The primitive demon Kingdom, the ancestral land of the heaven and the devil, is full of evil Qi, and the heavy and abnormal magic power is diffused, making it a forbidden place in the world.

According to legend, the birthplace of the demons, countless ancestors of the demons chose to return to their ancestral land when Shouyuan came to an end.

On this day, in the distance, the figure in plain clothes walked forward, with a beautiful face and a pale look like autumn water. However, the long white hair was so dazzling that it added a bit of vicissitudes.

When you enter the ancestral land, you can immediately feel the powerful power of law in the surrounding world. It's mixed and heavy, and it's very uncomfortable to protect each other.

"Meet the three magic emperors!"

Ning Chen stops and salutes respectfully.


With the sound of words falling, the evil spirit swept deep into the heaven and earth, and a terrible pressure beyond the boundary of heaven and earth appeared. The first devil emperor of the heaven and earth family appeared, and the heaven and earth crawled.

Ning Chen looks at the fierce magic power in front of the heaven and the earth, and his face condenses. Compared with the mirage in the three emperors' palace, the magic emperor in front of him is even more frightening.

He couldn't even tell whether the emperor was real or just a part.

At this moment, Kun Yimo emperor also looked at the young man in front of him. The royal blood in this son's body is quite pure, even compared with the royal family, it is not too much different. It can be seen that the identity of the heavenly devil swallowed by him must be extraordinary in the heavenly devil family.

However, it doesn't matter. This son is now protected by Jiuyou, and his identity is not what it used to be. Except for him and the other two evil emperors, no one can hurt him.

The three imperial cities and even the whole original demon Kingdom have been dead for a long time, so people need to break this balance.

Young people are the best choice!

The mind is fixed. On the void, a demon emperor raises his hand to fix the sky. Clouds and clouds gather in the sky. A towering holy city falls out of thin air, which is almost comparable to the appearance of the small world of the big world. It is over the heaven and the devil's ancestral land.

"Come in!"

Kun a demon emperor opens his mouth and calms down.


Ning Chen answers lightly, steps, turns into streamer, and sweeps towards the floating city in the air.

The next moment, in the magic city, Ning Chen appears, looking at the ancient and magnificent buildings around, and walking forward step by step.

In the deepest part of the magic city, the blood waterfall falls from the sky. The smell of blood diffuses between heaven and earth, making people nauseous.

In front of the blood waterfall, the first demon emperor of the demon royal family stands in the air. His whole body is full of ups and downs, and he can't see his real face clearly.

Beyond the boundaries of heaven and earth, the road with Ming, countless rays in the void filled, shocking.

Not long, Ning Chen figure appears, looking at the emperor on the void, bowing.

"The devil king!"

"No need to be polite!"

Kun a demon emperor opens his mouth and says lightly, "go to the blood waterfall and stand there. Next, I'll pass on the cultivation method of nine changes of heaven's demons."


Ning Chen took the order and immediately walked towards the blood waterfall.

The majestic blood water waterfall falls from the sky, rumbling and shaking, resounding for hundreds of miles. Ning Chen steps into it and immediately feels the intense burning sensation coming from all over his body, which is unbearable.

Before the blood waterfall, Kunyi demon emperor looked at the young figure under the waterfall and said calmly, "I will only demonstrate it once. How much can I understand, I will see your nature!"

Words sound down, between heaven and earth, magic breath surging, annihilation hundred miles.

In the dark world of magic breath, the magic emperor performs martial arts in nine levels, with infinite changes, complicated mysteries and exhausting human resources.

Under the blood waterfall, Ning Chen endures the burning pain from the whole body, and tries to remember every change of the nine changes of the demon in his heart.

Nine changes to be a God, the legendary martial arts, Kun one devil emperor evolved to the eighth change, a kind of terrible situation, separated by thousands of feet, you can also feel the incomparable sense of powerlessness.

Under the blood waterfall, the double magic power presses the body. Ning Chen's knees suffer violently, but he refuses to bend.

If a man has gold under his knees, how can he bend his knees easily? Life is alive, life can be lost, but dignity is priceless!

In the endless magic breath, after the eighth change, Kun Yimo emperor's whole body pressure gradually converged, his eyes fixed on the figure in front of him, and a strange color flashed by.

This young man's will is really extraordinary.

"After ten days, everything here will disappear, so cherish this hard won opportunity."

Words sound down, void above, Kun a demon emperor figure gradually fade away, in a twinkling of an eye, disappeared.

Under the blood waterfall, Ning Chen endures more and more intense pain in his body, and tries to urge Moyuan to cultivate the nine changes of heaven and devil in his heart.

He has only ten days, so he can't waste it. In this primitive devil Kingdom full of crisis, one more point of strength will guarantee one more point of survival.

The blood waterfall adds to the body, and the intense burning makes it difficult for people to concentrate. However, Ning Chen, who has experienced too much human pain, bears the pain and practices hard.

