In the middle of the ancient battlefield, the spirits of the war have been gathering all over the world, forming a forbidden area.

Ning Chen holding a black knife forward, a body evil spirit diffuse, all souls shock, dare not close.

He killed millions of people. He killed too many people in his life. His evil spirit could be condensed into essence. Once it broke out, the ghost was near.

Since ancient times, although most of the souls accumulated endless years have disappeared in the years, the remaining grievances are still terrible. The whole central area is filled with Yin Qi and cold.

In the land of Yin, you can't see anything except the dead and the spirit. The deeper you go, the more clearly you can feel that your body is suppressed by the resentment between heaven and earth, and it's hard to work.

Ning Chen walks among them, the black knife cuts open a heavy obstacle, the light of cold killing, kill evil endlessly, invincible.


in the front, deep in the central forbidden area, the earth shaking roar sounded, and all souls were afraid to come near.

Ning Chen stops, looking at the front, a moment later, the figure flashed, fast in-depth.


at the next moment, there was a vibration that rang for thousands of miles. In the depth of the central forbidden area, the figure in plain clothes came, and the black knife cut down the troops.

In front of him, a corpse God with strange light appeared. He was covered with long red hair. He looked gloomy and terrible.

The black knife cuts the corpse God, and the sparks are all around. The corpse God's body is as hard as the gold and stone. It's hard to hurt and indestructible.


The corpse God roars and grabs the front with both hands to tear his body.

Seeing this, Ning Chen steps away from the former's hands and cuts the corpse God with a black knife.

Keng, sharp blade friction sound sounded, crazy bone sharp, in the corpse God body to draw a clear knife mark.

The corpse God roared in pain, waved his fist and smashed at the human in front of him.

Ning Chen doesn't dodge. He raises his hand and grabs the blow of his fist. The crazy bone cuts off again. At the same position, the harsh sound of friction comes into his heart and makes people feel cold.

Beyond life and death, the corpse survived in a strange state, the pain is retained, but the reason is almost lost.

Crazy bone cutting edge, black light waving in the night, magic power amazing, cut open space, draw a deep long gully.

Keng, the black sword and the corpse God collide. I don't know how many times they have fought each other. Suddenly, on the crazy bone, the edge rises sharply, the figure in plain clothes passes by, the knife turns, and the void is broken.

A knife breaks the sky. In front of the corpse God's chest, the scar cut by the black knife for countless times falls down, bringing out a lot of black blood.


the corpse God roared in pain, stepped back for several steps, and his long red hair was stained with black blood.

Ning Chen holds a black knife in his hand and looks at the corpse God in front indifferently. There is no nonsense. He steps over and bullies him again.

The sword of chopping the sky cuts through the darkness and cuts on the corpse God. The blood splashes on the corpse God's body. The corpse God's upper and lower body are separated from each other. The blood gushes for several feet and falls like rain.

Ning Chen shakes the blood flower on the knife, doesn't stay much, and continues to walk forward.

On the ground, the corpse God screamed in pain, struggled and twisted. However, his half body was broken and it was difficult to move.

Blood flowed down the wound and dyed the earth black. The resentment never died, and it was hard to live in peace after death.

In front of him, the figure in plain clothes went away and disappeared into the night.

Just when Ning Chen entered the central forbidden area, a large number of Xianyu were born in the ancient battlefield of XueYue due to the instability of heaven and earth. The short peace was immediately broken, and the hidden descendants of the King appeared to fight with the emperor.

The war broke out more and more frequently. In the east of the ancient battlefield of XueYue, xuyao, who has three feet of gold and black blood, appeared with the bieyun sword and fought against the emperor. The battle lasted for a whole day, and thousands of miles were sunk. One day later, the battle ended, but no one knew what the outcome was.

Almost at the same time, in the other three directions, the impact of the posterity of the king on the status of the successor of the imperial pulse emerged one after another, and some ordinary strong people began to show their edge, which was shocking.

Among them, the most outstanding one is cangming, a member of the Xiaoyue clan. Young Tianjiao, who once appeared at the banquet in jueyang ancient city, challenged Hongyuan, the golden lion, from beginning to end and never fell behind.

In the southern territory, Xiaoxiao, the holy daughter of the fox nationality, who has never been seen, is facing the golden scale emperor's daughter. The two women fight. The fox's enchantment is absolutely defensive to the shangscale nationality. The fighting scene is thrilling. Almost all the spectators around are confused by the fox's unique enchantment. At the last moment, they fight against each other and join hands to encircle golden scale.

However, the power of the imperial daughter of the scale clan shocked the world again. Even in the face of the joint attack of the holy daughter of the fox clan and Tianjiao of the hundred nationalities, she still did not fall behind, and even faintly suppressed all the people.

In the end, the fox maiden took the initiative to retreat, and Tianjiao of all nationalities recovered their senses one after another, but they knew nothing about what they had done before.

After the first World War, the Fox family's art of flattering the heart shocked the world, and no one dared to despise this once undisclosed royal family.

Among the four kingdoms, only the north is relatively calm. After the witch Tianxin easily defeated several royal heirs, no one dared to challenge again.As a royal family, the existence of the witch family is very special in the whole primitive magic world, because the people of the witch family rarely appear in the world, so the hundred families don't know much about this huge thing.

