The Master of the City

Chapter 615: Go and meet the strong man

(); "You guys, stay here..."

Qianying Chenggong left the villa, returned to the motorcade, and instructed the two confidants, "You follow Han Qianer secretly, pay special attention to the strange man next to Han Qianer..."

"Report their whereabouts to me at all times..." After the words fell, Qianying Chenggong took the lead and hurriedly left.

He is going to meet someone!

"If the strange man next to Han Qian'er is really that mysterious powerhouse, then the strength must be very powerful..."

"If such a strong person can be recruited by us, then our chances of winning will inevitably increase greatly..."

As the convoy was driving on the road, Qianying Chenggong kept thinking about it.

The scene on the surface of the sea that night, he still does not forget, one blow was to kill all the powerful marine creatures, it was too shocking!

Now that they are in need of the strong, they must recruit the man next to Han Qianer to their subordinates for their use.

The convoy was galloping on the road. A few hours later, the convoy entered a place with a beautiful environment but an exceptionally remote location, with no humans for more than a dozen miles.

After driving in this area for half an hour, a manor appeared in front of him. At the entrance of the manor, several strong men were guarded.

"Prince Castle Palace, you cannot enter the manor without the passage of the prince." The convoy was stopped by the guards.

"Go away." Qianying Chenggong snorted coldly.

"Prince Castle Palace, please don't let us..."

Before the guards' words were finished, a few people got off the car and directly blasted the guards out.

Qianyingcheng Palace raised the window, and the convoy entered the manor.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a villa in the manor.

Qianying Chenggong raised his hand to let his subordinates stop outside, and he walked into the villa alone.

"Prince of City Palace!" A maid in the villa, seeing the arrival of Qianying City Palace, hurriedly saluted Qianying City Palace.

"Where is your Royal Highness?" Qianyingcheng Palace asked.

"On the second floor." The maid answered hurriedly.

Qianyingcheng Palace hurriedly walked up to the second floor!

On the second floor, Qianyingcheng Palace saw a figure, sitting alone on the sofa, watching the news broadcast on the TV in a daze.

"Sister." Qianyingcheng Palace whispered.

Seeing this thin figure, and the glorious face that didn't exist in the past, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart!

This is his cousin, Qianying Xuezi!

Although Qianying Xuezi was not his relatives, from childhood to growing up, Qianying Xuezi protected him from other children of the royal family. He already regarded Qianying Xuezi as his own sister.

Now that Qianying Xuezi lost the color to the sun like this, he couldn't help but feel sad!

"City Palace?"

Qianying Xuezi turned to look around when she heard the call. When she saw that it was the Qianying City Palace, she couldn't help being stunned and said, "When did you come back from abroad?"

"Just two days back..."

Qianying City Palace retracted his thoughts, came to Qianying Xuezi and sat down, and said guiltily, "Sister, I'm sorry, I haven't been able to come back to see you for more than a year."

He had received the news that Qianying Xuezi had been placed under house arrest by the royal prince after returning to Yingdao from Nanyang.

"It's ok……"

Qianying Xuezi smiled and said, "I have seen from the news that the world has changed drastically over the past year or so..."

"Not only has the sea and the sky become unsafe, but also many places on the land of various countries have become unsafe. You are correct that you did not come back during this period of drastic changes."

Qianyingcheng Palace let go of his heart.

He didn't return to Yingdao until now, for this reason.

During the global upheaval for more than a year, crises appeared everywhere. It was not until the upheaval stopped not long ago that it got better!

"Sister, I met a strong man today." Qianying Chenggong started talking about business.

"The strong?" Qianying Xuezi was stunned.

Qianying City Palace hurriedly told Qianying about the sea, and at the same time he guessed that the young man next to Han Qianer was the mysterious powerhouse, and told Qianying Xuezi.

Qianying Chenggong originally thought that Qianying Xuezi would be pleasantly surprised after hearing this!

Who knows, Qianying Xuezi just smiled bitterly.

"Sister, how did you react?" Qianying Chenggong was taken aback.

"The strong man you mentioned is indeed very strong, but from your description, he should use vitality..."

Qianying Xuezi smiled bitterly, and said: "It also means that he should be the realm of God..."

"The God Realm is certainly strong, but you also know the current strength of the royal family..."

"In the past year or so, with the drastic changes in the world, the royal family has given birth to more than one divine realm..."


Speaking of this, Qianying Xuezi's expression was full of bitterness, and continued: "The prince Qianying Wuzhi, has received the support of the Star Kingdom God's penalty department..."

"Today's royal family, except for the old emperor, he is already covering the sky with one hand. We have no chance."

Qianyingcheng Palace was shocked when he heard the news.

How could he not know the Divine Punishment Department of the Star Country, that is the powerful and mysterious department in the Star Country, and the biological transformation technology possessed by it is completely a powerful maker.

Before the world changed drastically, God's punishment was extremely terrifying. Now, after the world drastically changed, it has become even more terrifying!

"City Palace, I know what you mean, I want to recruit that strong man under our command and use it for us..."

"But the current situation, even with him, is of no avail. Give up this idea." Qianying Xuezi sighed at the end.

She has been under house arrest here for more than a year, so why doesn't she want to go out!

Unfortunately, they have no hope of overwhelming another pulse!

Even if there is the strong man mentioned by Qianying City Palace, it is of no use!

"Sister, because he was under house arrest here to death, why don't we give it a try?" Qianying Chenggong thought for a while, gritted his teeth.

Qianying Xuezi smiled bitterly.

What's the use of trying it?

With the energy that the prince Qianying Wuzhi now controls, they are only embarrassed by such hard regrets!

But looking at Qianyingcheng Palace so persistent, she couldn't bear to attack Qianyingcheng Palace!

"Bring him here and let me have a Qianying Xuezi answered casually, and didn't take this matter to heart.

"Sister, I am not familiar with this person..."

Qianying Chenggong smiled bitterly, remembering that Chu Tian hadn't even looked at himself before, he said, "This person has a strange personality. I want to bring him to see you, the chances are very small!"

"Forget it then." Qianying Xuezi said nonchalantly.

Ever since she knew that Chutian had fallen into the Jedi and died in the Jedi, she had no hope again!

During the house arrest for more than a year, she was already frustrated!

No longer have any illusions!

"Sister, you can't go down like this anymore..."

Qianying City Palace saw that Qianying Xuezi was no longer as energetic as before. He gritted his teeth and pulled Qianying Xuezi to stand up, "Go, I'll take you out..."

"If we don't fight it once, there will never be a miracle."

With that said, he directly pulled Qianying Xuezi downstairs!

"Miracles?" Qianying Xuezi was bitter, she didn't expect any miracles anymore...

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