First knowledge, second sight, third insight, fourth mountain opening, fifth sea covering, sixth star shaking One change after another flashed in my heart, deepening Zhiming's understanding of the martial arts realm.For seven days, Ning Chen stood still under the blood waterfall, constantly proving the martial arts of the nine changes of the heaven and the devil. His mind was highly concentrated, and he could not detect the changes around him.

However, in the blood pool in front of the blood waterfall, a beautiful shadow appears, and the whole body is covered with gauze. The perfect body is shining with charming white light.

Xuan wants to appear, looking at the young figure under the waterfall in front of her. Her eyes are shining. This man, she wants to go.

Dedicated man is the most charming. He hurt her in the seven ways of magic heaven. Now, it's time for him to return her.

In seven days, Ning Chen broke through one obstacle after another, stepped into the peak of wuchongtian, and constantly impacted liuchongtian.

Once you enter the six rocking stars, you can break the barriers of the fairyland and enter the fourth realm in the legend.

His talent is not as good as the pride of a hundred people, not to mention the princes and daughters of the royal family. It's hard for them to enter the fourth realm.

However, now he has a golden opportunity in front of him. As long as the demon body can reach the sixth change of heaven and devil, and step into the fairyland first, he will be 100% sure. In the next 10 years, all the three bodies will enter the fourth realm.

Under the blood waterfall, the surging evil Qi is more and more amazing. In Zhiming's body, the blood of the Royal demons is also more and more pure under the burning of the blood waterfall, which is infinitely close to the blood of the royal family.

The five peaks and the power of covering the sea are pounding the realm of shaking the stars again and again. However, different from the former five peaks, Ning Chen failed several times before he was blocked.

In the blood pool, Xuanyu quietly looks at the former, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is more and more gentle. It seems that the man who hurt him is also powerless.

After a moment, the whole blood pool was filled with red powder mist, and could not see.

"What's this?"

Just as Xuanyu was about to take action, in the deepest part of the heaven, Kunyi's eyes suddenly opened and he looked into the distance.

"Xuanyu! Eight waste, you

"I'm sorry"

the voice of the eight wild devil emperor sounded and sighed, "I'm ashamed of her. I can't refuse her request."

"You know what it means to do that!"

Kun one evil emperor looks gloomy way.

"I will bear all the consequences. I hope my elder brother can connive at yu'er this time." Eight waste evil emperor some tired ground answer a way.

"Eight waste, did not expect you will be like old nine, for this meaningless love word trouble." At this moment, the voice of the seven Yao devil emperor rang out, cold voice way.

The eight waste evil emperor is silent and doesn't refute. He owes too much desire. As long as she is happy, he doesn't mind anything else.


Outside the sky, in the ancient land of worshiping the moon, and on the altar, the moon shines and falls, covering the Phoenix, day after day, year after year.

After inheriting the duties of the high priest of the moon worshiping clan, for more than ten years, Feng Shen did not leave the ancient land of the moon worshiping and stood on the altar to pray for the people of the moon worshiping clan.

After more than ten years of recuperation, the glory of the moon god came to the moon worshipers again.

Under the altar, thousands of people kneel down to pray day and night.


All of a sudden, in the moonlight, Feng's mouth was full of humors, and her eyes suddenly opened.

The feeling between the three bodies came clearly. Feng's body pressed down the restlessness of Qi and blood in her body, and her eyes looked into the distance.

There is something wrong with the noumenon and the devil, but he can't know what happened to them because of the distance.

If the danger of life and death, that strong sense of crisis, he can feel out, today's situation, obviously not.

If it was not for the danger of life and death, what happened to the noumenon and the demon body? This upset feeling can not be an illusion.

"High priest"

under the altar, an old woman with white hair opened her mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "what happened?"


Feng shook her head and looked back. She forced down her uneasiness and closed her eyes to pray again.

The original magic world is too far away from here. Even now, it's too late for him to get there. He only hopes that the noumenon and the magic body can deal with the trouble by themselves.

In the primitive devil Kingdom, the heaven and the devil's ancestral land, and the blood waterfall, he is fully aware of the changes around him.

Decadent gas, will annihilate ten miles, shielding all the laws of heaven and earth.

In the blood pool, Xuan wants to get up, the perfect ketone body looms, and the temptation is extreme.

The heavenly devil's daughter is the most beautiful one in the world. Although her mother's background is low, she has been excluded. However, no one can deny the amazing talent of Xuanyu. She entered the Kingdom 400 years ago and shocked the whole heavenly devil's family. Even among the twelve princes and daughters, few of them can match her.

Step by step, Xuanyu's gauze faded one by one, revealing her white skin. The blue silk on her waist hung casually behind her, dripping blood and adding a few demons.

Under the blood waterfall, Ning Chen's eyes are closed, and the pain caused by the burning of Qi and blood in his body comes, and his eyebrows wrinkle from time to time.Xuan wants to walk to, the slender hand stretches out, gently caresses the person's face in front of him, and says with a gentle smile, "that day, you asked me why I suddenly admit defeat. Now my elder sister tells you that you are the person selected by my elder sister, how can you have the heart to hurt you."

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