Chang sun's reply arrived the next day. She asked Ning Chen to hold back fan Lingyue and the northern Mongolian army in any case. As for the southwest of Da Xia, she would ask the dean of the academy to do something, and he didn't have to worry about it.

After seeing the letter, Ning Chen put his heart down for a moment. The abbot of duer temple was held back by the dean. The situation in the southwest of Daxia should not get too bad in a short time.

Prince Yan's return to the palace is of great significance to the great Xia Dynasty, which is also the key for the eldest grandson to let the Dean go to the southwest frontier. The reason is very simple. The imperial city or the Academy must have an absolute strong man.

The situation in Southwest China no longer needs his attention, so he can concentrate on how to deal with the request of fanlingyue.

It is reasonable to say that there is a half step inborn strongman, the marquis in blood, and two leaders of the Jiupin forbidden army in the barracks. Meeting each other should be safe. However, he is still a little worried. The wisdom of listening to the moon is too terrible, and no matter how careful he is, he can't be too careful.

Fortunately, the young general on the other side must stay in Tianmen pass now, which makes fan Lingyue less helpful.

Last time, the emperor of Xia was buried with gunpowder under the magistrate to kill him. Unfortunately, the power of the things developed by tiangongfang was limited, so he escaped by chance.

However, this method should be good for dealing with fanlingyue.

If you can take this opportunity to kill this woman, it's the best result. Daxia will lose a terrible enemy from then on.

The northern Mongolian army without any moon is just like a tiger with teeth pulled out, threatening to reduce by 70%.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen writes down the medicine stone he needs and gives it to a general to buy it secretly in the city.

It's already night in the city, and the lights are bright. Although the northern Mongolian army is 30 miles away, the atmosphere in the city is a little tense, but the people always have to live, and everything is no big difference from usual.

As the moon rises and the night deepens, Ning Chen goes up to the city tower and looks at the northern Mongolian army opposite him, silent.

The soldiers on patrol in the past didn't dare to disturb Ning Chen when they saw him. This is the new magistrate of the imperial court, the ruthless man who dares to rob the emperor of northern Mongolia. It is said that the protagonist of this negotiation is not the bloody Marquis of marquis Wu, but the magistrate in front of him.

After waiting for a while, Ning Chen takes out the broken bow and aims at the far-off North Mongolia tent. The silver arrow gathers. In a flash, a strong sense of oppression swings away.

He knew that this arrow could not kill fanlingyue. However, fanlingyue was in poor health. If she could get hurt, she would have less life left.

He said that he would try his best to stop her. Between him and fanlingyue, there was no mean thing. As long as he could get rid of each other, no one would hesitate for a moment.

The silver arrow is more and more bright, and the pressure on the tower is also more and more heavy. Just at the moment of the arrow, a man slowly comes to the distance.

Ning Chen looks a cold, without hesitation to change the direction of the arrow, an arrow to come.

In this world, if there are people he must kill, the person in front of him is one of them.

BEIMENG, Siming sword!

Silver Arrow across the void, bringing out a bright tail, the twinkling arrow light, full of killing intention, let the surrounding space twist up.

Four Ming sword steps did not stop, in the hands of the bloody sword appeared, a sword waved, shock scattered this deadly arrow.

In the competition of speed, the sword is fast, the arrow is faster, an arrow dissipates, and an arrow light comes face to face.

In the other hand of Siming sword, the golden sword appears and blocks the arrow light again.

Ning Chen never thought that these two arrows could hurt Siming sword, so he shot the third arrow.

The arrow is like a shooting star. When it passes the most beautiful moment, the eyebrow of Siming sword is slightly wrinkled, and the foot retreats to avoid the edge.

Who knows, after the third arrow, the fourth arrow and the fifth arrow have arrived at the same time, and the three arrows are linked together to form the most terrible line, tearing the void all over the body in an instant.

The Blood Sword and the gold sword block the first two arrows, but they don't have time to block the last one. The next moment, the Qi around Siming sword bursts out, fighting against the strong fifth arrow.


there is no doubt that Haoran's true Qi concussion is half step inborn level. The arrow light is blocked, deviates from the direction, and strokes the shoulder of the former.

Blood spilled out, dyed red clothes, four Ming sword brow once again a wrinkle, in the heart kill meaning more victory.

This son grew up too fast. He was weak and vulnerable when he met him last time, but he can hurt him when we meet today.

On the city wall, Ning Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the man became stronger. Unfortunately, he can only shoot five arrows now.

The distance of a thousand Zhang is nothing for a half day's congenital. Four Ming swords stomp at their feet, fly up, and the blood moon soars in the air.

At this time, a bloody figure passed by, and Qingtian punched, and roared to the bloody moon.

The blood clothes are dazzling, and hunting in the wind is the blood clothes Marquis of the summer.

In the double strong meeting, the first apprentice of the northern Mongolian national master was against the Xueyi Marquis of the upper summer. Between them, the fierce aftershocks continued to rage, and the soldiers on the earthquake tower continued to retrogress.

Ning Chen looks at two people's fight, is about to hand, suddenly the body a meal, the facial expression drastic change.

