Dawn, the eastern sky, the morning light, warm sunshine on the body, dispel the cold of the night.

On the wilderness, the three people went on, and they were all night long. They quickly rushed to the ancient wasteland.

The road ahead is so far away that they don't have to delay any longer. The speed of their journey is faster and faster. Pedestrians can only see the flash of the three streamers, and then they disappear into the field of vision.

After several days on the road, the three people came out of the eastern continent, and then forward was the territory of China, the most powerful territory in the original secret land. The legendary demons were here, and no one dared to touch the edge.

In front of the Middle Earth, a huge mountain range stretches tens of thousands of miles, just like a natural dividing line, separating the eastern continent from the Middle Earth.

In front of the two boundary mountains, Ning Chen's figure stops and looks at the majestic mountains in front of him.

What a huge mountain range, such a huge mountain range, no matter in the sky or in the boundary, he had never seen it.

"So high, can you fly over?"

Xia Zhi looks at the two boundary mountains ahead and asks.

"No way"

Dongyu shook his head and said, "in the mountains of the two worlds, it is said that there are ferocious beasts in the world of mortals or even in the rank of king. We fly over them rashly. Once we get the attention of these ferocious beasts, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"What should we do, but climb over it. When will we go?" Summer solstice worries.

"There's still some time to go before the hundred races compete. It's not urgent."

Ning Chen looked at the mountains in front of him and said with a smile, "I'd rather walk a few more steps than let those King level fierce beasts eat as snacks, right?"

The summer solstice nodded weakly and said, "it can only be like this."

"Let's go"

Ning Chen said with a smile and immediately walked towards the mountains ahead.

Winter rain pulled a listless face of the summer solstice, quickly keep up.

The towering Xiongwei mountains, one after another, seem to never end. In two days and one night, the three of them climbed over several mountains and found that there were still many mountains ahead. There was no way out.


standing among the mountains at the summer solstice, he stamped his feet impatiently and refused to go any further.

Ning Chen turns head, looking at the aunt who is angry behind, smile, way, "how, can't walk?"

"Summer solstice, don't be mischievous. We have to hurry." The winter rain scolds lightly, the way.

"When should we go? Are we lost? Why haven't we gone out yet?"

summer SOLAS like as two peas in the mountains, and they are in a very bad mood.

"It should be half way, or I'll carry you?" Ning Chen laughs.

"No way."

Without waiting for the summer solstice to reply, Dongyu immediately vetoed it. She looked at her younger sister and said, "hurry up, you are tired. You are more tired for us. Don't play around any more."

The summer solstice answered unhappily and walked forward a few steps. His pretty face was full of reluctance.

Ning Chen's face showed a smile, his eyes swept around the mountains, and said, "well, if you don't want to go, don't go. It's too late. We'll have a rest here tonight, and we'll continue to drive tomorrow morning."


after hearing the words at the summer solstice, he nodded in a hurry.


winter rain showed a worried look in his eyes and said, "it's too dangerous here. We'd better go out as soon as possible."

"No problem"

Ning Chen looked at the surrounding mountains and said, "we should be in the center of the two boundary mountains now. It's dark at once. It's time for fierce animals to appear at night. Now it's more dangerous to go on the road. Let's have a rest here tonight. Don't worry about this moment."

Dongyu heard it, thought about it and nodded gently.

Seeing that both of them agreed to have a rest, the summer solstice looked happy and immediately sat down in the same place, willing to go further.

"It's cold at night in the mountains. Pick up some dry wood to make a fire. It'll warm up a little."

Ning Chen picked up the dead branches on the ground and threw them to the summer solstice, who sat on the ground and refused to move. He said with a smile, "ancestor, can you make a fire?"


The summer solstice smiles, takes out a fire fold from the bosom, ignites the hay on the ground, and then puts the withered branch on to make a fire.

Winter rain helpless, looked at his sister, also did not say anything.

They picked up a lot of firewood and piled it on the ground. The sky and night fell, and the whole two boundary mountains soon became dark.

In the dark night, the bonfire beat and became the only light in the night. The three people stood by the bonfire and felt the warmth of the fire. The fatigue of driving for several days also disappeared.


in the distant mountains, wolves howl one after another. At night, it seems very infiltrating.

Summer solstice body shrunk, subconsciously to the side of the man close to a little, to be able to feel the temperature of the latter, the heart just a little more stable.

"Young master, Wang said you are a human race. Can you tell me the story of the human race?" The summer solstice looks at the man beside him and whispers."Tell a story?"

Ning Chen looked up at the woman beside him and said with a smile, "well, let me tell you a fairy tale, called the legend of white snake."

"Once upon a time, in the land of Zhongzhou, there was a primitive place, in which there was a demon fairy named baiyunlian, who had been cultivated for thousands of years and became a human being. She was very beautiful, especially her eyes, just like the stars..."