According to legend, in ancient times, there were 12 great witches in succession in the witch family. Each great witch had the ability to understand the heaven and the earth. At that time, the witch family reached its peak, and even the demon royal family did not dare to provoke easily.

However, after the ancient times passed, the twelve great witches fell down one after another, and the glory of the witches became the past and never regained its former prosperity.

In the north of the ancient battlefield of blood moon, in the ice and snow, the heart of heaven stands quietly between heaven and earth, a pair of soft eyes looking at the distance, never leaving for a long time.

He has been in the forbidden area of the central government for many days. It's almost time for him to come out. What happened?

With his strength, he should be able to cope with the ominous things in the central forbidden area. It's really strange that he hasn't come out for such a long time.


In the central forbidden area, a vast land of ghosts, a figure in plain clothes stands still with a knife. For two days, he has been trapped by the terrain and the spirit of resentment, and is hard to get away.

There are tens of thousands of spirits in all parts of the world. They are more powerful than the spirits they met a few days ago. They are surrounded by strong resentments and protect the spirits from death.

Ning Chen stands in tens of thousands of Yin spirits, and the evil spirit of the black sword in his hand is constantly flowing. Although he stands in thousands of troops, his face doesn't change.


Among the spirits, the corpses galloping from the horses, decadent halberd cut down, the potential can sink into the sea.

Ning Chen waves his sword to block the move. With a roar, the dust under his body surges and rises several feet high.

In the rear, the sound of the horse's avalanche rose again, and two more corpses were killed, and the halberd broke through the air.

In the middle of the siege, Ning Chen stands up with a knife. Facing the three corpse riders who are hard to hurt with swords and guns, he moves to avoid waves of attack.

While the three corpse riders were in trouble, tens of thousands of ghosts also began to rush to the middle of Zhiming.


when Ning Chen saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a little impatience rose in his heart, which made the sky open, and the mighty and abnormal cold air burst out.

"Snow in July"

the black sword is flying, the heaven and the earth are moving, the snowflakes are sweeping all over the sky, the edge is hidden in the snow, thousands of thousands, endless.

The frozen heaven and earth, to the end of the dead, the void, all souls were engulfed by ice and snow, completely disappeared.

In the snowflake, the three corpse riders were also frozen, and the black knife light passed by, and the three corpse riders broke up in response to the sound.

The spirit of resentment is scattered, the corpse falls, and the obstacles in front disappear. Ning Chen continues on his way with a black knife, slashes the mountains and rivers, and goes on all the way.

On the tenth day, in the deepest part of the central forbidden area, Ning Chen came and looked at the peaks in all directions.

It should have been the hinterland of the central forbidden area. For so many days, he never found the trace of the two girls. Could it be that the winter rain and the summer solstice did not enter the ancient battlefield of XueYue.

They knew his purpose, and if there was no accident, they would have come.

Thoughts disturb heart, rather Chen Mou worry hard to cover, eyes looking at the front, continue to go forward.

Although he never believed in miracles, he still hoped that miracles would happen now.


Deep in the mountains and rivers, a violent vibration sounded again. This time, it was even better than before. The heaven and earth rumbled, as if the whole central forbidden area was shaking, which made people shiver.

Ning Chen's eyes were fixed, and he felt the horrible cold breath in the depth of the mountains. After a moment, he stepped on his feet and drove directly towards the direction of the vibration.

After ten breath, the deepest mountain, streamer flash, Ning Chen figure swept to, stop.

In front of us, a frightening scene came to our eyes. Tens of thousands of corpses and spirits were biting each other, limbs and arms were everywhere, and the whole land was dyed black with black blood, which was shocking.

In front of thousands of corpse gods and spirits, a golden hair corpse God and a green faced spirit look very unusual. They have devoured all spirits for endless years, which is powerful and soul stirring.


feeling the presence of human breath, the golden haired corpse God and the green faced ghost stop fighting temporarily, and look at the young figures in the distance together.

Ning Chen also looks at the distance two ominous ghosts, the Mou son flashed over the color of Shen Ning.

It's really hard to understand that the two dead monsters are reborn.


maybe it's the memory of his life. A hoarse roar sounded in the throat of the golden haired corpse God, and then he stepped on his feet and rushed to distant human beings.

In the rear, the green face and the spirit also moved, and the figure was indistinguishable. In silence, they came to the front first.

"I'm worried that I can't find any help to deal with the descendants of the hundred ethnic groups after I go out. Since you send them to me, I'm not polite!"

Ning Chen cold voice said a, don't dodge don't avoid, turn a palm to incline yuan, accept a gas to travel wind.

The green face is full of yin and spirit, the Yin Qi is breathed and breathed, the cold wind is blowing, and the invisible things erode the spirit of the former.

The snow waves are surging and the strong wind is surging. Ning Chen's left palm is able to pick up the stars. His body is covered with snow and ice.On the other side, the golden hair corpse God's heavy fist blows, and the black knife light then comes to meet him. With a roar, the sword is powerful and forceful.

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