"Lord of blood, please come here"In a critical situation, Ning chenlai didn't want to talk about it much. His figure flashed and he quickly plundered toward the Lord's mansion.

The Marquis of blood clothes didn't answer. Although he could suppress the four Ming swords, he could not escape for a while.

Ning Chen goes faster and faster. When he arrives at the Lord's mansion, he rushes to the residence of him and xiaomingyue without stopping.

Now he and the marquis in blood have entered the main city, surrounded by the Imperial Army, but he still felt something wrong.

Push open the door, see xiaomingyue is still sleeping in bed, there is no accident, Ning Chen heart suddenly relaxed breath, fortunately, he thought more.

However, at this time, a sword light came silently, without any sign or mercy.

The sudden crisis, Ning Chen only had time to see the shadow reflected by the moonlight, subconsciously leaning over the body, but see the sword into the shoulder, through the body.


a sword passes through the body and brings out a large amount of blood. Ning Chen staggers and grabs the sword edge with his left hand. At the same time, he resists the sharp pain and turns around forcibly, looks back and prints it on the assassin's heart.


the figure in black came up and stopped the palm in front of his heart.

"The waves of the world flow eastward"

close to each other, ningchen is full of energy, and the blue light gathers around the body, adding another three points of power to the palm.

The strong palm force is unstoppable. The figure in black abandons the sword decisively and withdraws three Zhang. He avoids this strong move and does not want to fight.

Ning Chen steps out of the room, his left hand shakes, his sword flies out and falls to the ground. He waves his hand and closes the door. He immediately turns around and looks at the assassin in front of him. His face is cold and he says: "who Lingyue sent you?"

"Did she tell you that if you save Mingyue and leave immediately, you're really stupid"

in the end, Ning Chen's face flashed a sneer. Anyone as smart as Lingyue knows which is more important, and he won't choose to kill him at this time. I have to say that the person in front of him is really a fool.

"What the sword city wants to do, it can't tolerate other people's instructions." the figure in black pulls out another sword from behind and says in a cold voice.

"Oh? Are you a disciple of sword City, second or third? " Ning Chen is a little surprised. No wonder he dares to disobey the order of listening to the moon. It turns out that he is not from northern Mongolia.

"Sword three, sword flowing shadow!" Black figure tone with a trace of arrogance, the road.


before the words are heard, Ning Chen's figure has disappeared from where he was. The ink sword flies out, holds it in his hand, and stabs at the person in front of him.


when the two swords touch each other, the sword Qi is scattered everywhere, and the stone slabs around them are torn by the scattered sword Qi, and pieces of them break apart.

Even though sword Liuying's cultivation is higher, Ning Chen is better than others.

Jian Liuying was surprised. He didn't expect that the only eight grade boy had such strength.

Such a foundation is rare in the world.

Ning Chen is not in the mood to care what he thinks. The sword moves and moves. Suddenly, the waves sweep across the sky.

"One imperial shock wave splits thousands of Li"

a startling move is incomparable. Jianliuying also uses the strongest move, and wanqianqingguang turns into a majestic sword flow, which makes the sky surge.

The earth is like a disaster. It constantly shakes and collapses. Even the houses are shaking.

The successive movements attracted the attention of the two leaders of the imperial guards in the mansion, and they came quickly.

Sword flow shadow see, heart a sink, foot a stamp, immediately into a streamer to leave.

Two forbidden Army leaders want to chase, but they are stopped by Ning Chen.

"Don't chase him. You're not his opponent. Be careful in the future. Don't let today's situation happen again"

with that, Ning Chen drew back his sword and immediately turned to walk towards the room.

The two leaders of the imperial army were ordered to withdraw from the courtyard and return to their posts.

Inside the room, Xiao Mingyue is awake. Just now, the fight outside is shaking. It's strange that she doesn't wake up.

Ning Chen is a little afraid. Fortunately, Xiao Mingyue hasn't lost her, otherwise things will be big.

"Are you hurt?" Mingyue looks at the blood on the former's left shoulder, and her little face flashes with a quick color.

"It's all right, it's a routine" Ning Chen came forward, rubbed the little girl's hair, softly comforted.

He is telling the truth, since he came to this world, the most is injured, and he himself has countless injuries.

There are too many people who want to kill him, and they are all powerful people in the world, so it's inevitable to get hurt.

Four Ming Jian and Jian Liuying rush back to the North Mongolian camp together. Fan Lingyue is waiting in front of the tent. When he sees that only two of them are back, he looks cold immediately.

"I need an explanation," said fan Lingyue.

A half step inborn, a nine grade Jue Dian, even how to do, she has explained, even will fail!

"Hum!" Jian Liuying doesn't want to say more. She is about to go back to have a rest, but she sees a slender hand coming and chasing her soul.The sword flows a shadow to startle, the hand move, hastily block move.

"Bang" delicate hand, but fierce unstoppable, a bang, a palm shock back the former.

"Did I tell you to go?" All listen to the cold voice of the moon.

Jian Liuying's body was in a flash, and he vomited out a mouthful of blood. There was a thick shock in his eyes. The military division of northern Mongolia was actually a strong man at the top of nine grades.

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