The story is very long. Ning Chen told it for more than an hour. Later, when he heard that the summer solstice was a little tired, he leaned on the former's shoulder and went to sleep. Only Dongyu still listened quietly.

"Young master, why is that Bodhisattva so cruel that he has to put the white girl under the lock demon tower?" The face of the winter rain shows the color of unbearable, the road.

"Because Baiyun Lian made a mistake."

Ning Chen said with a smile, "although she is for revenge, the water overflows the golden Buddhist temple, causing countless casualties up and down the mountain. In the end, there is something wrong. Therefore, Bodhisattva must bring her into the lock demon tower."

"The Bodhisattva also killed the demon qiluo."

The summer solstice straightened up vaguely and said, "what's the right of him to punish others if so many creatures in the primitive land have died in his hands."

Ning Chen sighed and said, "Bodhisattva is also wrong. So, when he died, Baiyun Lian lost all his memory and became a mortal. This should be regarded as punishment."

"I don't like that monk."

Summer solstice pouted his lips and said, "everything is caused by his killing of the creatures in the primitive land. If it's wrong, it's all his fault."

Ning Chen's eyes flashed with emotion, saying, "right and wrong, many times, it's difficult to generalize, the original place many riots, harm the human race, countless people robbed, if the killing is wrong, all of us can't escape the responsibility."

Summer solstice heard, face a confused flash, head a time to turn but bend.

Ning Chen converged, laughed and said, "well, you don't have to think so much. It's enough to live a life with a clear conscience. The responsibility of you and Dongyu is to protect the Luan clan. Don't let the war harm the people you cherish. Do you understand?"


When the summer solstice heard the speech, he nodded and answered.


deep in the mountains, the earth shaking roar of animals sounded, and birds and animals flew away. In the sky, huge fierce birds spread their wings. Before they could fly 100 feet, they were pulled down by a terrible suction and disappeared into the dense forest.

In front of the bonfire, Ning Chen looks deep into the mountains. His eyes are squinting. He is a fierce beast in the world of mortals.


summer solstice's face flashed worried, and he subconsciously leaned closer to the men around him.

After a long night, one after another, the roar of the fierce beast was heard. In front of the bonfire, the winter rain and summer solstice stayed up all night, and my heart was very nervous.

At dawn, the roar of the animals in the mountains gradually disappeared, and the two women's hearts were just put down. At the summer solstice, they fell asleep with the man beside them, and their beautiful faces were full of fatigue.

Opposite the campfire, Dongyu sat there sleeping, nervous all night, finally some spirit can not support.

Looking at the sleeping two girls, Ning Chen sits quietly in front of the campfire, adding firewood to the fire from time to time to make the fire more warm.

In the East, the morning light is scattered and the night is gone. Under the sunshine of the morning, it's a bit dazzling. At the summer solstice, I knead my eyes and sat up, dazed and dazed.

On the other side, Dongyu woke up, quickly returned to his mind, looked at the people in front of him, and said, "are you on your way?"


Ning Chen nodded gently and said, "it's not safe here after all. Let's start early to get out of here before dark."


Winter rain light should, immediately get up, put out the bonfire in front of the body, pull up the summer solstice is still in a daze, way, "let's go."

Ning Chen nodded, set out, and walked forward.

The winter rain is pulling the summer solstice to keep up with us. We are alert to the danger that may appear at any time.

The three speeded up their journey and wanted to get out of the mountains before dark. In the mountains, their figures flashed by and soon disappeared in the deep forest.


just then, in the distance, the roar of earth shaking animals sounded again, and the tide of animals rushed to this side.

Ning Chen sees this, the facial expression slightly changes, not right.

Deep in the mountains, in the forbidden area, a man in black, armed with a long gun, fights a lion with nine heads alone. In the double battle, the aftershocks roar and destroy everything around him.

Nine lions are as big as a hill. Each lion's head represents a kind of attribute. Nine lions move together and the mountain shakes.

However, the man in black didn't look the same. The black spear in his hand was extremely fierce. Among the moves, he forced nine lions to take the absolute advantage.

In the distance, Ning Chen feels the battle in the distance. He looks down and looks at the two women behind him. He says, "follow me closely and be careful."

In front of them, all kinds of animals were frightened and came rushing like the tide. As the tide of animals passed by, all the plants and mountains collapsed, and the horns of fierce animals several feet high smashed one huge tree after another.Ning Chen looks at the animal tide coming in front of him, and his eyes are full of dignified. Their luck is really bad, and they suffer from this disaster.

However, compared with them, the bad luck of these fierce beasts is even worse.

The black sword comes out of its sheath, and the evil spirit is surging. Ning Chen takes a steady step. He holds the sword in his right hand, and it spins all over the sky. With one knife, he cuts the sky and breaks the mountain.

The next moment, the black light fell, and a heart shaking scene occurred in the rumbling vibration. In front of the scene, the earth cracked, a ravine appeared, and the city fell with one knife, directly cutting open the mountains and forests.

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