Xia Huang collapse, within two days, spread all over the world, so that all people are shocked speechless.

This time, Xia Huang is really dead.

Moreover, behind this amazing news, there is an equally terrible fact.

The emperor of Xia died in the assassination, and the assassin was the Western Palace of Xia, wanguifei.

Wan yunshang has been in the palace for nine years. Now he's just starting. It's really unexpected.

Few people know that lady Xigong in Daxia is the sentimental family, but those who know this will never say it.

Up to now, the war between the two dynasties has gone through too many twists and turns, ups and downs. Today, there are no emperors, which is ironic.

Xia Huang died, not to say who is most happy, but there will be happy people.

Xiaomingyue is one of them.

Ning Chen needs to heal his wounds, so he will stay in Prince Yanqin's house for a while. Naturally, Xiao Mingyue will stay with her. Although the little girl is a prisoner, a hostage, and a meat ticket in name, she is no different from her ancestors.

In and out of the housekeeper protection, safety don't worry, Ning Chen also don't limit her freedom, want how toss how toss.

Xia Huang died, Pei old eunuch hidden, this imperial city, temporarily no one will ask him and xiaomingyue trouble.

Nowadays, all people are concerned about which Prince can succeed to the throne, and the powerful officials in the central court are also standing in line quickly. I'm afraid they will be in trouble for a while, and who can manage them.

Chang sun may have a headache. She has to work hard on the affairs of Xia Huang and Li Chu, but he can't help them. He is also happy and free.

As for the identity of the Western Palace, he guessed some, but he could not be sure, but he could be sure that Wan yunshang must have something to do with the Royal Court of northern Mongolia.

A few months ago, when he received a letter of rebellion from the northern Marquis Wu, the Western Palace sent someone to chase him.

However, it's meaningless to entangle Wan yunshang's identity now. It's a fact that Xia Huang died. At this juncture, no one can admit it.

There are too many mysteries in history, and this one is not bad.

Prince Yan is seldom in the mansion these two days. It is estimated that he was pulled away by his eldest grandson. The eldest grandson's coolie is the best in the world. If he didn't really help him, I'm afraid he couldn't escape.

It can be said that the two days after Xia Huang's death are the most leisurely days after he came to the world. He doesn't have to work, fight or take care of his children.

"Villain, I'm back"

just at this moment, Xiao Mingyue runs back happily with a cloth hat, and the housekeeper behind her looks helpless, holding a lot of things in her arms.


Ning Chen is very happy. It's really refreshing to see other people's pain.

"Uncle Rong, I've worked hard for you"

although I was gloating in my heart, Ning Chen still showed a shy and grateful smile on his face.

"It's OK, you're good to heal." Uncle Rong laughs bitterly and says.

"Uncle Rong, what's going on outside? Is it still so chaotic?" Ning Chen asks curiously.

"Much better, the Marquis of Taiping and the Marquis of Xueyi come out to sit down with their injured bodies, which finally makes some people who are not at ease and self-discipline fear, and temporarily restrain their edge," Uncle Rong replied.

Ning Chen nodded his head clearly. In the summer, the deterrent power of marquis Wu is incomparable to other ministers. If two Marquis Wu are in charge at the same time, there will be no trouble in the imperial city.

Now the biggest problem is still the ownership of the throne, the summer can not be without a monarch for a long time, the decision of the eldest grandson and Sangong will be very important.

However, this decision is not so easy to make. Every prince has his supporting ministers, and even Sangong himself is not unified.

Taishigong is the teacher of the eldest prince, while jingwugong is the guide of the third prince. Xiyugong appreciates the tenth prince. He always comes back and says that the situation is a mess, which can't be sorted out for a while.

According to the truth, the eldest son is the eldest son. Although he is not the eldest son, he is also the son of the former imperial concubines. He was raised under the name of the eldest son and inherited the great rule. It's just that there are not many kings in the Xia Dynasty who really set up the eldest son.

In addition, the other two princes are also outstanding, and the support behind them can not be underestimated.

It has to be said that once the Xia emperor dies, Da Xia will be in chaos for a while. I don't know what unexpected actions the woman will have.

It's a terrible thing that women are too smart.

Ning Chen has a headache. He doesn't want to think about it any more. He's finally in a good mood. He's just about to grab xiaomingyue's snacks. A voice that he doesn't want to hear rings.

A little eunuch walked into the prince's mansion and read out the eldest son's will directly.

Ning Chen in the heart immediately eldest brother is not happy, as expected still didn't hide, however, more let him not happy is, he still dare not resist.

"Moon, do you want to go or not?" Ning Chen turns around and looks at the little girl who is holding a table of snacks and asks.

"Go" Mingyue left her snacks and replied."Let's go"

Ning Chen takes xiaomingyue by the hand, says goodbye to Uncle Rong, and then follows the eunuch to the palace.

The imperial palace is now heavily guarded. The imperial guards can be seen everywhere. Everyone has a slight murderous spirit. I think many people have been dealt with these days.

