The Master of the City

Chapter 432: Run counter to my wishes

"Boom..." Under the finger of Withered Bone Man's sword finger, in the sky, the terrifying flying sword that gathered incomparable violent and dazzling power, like a meteorite falling from the sky, went straight towards Chu Tian to kill.

"What kind of power is this? What kind of power is used by someone..."

Qin Juewu, who had already fled to the foot of the mountain, looked at the terrifying scene on the top of the mountain, and instantly trembled with horror.

"This is, this is the flying sword, the ascetic is casting spells..." Even Qin An, as the Grand Master of the Perfect Realm, was trembling all over at this moment, and his heart was terrified.

This sword is terrible!

A sword fell, enough to flatten this mountain over a thousand meters high!

You can feel such horror at the foot of the mountain, let alone in the hall on the top of the mountain.

"Kick Ka..." The sound of teeth trembling and body trembling sounded in the hall.

I saw Selna and Byrne in the hall, and the strong man of the blood clan, staring desperately at the flying sword in the sky, like a meteorite falling.

At this moment, the power of Feijian is hundreds of times stronger than before!

That terrible power is completely indescribable!

"Puff puff..." Even if the three of them had blood sacrifice to the gods, under the indescribable sense of horror and oppression, the three of them spurted blood suddenly.

The whole body is beginning to crack, and blood is gushing out!

The power of a sword is actually a shock wave of air flow, it is so terrible!

"A powerful sword..." Even if it was Chen Chen Xixi, looking at the sword killed in the sky, he was shocked!

Chen Chen Xixi did not expect that the sword used by the Withered Bones was so powerful!

Even with the strength of the two of them, there is no confidence that they can follow!

"Oh? So you two are also cultivators..."

At this moment, the withered bone man sensed the breath that Chen Chenxixi could not help but stunned, and then he looked at Chen Chenxixi, the light in his eyes was even greater.

He had been thinking about seizing Chutian before, and he hadn't paid attention to Chen Chen Xixi!

Now that a closer look has moved him!

"Two beautiful fairies!"

The beauty and temperament of morning dawn is really rare in the world!

Even with the eyesight of the Withered Bones, he was instantly attracted!

"Two fairies, don't panic, the deity won't hurt you..."

"After the deity replaces him, the deity will let you two become the Taoist companions of the deity, and will teach you with all your heart and soul..."

"You are looking for death..." Chen Chen Xixi was furious!

They are the saints of the sanctuary, they belong only to the sons, and no one else is allowed to desecrate them!

"Hehe, I will take over and replace him soon..."

The laughter of the withered bones looked incredibly hideous, "By then, I will make you obediently..."

However, before he finished his sentence, it came to an abrupt end!

The grinning laughter stopped instantly, and he looked at Chu Tian in shock.

At the same time, the people who looked at Chutian were shocked, Serna and Byrne, who were already on the verge of death, and the strong blood clan!

"The terrible Feijian stopped..."

"He can actually block this terrible sword..."

The three Selna were so shocked that they couldn't believe it!

I saw that the terrifying flying sword that descended from the sky with terrifying power had stopped above Chu Tian, ​​unable to move a single minute.

"It's impossible..." The Withered Bones returned to his senses from the shock.

"Let me fall..." The Withered Bones shouted fiercely, his sword pointed at Feijian suddenly, desperately trying to make Feijian fall.

However, it seemed that there was an even more terrifying force blocking the front of Feijian, making Feijian unable to move forward at all.

"Buzzing..." Feijian made a metal tremor that pierced the eardrum!

Followed by

"Ka..." The flying sword, which was extremely powerful a moment ago, seemed to be overwhelmed and cracked.

"Ka..." At the same time, the mysterious jade bones of the Withered Bone Man had a cracking sound.

"How is this possible..." The Withered Bone Man became stiff and feared for the first time. The powerful jade bones in his body could not bear it.

"I said, you chose the wrong one." Chu Tian looked at the Withered Bones calmly, without any waves in his expression!

While speaking, Chu Tian's body automatically showed a mysterious luster.

With the appearance of this magical luster, as if a kind of mysterious suction was produced, all the power that emerged from the formation came to Chu Tian.

The tide poured into Chu Tian's body!

"He, his body can absorb these forces..." The three Selna were shocked by this scene.

This kind of fear is even stronger than when I saw the Withered Bones cast this sword!

The most fearful person is the withered bone!

"This is the most pure and fierce vitality of the world that I have refined for thousands of years..."

"It is the strength of my lifelong cultivation base, and the strength refined from the spiritual energy that gathers the entire spring..."

"How could he absorb..."

The Withered Bones were terrified in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that there would be such a terrible monster in the world!

At the same time he was frightened, he was sluggish again. This was his preparation for thousands of years, but now, he has to be absorbed by Chu Tian and made a wedding dress for Chu Tian.

In the sluggishness, he suddenly realized a problem.

"You, do you lend me strength in this way, do you want me to completely activate the formation and gush out these strengths for you to absorb?"

The Withered Bones looked at Chu Tian sluggishly!

The sluggish gaze was full of fear as if it came from the soul!

If this is the case, then this young man is really terrible!

"I lend you strength, just want you to make a choice."

"But your last choice is contrary to my wishes."

Chu Tian looked at the Withered Bones indifferently.

There were no waves of words, but it made the Skull Man feel terrified. At this moment, looking at Chu Tian, ​​he felt like he was looking at the most terrifying demon in the world!



The flying sword in the sky broke apart at this moment, and the remaining remnant sword fell to the ground!

The formation is completely extinguished at this All power is absorbed by Chu Tian's body!

On the surface of the body of the Withered Bone Man, all of Chu Tian's aura that he borrowed was sucked away by Chu Tian's body at this moment, and returned to Chu Tian's body.

The jade bones of the Withered Bones were already full of cracks.

There is no luster anymore, and it has degenerated from jade bones to ordinary bones!

The Withered Bones now is completely an ordinary skeleton and skeleton!

Only the eyes are still glowing!

This is the soul of the Withered Bones!

"You, who are you..." The Withered Bones backed away in fear.

The fear is extreme!

This Chu Tian is too terrifying, it can make the jade bones of his whole body directly degenerate!

Chu Tian didn't even look at the Withered Bones. He withdrew his plain gaze, looked at his wrist, and said, "Yue'er, his soul belongs to you."

"Thank you Master!" The wrist lit up slightly, and then Yue'er Jiao Didi and happy voice sounded...

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