

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