The eldest son is waiting for him in the Tianyu hall. Now he is not a eunuch, and the Weiyang palace must have been unable to enter. It's very troublesome to see the eldest son.

Daxia stipulates that the Hougong can't be in charge of politics. On weekdays, even the eldest sun can't summon his foreign ministers without permission. However, special treatment is given in special times. Now Daxia is in danger. If the eldest sun doesn't come out to help stabilize the situation, the imperial court is not sure what kind of chaos it will be.

In Tianyu hall, the eldest sun sat there quietly, and lime was not by his side. It seemed that he had something to leave.

Ning Chen leads the small bright moon to come, respectfully kneels down to salute, let the side of the small bright moon also Leng for a while.

Do bad people still salute? It's the first time she's met.

"OK, I haven't seen you obey the rules like this before," Chang Sun said irritably.

Ning Chen gets up, some uneasy in the heart, eldest son mood looks quite bad, he this time 80% want to top thunder.

"Our palace is very busy, so to make a long story short, we need you to talk about the military division of northern Mongolia. You have to weigh up the outcome of the discussion, and we don't want to talk about threats like raising your head to meet you. However, before our palace clears up the mess, we don't want to see the army of northern Mongolia under our nose"

there are no outsiders on the scene, and Chang sun's tone is very impolite, She didn't care what to do, and she didn't have so much energy to manage. These things in the palace were busy enough for her.

"Am I alone?" Rather Chen did not understand asked a sentence.

"What are you going to do? You want to die!" The eldest grandson was so angry that he wanted to kick people.

Ning Chen is scolded of neck a shrink, immediately and low head.

The eldest sun was upset and said, "the Marquis of blood will go with you. In addition, our palace will send you 5000 imperial guards to accompany you. In addition, there are 70000 soldiers in beichui city. No matter how much you toss about, you have to drag our palace to the summer to ease this tone"

Ning Chen nodded abruptly and did not dare to say any more nonsense.

"Go back and get ready today, and start early tomorrow. OK, you can go." with that, Chang sun waved and drove people out directly.

Smell speech, rather Chen two words don't say, finish a ceremony, turn round to quickly walk, one side small bright moon is also the eldest grandson's momentum shock of some hair, look silly.

After leaving Tianyu hall, they both took a breath.

"She is so fierce," xiaomingyue said with lingering fear.

"Get used to it," said Ning Chen in a cold sweat.

"Do you think sister Lingyue will withdraw?" Mingyue looks up and asks.

Ever since she saw so many dead soldiers in beizhangyuan, she felt more and more that fighting was wrong.

Ning Chen didn't answer directly, but asked, "if you are still in the imperial palace of northern Mongolia, you want fan Lingyue to withdraw, do you think she will withdraw?"

Mingyue thinks about it, and finally shakes her head dejectedly, "no"

although Lingyue's elder sister loves her very much, it is impossible to compromise on this matter.

She hasn't been in charge yet, and her power is still very limited. As long as Lingyue's elder sister insists on staying, she has no way.

"Is the moon like a bad queen?" Ning Chen doesn't want Xiao Mingyue's heart to be too heavy, joking.

"There's a little bit of it," Mingyue said quietly, holding out her little finger.

"Oh, progress" Ning Chen chuckled, and finally did not tell her a story in vain.

Is this education, starting with a baby?

Fanlingyue has grown bad, he has to quickly pour out a kind little flower.

One day passed quickly. On the second day, the army set out, and five thousand imperial guards marched northward.

The marquis in blood rode at the front of the procession, dressed in red war clothes. He was the most hardworking marquis in Daxia. He guarded the western territory for many years and fought against the whole Yongye cult.

The Marquis of blood clothing was defeated in the battle with Wu Jun and was seriously injured. However, there are several people who can survive in the hands of Wu Jun. the Marquis of blood clothing is just a half step congenital, but he can do things that even congenital can't do.

It's the first time for Ning Chen to meet with Marquis Xueyi. After meeting, he respectfully saluted a younger generation. This Marquis Wu, who is known as guarding the border of the great Xia Dynasty and sparing no effort to attack the stone with his eggs, is really respected.

Xueyi Hou was not good at talking, but nodded gently.

The mighty army is on its way day and night and seldom has a rest. Among the imperial guards, there are all strong men with a strong foundation in martial arts. This kind of strength is still acceptable.

It's just that it's hard for xiaomingyue.

The little girl couldn't bear the bumps on her horse.

Ning Chen looks at heartache, so he dismounts, carries xiaomingyue on his back and follows the army on foot.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of Xueyi Hou, but he didn't say anything.

Seven days later, the army, who worked day and night, finally arrived at beichui city.

On the other side, the camp in northern Mongolia has been stationed for half a month, and the troops are in order. It is possible to fight at any time.On that night, Ning Chen wrote a letter and sent it to BEIMENG camp thirty miles away.

The content is very simple, only 11 words: the moon in my hands, come out to talk about it.

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