In the palace of King Jiuyou, the master and his disciples looked at each other. After a long time, King Jiuyou opened his mouth and said calmly, "how are you, what are you thinking about?"

"Wan'er is a good girl. I don't want to delay her." Ning Chen sighs lightly.

"The fox clan has two heavenly daughters. If they don't depend on the demon royal clan, it will be an unimaginable disaster for them."

The king of nine you looked at the disciple in front of him and said, "the marriage between the hundred ethnic groups has always been the most common thing. That girl is the daughter of nine tails. It doesn't insult you. As for whether you have feelings or not, it doesn't matter for the marriage between the big families."

"Women should not be the victims of racial marriage." Ning Chen soft voice way.

"This is a world where the strong are respected. If you have no power to control your own destiny, you have to endure the arrangement of the strong."

The king of nine you said calmly, "Ning Chen, I don't want to force you. However, it's hard for you to really decide your marriage. Even if I don't force you, the royal family and even the three evil emperors will intervene."

At this point, the king of Jiuyou stopped for a moment, and then continued, "in addition, the girl named Wan'er has a life-saving grace for you. As a teacher, since the Fox family wants to protect themselves by marriage with the demon royal family, you should make this marriage. On the one hand, you can repay the kindness of the Fox family, on the other hand, you can stop the royal clan or the three demon emperors from taking the opportunity to arrange their confidants Enter my Jiuyou palace. "

Ning Chen hears speech, silent come down, after a moment, open mouth way, "still ask teacher to let me consider a few days."


the nine you king nodded and said, "don't worry, it's not something that can be decided in one or two days. You're new to the demon royal family. Next, there will be a lot of things coming to you. You should be prepared."

"I understand"

Ning Chen answers lightly and says, "because of the existence of the master, many people must be ready to move. Jiuyou Palace won't be quiet for long."

Nine you king tiny nod, way, "these matters this king won't pay attention to, completely by you handle."

Before the king's palace, a bodyguard came quickly and said respectfully, "your royal Highnesses Wang, the 13th, and the third prince asked to see you."

"It came quickly."

Ning Chen turns round, see toward the temple outside, opening a way, "ask him to come in."


the bodyguard took the order and turned to leave.

"Well, the rest is about you young people, and I will not get involved."

Then the king of nine you got up and went directly to the back of the palace. He had no interest in the next fight for power.


in the rear, Ning Chen opened his mouth and asked seriously, "how far can I do it?"

The king of nine you stopped, looked back at his disciples, and said calmly, "as long as you have a good conscience, you can do it. If something happens, you can deal with it by yourself under the three emperors

Ning Chen hears speech, a deep ceremony, way, "disciple understood."

The king of nine you smiles and says nothing more. He turns to leave the palace.

His disciples of Jiuyou are right to do everything except ordinary things.

Nine you king just left the palace, in front of the palace, Xuanqing, dressed in white, stepped forward, with a handsome face and extraordinary valour.

The Third Prince of the demon royal family, the supreme pride of the royal family, entered the realm of the king at a young age, and his strength was unfathomable.

Among all the princes, Xuanqing is not the one with the strongest accomplishments. However, few people can match him in terms of quantity.

As the legitimate son of Kunyi devil emperor, Xuanqing is considered to be the most likely one among the three princes to inherit the great rule. His performance is perfect all the time.

It can be said that Xuanqing's most appropriate evaluation is to be successful in all aspects of life and do things without any leakage.

"Thirteen brothers."

Outside the palace, Xuanqing came with a smile. Looking at the young man in the palace, he said, "I'm relieved to see you come back safely."

"Meet the third prince." Ning Chen bows to salute a way.

Seeing this, Xuanqing quickly took two steps, picked up the former and said, "what's your brother polite about?"

"The rules that should be obeyed should be obeyed."

Ning Chen gets up and says with a smile, "third emperor elder brother, please take a seat."

Xuanqing looked up and down at the man in front of him and said, "it's been a month since I saw him. It seems that his cultivation has improved again."

"Thanks to the third emperor brother's painting, I had a chance to make a breakthrough. However, compared with the third emperor brother, it is still much worse." Ning Chen soft voice way.

"Thirteen younger brother is too modest."

Xuanqing sat down on one side seat and said, "at the age of brother thirteen, the cultivation of brother Huang is far behind you. According to the cultivation speed of brother thirteen, you can surpass brother Huang in a hundred years at most."

Ning Chen smiles and goes to one side to bring the prepared tea. He pours a cup and pushes it to the front of the former. He says, "third brother, please have tea."

Xuanqing nodded, picked up the tea, tasted it carefully, nodded and said, "good tea."

"Do you know, brother Sanhuang, where did the tea art come from?" Ning Chen asked softly."Terran." Xuanqing calms down.

Ning Chen nodded, poured a cup of tea for himself, took a sip, and said, "the Terrans invented the art of tea. Unfortunately, many of the races have surpassed the Terrans in tea."

"Be complacent and not enterprising."

Xuanqingdan said, "don't mention the tea art. Even if the martial arts are strong, the human race also wastes the talent given by heaven, and lags behind the hundred races."

Ning Chen drinks the cup of tea silently, without interrupting.

"It's true that the longevity and physical strength of the human race are not as good as that of the hundred. However, in terms of the speed of cultivation, the hundred can never match the human race. Just like the thirteen brothers, they have made such amazing achievements in just one hundred years of cultivation. This is absolutely unimaginable among the hundred."

Xuanqing put down his tea cup and continued, "it's not for no reason that the human race is weak. Compared with the human race's indulgence in pleasure, the living environment of our demons is doomed that everyone is born to be a soldier. Both men and women have to go through big and small battles to survive. Therefore, in the primitive demonic world, our demons can become the real rulers."

Ning Chen listens quietly, after a long time, smile slightly, way, "three Huang elder brother this come, don't know what matter?"


Xuanqing looked at the person in front of him and said, "Thirteen younger brother, the Ming people don't talk in secret. You should know that joining the royal family with uncle jiuhuangshu is the result that most of the royal families don't want to see. Thirteen younger brother's future in the royal family is doomed to be not peaceful. The elder brother can promise that he will try his best to make thirteen younger brother stand firm in the royal family He is the real prince of the demon family. "

"To be honest, I'm not interested in these power struggles."

Ning Chen looked at the tea floating on the cup in his hand and said, "third brother, the water of the demon royal family is too deep. I really don't want to set foot in it. This time I suffered for no reason, which has exhausted my body and mind. I really don't have the energy to intervene in the fight for imperial power. I can only say sorry to my brother."

Xuanqing smell speech, brow light frown, way, "Thirteen younger brother, this matter, the emperor elder brother know not much, if there is the emperor elder brother can do, the emperor younger brother all say no harm."

Ning Chen shakes his head and sighs, "it's all over. Third brother, the fight for power is not my strong point. Please don't embarrass my brother any more."

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